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Setting The Strategy [Extreme 175]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 29, 2023, 11:07:28 AM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:06-25-2010 3:05 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
After the weapons training of the night time, I'm feeling pretty good again. A short ride of wailing music and letting my hair blow in the wind later and I'm standing in the parking lot of the hotel room. I go into the room for some much needed rest. It's been a long day.
The following morning, I'm awakened to the sounds of SEF's house show replaying on the monitor that Geek Boy has set up. He has set it past all of the pre-show hoopla, and has it set up to watch Ash Silva's match at the house show. Of course, it's on pause, until I can get awake enough to get into study mode. First things first, I reach over and place my hand on the side of the bed as I push myself up to a sitting position.
A quick shower, tooth brushing, and flossing. Now, I'm awake and ready to face the day. Probably in a lot better shape than my future opponent Mr. Silva. I would surmise that after all of that ruckus as he was leaving the area, that he's not had much rest through the night. I sit down across from the monitor with a bowl of cereal, Wheaties the breakfast of champions if you're curious, and I hit the play button as Geek Boy makes his way back from somewhere outside. We both watch the exchanges carefully with a lot of intensity.
Geek Boy: "Hm. It was a nice kick, but there's that limp, again after the nip up."
I nod, keeping my eyes locked on the screen: "Yeah, but it's too good. Something's not right with it."
Geek Boy: "It looks like every bit of distraction tactics are being used. We might need a strategy that deals with that."
I smile: "Worried they might try using you? You good on defending yourself if they try?"
Geek Boy smiles and shrugs: "I guess. I mean, I'm not you, but I'm not helpless either."
I nod: "Yeah, well, that's gonna have to be the contention plan. Cause I'm not losing a match to pull you out of the firing range. Maybe we should plan on you having to defend yourself. So, we'll have you get in some classes. You won't be in my league, but you'll be a little more ready to take care of yourself. There."
Geek Boy hits it back a few paces and watches again: "What?"
I eyeball the move: "Sloppy side suplex. He seems fond of that senton splash, as well."
Geek Boy looks over some notes: "Yeah, it's one of his trademarks, he calls it...uh...here it is! Air Phantom."
I nod, again: "Not bad, but I wouldn't stake it for a trademark."
My eyes get wide as I caught it: "There, it's not bad right now. Look at how tightly he has that Koji Clutch in. And using that leg, too. Can't be hurt too badly if he's able to use it to apply that submission. He's playing it up."
Geek Boy looks almost uninterested: "So, we caught him playing that up. What do you intend to do about it?"
I think for a moment: "I'll have to think of something. Also, I've noticed that he's mainly a striker with that leg. And most of his actual grapples are for suplexes and submission holds. Not much in the way of actual wrestling moves. Hmm.."
Geek Boy shrugs: "Okay, so you don't think he's a strong grappler?"
I nod: "That's what I'm thinking, I mean we've both seen how sloppy his suplexes are. His submission moves are there, but he's lacking in true grapples. I might have a good strategy figured out, but we'll try and put it into action at the next training session."
Geek Boy smiles: "Cool. It gives us only a couple of days to fine tune it, though."
I smile: "That'll be plenty of time. We'll definitely take him out at Extreme, if I can fully get it down. And having seen his promo from earlier? He hasn't even done enough homework to know how many years I've been training. Even after I told him that I've trained extensively all of my life."
Alright, now that my cereal is done, and we've scouted enough of Ash Silva to come up with a sound strategy to take him down at Extreme, it's time to go and start to put it into action.

Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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