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Shattered Reality Extreme 175

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 11:00:27 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:05-06-2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:06-24-2010 12:32 PMCopy HTML

LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{Lucas sits backstage after being forced from ringside.  He's annoyed by the losses.  He then gets up and grabs a camera crew.  He stands in front of a sign promoting Extreme}

Lucas:"You know Mack, I am trying to make a name for myself.  I am gunning for your hardcore.  You are, as you like to say just speaking the truth, but here is more truth for you.  This is a triple threat match and even though my wife would rather I see her friend as a challenge, I see her as the weak link in the match.  Mack, you do not have to be pinned to lose the title.  Lacey maybe the television champion and an amazing wrestler but she is still just a girl.  Some girls are great but Lacey hasn't made it to greatness yet.  You are my ticket to the world title, honey.  {he smirks}  At least I know that if I make you a target you aren't going to cave and become a cry baby like Katana did."

{His expression changes as the rest of Shattered Reality comes into view.  Knox is beyond pissed.}

Knox:"You guys need to step up her training.  If Lacey doesn't have time to work with her then, damnit its time that I do!"  {he paces back and forth furious} "Now Vlad, I don't know where your goth ass is hiding but don't think I've forgot about you.  Don't think that just because I lost in a mixed tag match to my brother-in-law that I'm not going to bring my A-game againist you.  I just had put so much focus on training to beat you that I looked past Justin.  FUCK!  I know better than that!  I fucking grew up with Justin!  I knew he could pull shit out at the drop of a hat!"

{Riot holds his hand up}

Riot:"Stop stressing!  It's Justin and he's Lucas' problem.  It's not like you lost to Ash!  Ash is a green dick that got....well got as lucky as I did and got a chick out of his league!  He's not a wrestler! He's a MMA bitch who can't concentrate on one sport long enough he has to be able too..."

Knox:"Can't focus?  Did you miss the thirty years he spent training in the Martial Arts?  You're problem is that he got pissed off because for some reason these two chicks decided to play one of Maegan's concerts!  This whole thing with messing with pregnant chicks and new mothers is disgusting.  It's a disgrace.....It's honestly beneath us and its a cheap tatic to play on their fears of SOS going after them!"

{Lucas shakes his head}

Lucas:"Yeah, I guess you're right.  I wouldn't want anyone finding out where Jagger lives and messing with Payton or finding Gabby is in Japan....{he scratches his goatee} Knox, once you get rid of Vlad, then we can work on destroying Knighthawk.  Then I can go back to tormenting Justin with out Katana is so easy to find if you know where to look."

{Knox rolls his eyes}

Knox:"I am going to take Vlad out.  As for Knighthawk, if he survives all of these matches he's having with Justin...I mean its his family he's messing with....and {he looks at Lucas} you know how he is when it comes to HIS family.  {Lucas looks away} "Don't worry about this Vlad.  I got his number."

Riot:"Strife....I don't know that much about him.  I know that he's big buddies with Mack.  He's probably the only one Mack can trust besides his old lady.  {he looks at the camera} "I'm studying you Strife.  I just don't have much to say about you right now, except we seem to have similar styles.  As for being a Warrior? I'm surprised Justin hasn't jumped on that and called you a rip off!  His dad was The Modern Day Warrior because that is what Kerry Von Erich passed down to him before the junkie offed himself after taking the Texas Tornado name.  {He smirks} Yeah, I said it.  He couldn't handle the pressure of his life and took the coward's way out.  You think I care about your whole traditional with a twist mentality, Justin?  I could give a shit.  You are just a victim that will have to wait for another day...."

{Lucas got in his face}

Lucas:"MY VICTIM! You fled to New Orleans and had more than your fair share of Blood lust matches with him.  It's my turn to make him bleed.  I am going to beat him to a bloody pulp so that the sluts that came to the arena who think he's the appetizer for Shane Mack won't think he's so great anymore."

Riot:"Did you ever think that if you can't beat Justin then you have a snowball's chance in hell of beating Mack?"

Lucas:"Maybe on the next house show I should wrestle you and show you just how in the hell I plan on beating both of them."

{Riot starts laughing}

Riot:"You may despise the Fox family but you are a lot like them.  If you get angry then you get hyped up.  You are more focused and can beat your opponent more quickly."
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison

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