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Tarnished Legacy Extreme 175 promo 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:56:10 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06-22-2010 8:00 PMCopy HTML



The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97" src="http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee61/kristinbenoit97/SEF%20pix/Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg?t=1277252955" GALLERYIMG="no">
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~ To Kill A Stranger by Fozzy|| MComments ~ Neck hurts...oh and lol i did put fozzy ;-) ||
{Justin and his friends pause to watch the end of Monday Night Raw from Bridgeport, CT.  Despite the fact that they hate the self-rightous bastards who are the NXT 7, they all enjoy a chuckle at Vince McMahon's expense for thinking he controls the world.  Katana comes into view to turn the flat screen off and to return the sound system to playing, although at a lower volume. Ash groans as he realizes what the song is}

Justin:"No, it makes sense."
{Justin starts to sing.  He is MUCH better than Chris Jericho}

I'm drowning in the shadows, that creep in my mind
And it's hard to escape, when there's no place left for me to hide
And I keep on running from the blood on my hands
The battle is won but will it ever end
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Who am I to kill a stranger
After all that we've been through
Darkness has engulfed all the light in my life
And my thirst to kill has grown stronger over time

{Ash just shakes his head.  Drew gets up and starts pushing buttons on the remote}

Drew:"Make your point without this bastard's bloody caterwauling."

{Justin smirks}

Justin:"My point is that I have to wrestle Bobby James yet again and not just him but he will be somewhat of a distraction since my primary focus has become destroying Knight Hawk.  {He rubs his neck and pops his muscles} "Had your contracts come through in time, I wouldn't have got the shit kicked out of me after my match.  I will have blood on my hands when I face Knighthawk this week.  A little preview if you will of the damage that will be inflicted upon him when we face each other at Glory and Gold for the International Title.  He thinks the mind fuck he's doing is going to keep me from getting the title? No way you arrogant bastard!  I'm going to enjoy putting a hurting on you and the chance to soften you up on extreme?"

Drew:"Bugger me, you're not going to quote that bloody commercial are you?  It's codswallop!"

{Taryn and Katana laugh}

Justin:"Aw yes, yes I am.  Softening up Knight Hawk before the ppv is going to be freakin' priceless!  Now, as for this hardcore title tournament?  I don't have time for it.  As for the house show tonight?  I have plans for tonight.  However, tomorrow will be fun.  It'll give you a chance, Taryn to get your feet wet.  Show everyone what you can do.  I'm sure Hayden is chomping at the bit to get a piece of you after the history you two have."

Taryn:"I'm not booked for Extreme but I plan on making my presence known before the ppv.  I have a history with a lot of people but considering half of them are finally then yes of course I have history with them, Justin."

{Ash is brooding in the corner over his droid phone.  He places it down gently and walks over to where everyone else is.  His body is relaxed but when he looks up, his eyes show his fierce annoyance}

Ash:"Sometimes I hate my name.  So yeah, Mr. Sterling, my name is Ashley, but you're the one who's going to be the bitch when I get done with you.  Since you are so interested in my name though, my mother, God rest her soul, loved soap operas.  It's why I'm Ashley and my brother's name is Jagger Thorne."

Justin and Drew:"Jager Bomb."

{Ash snickers with them}

Ash:"It's true, he'll hit you like a person who's never had a jagerbomb before.  Now see, Mr. Sterling you and this Knighthawk guy seem a lot a like.  Seems like a lot of people want to throw their money around.  I didn't have a lot of money growing up.  Hell, I was a military brat and I loved every minute of it.  I got to travel all over the world experiencing culture from a variety of different places, all on the tax payers expense.  These assholes like to call me Reality Ash because of how many television shows my life resembles.  Hell, the tween scene around here even told me that I remind them of some show on the Cartoon network where this kid traveled and studied martial arts all over the world, only to get in trouble and end up back state side.  {He grins} I didn't start being trouble until I returned stateside!  Then I was a hell raiser!"

Drew:"You're a cartoon alright, bloke."

Ash:"Fuck you, Drew."

Drew:"Hell no, I don't swing that way, mate.  Besides my niece would be sorely dissapointed to learn that you be playing for the opposing team."

{Justin gets in between the two, as if they weren't joking around}

Justin:"Save the phony hostility for when there are matches to throw real hostility at."

{Drew smirks and Ash crosses his arms with the Fockers' I'm watching you glare.  Ash turns back}

Ash:"Anyway, Mr. Sterling, this week, I hope you put your money where your mouth is, why?  I love to make people tap out.  It may be an oxymoron because my favorite expression is, 'Jesus didn't tap out,' but no one walking the earth today is.  So get ready for the biggest fight of your life." 

quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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