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Step Up or Shut Up - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 10:54:53 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:03-02-2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:06-22-2010 3:51 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Step Up or Shut Up!vs Lucas Rogers & Shane MackChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championshooting from the hip lol


The scene opens with Lacey sitting on the edge of her bed in a hotel room with her head tipped upside down as she blow drys her hair. She's only dressed in her bra and panties. Her cell starts to ring as she turns off the hair dryer and flips her head back up and reaches out for the phone lying on the bed. She checks the callers id and smiles before she answers.

LD: Hey hey girl .. how you doing?

Lacey pauses as an slightly angry woman's voice can be heard coming down the line at Lacey, it soon becomes recognisable as Jade Hart. Lacey has a frown on her face as she listens. 

LD: Look babe sometimes shit happens you know?! .. Don't get bent out of shape about it .. Amy Summers will get hers and sooner than she expects so don't worry about it. She's pissed off the wrong people .. hell even Stevie Weiner is out to get her now ...

Lacey laughs.

LD: Yeah she should have known better than to stick her nose in my match too and now I'll bet she's gonna brag thinking that she did me a favor ... as if! Thank god for this triple threat match so I can prove once and for all that I am more than capable of hanging with the men. I can't wait to get in there and really show what I got. Shane Mack might not think that I'm the dominant diva here in SEF but right now there's no other woman who can touch me ... no offense honey ...

Lacey nods her head as she agrees with whatever it is that Jade has said.

LD: Yeah I was way pleased with Dusty's match ... she's really coming along nicely. Sorry I haven't been able to help with her training as much as I want to but you know me ... always striving for the higher gold!

Lacey laughs again before getting a serious look on her face.

LD: Listen Jade there are a few things I need for you to do for me before we hook up later ... lay the groundwork so to speak

Lacey nods her head as Jade replies.

LD: Yeah I definitely need to meet up with Hayden and Lucas when I get to Philly ... me and Lucas need to be on the same page if one of us is going to take Mack's gold cos if we're at odds then it's gonna just make it all that much harder. Mack ain't no Weigel you know what I mean? Much as I hate to say it this dude has his shit together ... you don't get to stay top dog in a fed like SEF without being able to walk the walk that's for damn sure!

Lacey nods again.

LD: Yep definitely gotta work something out but I don't want Hayden to bullshit Lucas about his chances of getting me to back down here ... I have points to prove myself. I'm a fighting champion and I'm damn proud of what I've achieved here but really I've only scratched the surface of what I want to do. I wanna be the World Champ no question about it and cement my name as part of SEF history. In years to come I want new divas to come here and say I wanna be like Lacey Daniels you know  ... mmmmhmmm ... yeah I wanna be the bitch they all wanna be!

Lacey laughs as you can hear Jade chuckling as well.

LD: Yeah ... listen before you go ... your man got a match with Strife this week right? ... Let him know I would consider it a personal favor if he ripped the shit outta that guy alright? ...

Lacey gets a grim look on her face.

LD: I don't take kindly to anyone taking liberties with me after a match and I sure as shit don't see anything impressive about a jacked-up wannabe jumping me after my match ... all that proves is he's too chicken-shit to even take on a woman face to face! ... Asshole .. tell Riot to give that snide little fucker some pain from me, kay?

Lacey smiles tightly as she listens to Jade and then she looks down. 

LD: Nope, not a dickie bird. I've left a message but so far zip ... who the hell knows what's going on with him?

Lacey listens again as Jade speaks and she shrugs her shoulders even though no-one can see it.

LD: You know me sweetie I don't jump ship at the first sign of pirates but hell I don't know but I should think about cutting my losses ... who knows?

Lacey looks down at her watch and sighs deeply.

LD: Aw shithouse! I gotta run Jadie ... I gotta check out in like 30 minutes and my hair's wet and I'm not even dressed ... listen I'll buzz you when I'm close to Philly okay?

Lacey smiles and nods her head. 

LD: Yeah you got yourself a deal .. I'm definitely up for some of that!

They both laugh as Lacey ends the call and tosses her cell back onto the bed behind her as she tips her head upside down and starts to dry her hair again. 

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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