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Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 10:37:27 AM

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Date Posted:06-20-2010 6:22 PMCopy HTML

He did what he said, what he set out do, Mack made one of his opponents on Extreme tap out and now we got one more week to go before pay per view time, before Glory and Gold where Mack defends his World Title against Bobby James and Steve Weigel in a three way dance, two falls to a finish, basically a fucking triple threat done elimination style. That is the pay per view though, this Sunday Mack has another three way dance to look forward to, to get ready for the week after, but his title is on the line as well, so maybe just maybe he won't be World Champ going into the pay per view?!
Mack just smirks as he sits back in his hotel room at a small table against the wall, a window behind him open to let in a breeze and the room just basic. Mack is shirtless, sports his usual bandana and blue jeans, eyes glazed over and a haze in the room and he picks up a bottle of Becks taking a drink, then sets it down and says.
So lets get this straight here, the big, bad bitch Axel wants my help, he wants me to train him, but then decides to jump me after our match?
Mack scratches his head and laughs.
I guess the guy really had no desire to be helped, but he came to me, so all his choices. He ever wants to step in the ring against me and I'll show him why I am quite simply what I say I am, why every single person in attendance and in the locker room respects me above all and that's a shoot!
He just shrugs his shoulders and nods that it is indeed a shoot, then says.
I must thank Strife for lend a hand otherwise I may have gotten a bit of a beat down from Axel's deceiving ass, so brother, thanks for having my back, again, and like always I'll return the favor cause its what brothers do, but I'm looking more forward to the day that we finally step across from each other and give everyone what they want...Mack versus Strife!
Mack smirks now and reaches over to the bed pulling his World Title into view on his lap and points to it, then says.
That's what its all about and this Sunday I got Lucas Rodgers yet again and this time he gets a crack at the belt itself, not just me, but also there is Lacey Daniels to contend with. A three way dance like I'll be having the week after, if I can keep this title out of Lucas and Lacey's possession. Lucas has been gunning for me hardcore since coming in here, he is trying to make a name the right way, at my expense, but he's learning it ain't easy, then again, if it were easy, it wouldn't be SEF and that's a shoot! We breed competition like most of these washed up, never was companies on the circuit have never seen. Lucas is trying and ya never truly know, so maybe its time for Mack to get beat, maybe Lucas is the one...
He laughs a little and says.
But then again it ain't time up for D-Mack cause I got all the fucking time in the world to stay on top, I am in prime, peak condition, mentally as well as physically, I know what's up and its me. Now then, maybe Lucas ain't the one, though maybe Lacey is. Now she has really worked her way up in SEF lately, been a good TV Champ, defended the title well and does try to dominate, but her ego is bigger than what really is for the dominant female is something she has a long ways to reach, a long ways. She could be one of the women mentioned as greatness here in SEF in time, she gets it and wants it, so maybe this Sunday is it for her!?
Mack just shrugs and smirks, then takes a drink of Becks, sets the bottle down and says.
Then again, as I said, my time is far from up, this title...
Mack taps his fingers on the title and smirks saying.
This is mine, this is what I live for, I make this title the top title to hold like it should be. I force people to step up and push hard to win it. You get what you give and that is why I am where I am because no one gives half of what I do, no one steals the show from D-Mack and that's just another shoot, so deal with it or else you can...KISS THIS!
Mack does a crotch chop and laughs, then lays his title on the table and takes a drink of beer. He pulls a tray with some weed and papers on it into view and turns looking at the camera saying.
Lacey and Lucas, plain and simple, I'm ready, but then again, that is why it is a shoot that it is good to be SUPER Shane Mack, so if your not ready you better get ready or not even show up or I'll own ya worse than Bobby James owns his dog every night! Remember boys and girls, just like ya saw on Extreme last Sunday I will make you tap or pass out, but no more pinfalls for me, so maybe just maybe this could be an advantage for you, but really, is it?
Mack smirks and nods the camera off, then starts breaking up some weed as the view soon fades to black.

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