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Divas respond

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:20:07 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:08/06/2010 2:38 PMCopy HTML

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__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{We open on a huge exclusive gym.  This time Hayden and Jade are alone.  They are wearing matching black and pink bicycle shorts and their tops are black with the Hart family logo with 'Dynasty Divas' across the top.  They've been working out all day instead of doing the relax before getting down to business.  Instead of a lunch break with cocktails they grabbed smoothies with extra energy bursts and have been on the machines, lifting weights, and in the ring.  They've not even taken a break to watch tape to study any matches, not that there is match for Amy Summers.  They have a lot of old tape on Jayden Hartley plus they are watching Hart N' Soul as well as the Bret Hart Collection.  The crew comes through and they are nudged by someone.  They turn and see Lucas working out and Riot is standing there with a frown}}

Riot:"I wouldn't bother them now.  They have been at it ever since Amy Summers promo went viral on You Tube, especially Hayden.  She's beyond furious about the thing about her dad.  As for Jade, she's dealt with things being hurled at her dad from the man who screwed him in the..."

{Jade looks up and sees them in the mirror.  She nudges Hayden's arm.  They drop the weights from where they were doing butterfly curls.  Jade interupts him}

Jade:"Summers, you think you bother me by all the crap you've hurled at my dad?  {she gives the camera a sour smile}  "Puh-lease!  Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, our cousin Roddy Piper, Sting, all of these legends in wrestling have hurled worse.  You are nothing.  You aren't even a liver spot on McMahon's wrinkled old ass when it comes to things that could be said to the Hart Family.  My dad is in the Hall of Fame, my grandfather is in the Hall of Fame.....My Grandfather was given the highest order that Canada can bestow, The Order of Canada.  It might as well be a knighthood.  What has your family done?"

Hayden:"Who gives a damn what her loser father and crackhead mother have done?  She hasn't done shit either but piss off two entire nations!  Canada and England want your blood!  I want your blood!  I will tear you apart with my bare hands.  Jade can handle the whore wannabe freak shacked up with Steve Weiner!!  How dare you get anywhere near my father!  You're not even worthy to mention his name, you bloody slag!  You're dead Summers, I swear it!  Your career is over.  Your life is over.  I'm begining to wonder if you're not shacked up with Knighthawk!  LUCAS!"

{Lucas gets up and follows her so he can hold the heavy bag.  She begins wailing away on it, hard.}

Jade:"Summers, I hope you have health insurance.  {smirks} Come to think of it, if you don't then you're screwed.  See I earned my degree in America so I had to take a Poli Sci class or two.  I know that Obama's health care plan is flawed.  If you don't have health insurance then when your taxes come in then the government will take your refund or you owe them money.  Seems to me it would be cheaper to buy a funeral plot or make arraignments for a creamtorium.  That why who ever pretends to care for you at this time, can throw your urn in the city dump or on one of the garbage barges that float down the Hudson.  {she brushes back a stray lock of hair} "Now Jayden you need to take a break from whoring yourself out to Weigel and get some ring time in.  I've beaten you once already and this week will be no different.  While Hayden is outside the ring beating Summers to death with objects around ringside then I'll be locking the sharpshooter on your skanky ass."

{Riot shoves the camera away}

Riot:"Be back in an hour.  Loki and I have something to say to Mack and his new boyfriend."
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