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A ghost walks

Started by Strife, September 29, 2023, 10:36:15 AM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:11
  • Posts:9
  • From:USA 
  • Register:06-10-2010 12:20 PM
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Date Posted:06-14-2010 1:22 AMCopy HTML

Outside Nassau Coliseum.  The weather is semi rainy, the clouds haven't left the sky just yet.  Its just a short while until Extreme kicks off inside.  The fans can be heard getting anxious from the outdoors.  People still make their ways in doors to clammer for their seats.  One man however, waits.  Not for a seat, no hesitation for buying a ticket, not even to watch the show.  He waits for his moment.  He stands, back towards the camera, his hoody bustling in the slight breeze along with his black gym shorts.  His hands clenched into fists, and his black curly hair gently sways with the air.  He cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders back.  He suddenly begins to pace around the parking lot in which he stands, back and forth, back and forth.  His walk is that of a man with a purpose.  His reasons, are his own.  His mood is evident, like an animal in a cage thats been starved for too long, and poked with sticks for hours by a rude keeper.  He is here to cause problems for those in his way.  He finally turns and acknowledges the presence of the camera.

"Years.  It's been years since I have stepped foot inside a major US arena.  Some of you here couldn't possibley fathom what that means.  Hell some of you have probably never left the cozy comfort of the North American Pro circuit.  Having walked the darkest corners of Japan, and the sandy roads of Mexico, two places where wrestling has so much more meaning, coming back here to take everything I have learned and gained, it feels right."

Strife cracks his knuckles, and walks over to a street light that illuminates his surrounding area.  He leans his elbow against it and looks towards the arena.  He places on hand on his hip. 

"See, Im here tonight..........well just coming out and saying it would be no fun for me.  See tonight every SEF star is sitting in that arena, going about their business, waiting for the show to start, and they will resume their mundane routines of walking down the ramp and doing what they call their best.  Ha.  Well what they call their best I call my morning rituals.  Honestly I am abhored by the sheer amount of ameturism I will witness when I finally, officially become a part of that locker room.  See I'm no fool, I have done my homework, Ive watched you all say your peices, and listened to your words and watched your matches, Im a purist, I wouldnt miss a chance to study a potential opponent.  I'm a warrior after all.  And I've seen men in smaller venues who make far less money and haven't seen an ounce of TV time, and they have more honor, respect and spirit than half of these jackasses.  And without spoiling my plan for the evening..One of my main goals in my return to SEF..is to take the values I have learned and developed in my travels...and give the SEF a taste of the underside of wrestling, the road less traveled.  The hard path." 

Strife stands off the street light turns towards the camera and crosses his arms.

"See tonight, I will walk into that arena, and Im gonna make a statement.  I'm gonna leave my mark in this company for years to come, hell maybe forever if I can help it.  But after tonight, everyone in this company, EVERYONE, will fear the dead.  Everyone will have something to dread."

Strife turns his head and looks towards the arena once more.

"The Warrior will walk amongst you....Get...Ready."

Strife finally makes an about face towards Nassau Coliseum, and makes his way towards the building. 

God have mercy on who ever crosses his path. 

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