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Im a Cowboy Babay/Darkwing Duck cant handle me

Started by Joe Daddy, September 29, 2023, 10:15:37 AM

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Joe Daddy

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Date Posted:08/06/2010 4:03 AMCopy HTML
Hatred dwells within ones self
We reach a boiling point in our life
A rough patch emerges and we wonder where to go
We hide in an effort to protect ourselves
From whom or what are we hiding
What eats us alive day in and out
What thrives on our very being
It will slowly tear you apart
It will find you and eat you alive
It will own you
Cause FEAR conquors all

 P R O L O G U E
The other night Joe Daddy layed it all on the line for Knighthawke. He left nothing unsaid. No rocks unturned. We have yet to hear from Knighthawke about what had been said but we can imagine he will speak his mind about what was said when he arrives later today.What will he have instore for Joe Daddy? The day is young and we await the start of the show.
R O L E P L A Y - B E L O W

 A black jaguar pulls up slowly with the license plate Joe Daddy. Joe gets out slowly and throws the keys at the security guard who catches on instinct.

Joe Daddy:  I knew guards are good for more than just standing around looking stupid.

An annoyed look is placed upon the guards face.

Joe Daddy:  Aw, I must have made you upset. Don't worry. After you park my car bitch you can park your ass ontop of Daddies lap. Ill be in my locker room.

Joe winks at the guard who doesnt look interested at all and drops the keys on the ground when Joe Daddy walks off.

Joe Daddy:  Ah, it feels good to be here today. I just have so much to do. I need to lift some weights , have some sex, and do an interview in the process. Such a busy schedule.

Joe agrubs his hand across his face as if worried a bit about the long day ahead.

Mary Jane: Hey, heard your new around here.

Joe turns around noticing Mary Jane.

Joe Daddy:  Sort of, been around for a bit now. I don't know you.

 Mary Jane: 
That's okay, my names Mary Jane by the way.

Joe Daddy:  That's an interesting name.

Mary Jane: 
Anyways, I thought you had the day off and worked at night?

Joe Daddy: Well you thought wrong. I work when I want. I'm here to adress some issues later on, and to hang with a friend maybe you know him.

Mary Jane: Who?

Joe hesitantly answers.

Joe Daddy: Bobby James. I have places to go and woman to do but nice meeting you Mary.

Joe walks off and the camera finds itself in the crowd looking around at the fans in attendance. A few seconds later we find ourselves  face to face with Bobby James seated on a couch. The door of the locker room opens and in walks Joe Daddy.

Joe Daddy: Hey bro, I know I called you hear on short notice but some things we needed to talk about for our matches and also I got us both dates lined up a bit later.

Bostons Best smiles.

Joe Daddy: Glad to see your enthuised like myself.

Both men smile a knock placed upon the door disturbs both men.

Greg Boone:  I just heard that Steve Weigel is here you told me you wanted to know if he showed up.

Joe hands Greg some money and sends him on his way.

Joe Daddy: I'll be back in a few bro, need to get dressed for a promo.

Joe heads into the bathroom and the camera wanders off  for a few minutes to the outside of the arena. Finally it comes back inside spotting Joe Daddy. Joe Daddy seats himself on a steel chair that is positioned backwards. He also has a laso in his right hand and sporting a brownish cowboy hat. He has a short blue t-shirt that says sef "We are Extreeme". A pair of blue jeans that look tight on him and some leather boots oh and lets not forget a belt with a bull emblem on it. Bobby James is pictured now looking at JoeDaddy strangely not sure whats going on. JoeDaddy out of nowhere begins singing. "Lifes not fair, but I don't care, and I've been through shit but im well aware, that times are rough and the economy sucks. I lost my house and dog and truck. Life keeps changing things every day and people just all want to say ... Bobby James interupts Joe Daddy.
Bobby James - - - " I have an idea lets play that backwards and get that shit back than maybe we can playback Steve's career as well and find out what made him go gay. I mean seriouslly the vampire thing suckin on the neck?" 
Joe smirks and begins to laugh.
Bobby James - - - "Whats so funny?"
Joe Daddy: It's just I've heard thats not the only thing he sucked if you know what I mean. 
Bobby James does the sucking motion towards his mouth laughing himself as well now.

Joe Daddy: All of this set aside lets get serious. You just know anyways he will deny it like a pansy so no need to remind him of the past. He will try and blame it on one of his alter ego's but we know the truth. For a second though I need to adress a small problem and by small well any woman will tell you around here that that Darkwing duck wanna be and his butt buddy Vlad or whatever the hell their names are are itsy bitsy but its not about the size even though woman tell me you are really small. It's about how you use it as well, and those same ladies said you are awful in bed. You called Trisha Mathers Vlad? what the fuck man? Is he the only person on your mind? Just so you know dude when your having sex you shouldnt be thinking of other men. This isnt about your lack of man hood ... well it is exactly about that because you lack the fortitude to even stand toe to toe with me in the ring. See you can try and say what you want but face the facts jack and those facts are that I  am simply better than you. I'm better looking, better in bed definately, and "I'm Better By Design". Get that through your hollow head. When you come up with something smart to say whatever the fuck your name is than say it. Don't waste my time with bullshit though because when you do I'll just be one step closer to the Daddy slam, one step closer to being victorius in that ring, and one step closer to my goal of someday holding championship gold.

Joe smiles into the camera as the scene fades off into a SEF logo and eventually into a blak screen

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