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Spelling it Out - Extreme rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 11:08:33 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:03-02-2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:06-25-2010 6:13 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Spelling it out in Small Wordsvs Shane Mack & Lucas RogersChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championfighting talk ... hehehe ... love it!


The scene opens with Lacey arriving at the Alhambra Arena and getting out of her car and tossing the keys to a teenage valet who's eyes nearly pop out of his head as he checks Lacey out. She tilts her head on one side and taps her shoes until he registers her glare of annoyance and gets into her rental. She leans down and speaks through the open window.

LD: One scratch little man and it's coming out of your paycheck you hear me?

The teen nods his head and watches as she smirks at him and moves out of the way before he pulls off. She grabs hold of her trolley which she wheels behind her into the arena proper. As soon as she gets inside the building she spots one of the crew and wanders over to him.

LD: Hey .. yeah you ... take this to my locker room okay?

She gestures towards her case as he walks towards her. He takes the case from her and goes to walk away but she puts out a hand to stop him.

LD: Wait! .. not that! ...

She pulls her title belt from where she's had it secured across the top of her case and swings it over her shoulder, fluffs out her hair and nods her head in a dismissive gesture.

LD: Now you can go!

The crew hand scurries away down a hall as Lacey wanders off in  a different direction checking out who's arrived at the building and what's going on. She pauses by a monitor when she hears her name being mentioned. She scowls as she recognises the newbie to SEF, Strife shooting his mouth off. She takes a deep sigh and rolls her eyes and turns to walk away when she almost walks into a cameraman who was filming her reaction to the promo.

LD: Strife, Strife, Strife ... jeez I don't even know where to start. Although judging from your little diatribe I should obviously use small words so that even you can keep up! Usually I don't sweat the small shit and let's be real here ... cos that's what SEF is mainly about, keeping it real ... you are small stuff, ... so far. You seem to be like most people here and have very selective memory, only picking and chosing the things you want to hear. So here we go and try to pay attention and take it all in because I'm probably not likely to waste my breath on you again anytime soon.

Lacey smirks at her patronising tone, knowing full well how much it pisses people off.

LD: So far I have not made any personal insults to you nor would I bother to call you out  ... yes, I called you a jacked-up wannabe. You want to know why ... even though to even the most pea-brained idiot it's obvious? .. Okay well looking at you, you're pretty well built hence the "jacked-up" and as you're not carrying any gold and I assume that at some point you will want to be a champion I classify you as a "wannabe". Does that make sense know cupcake? What I objected to was you jumping me at the end of a title match when you had absolutely no business coming anywhere near me ... I could have called you a coward as you didn't call me out or even challenge me straight up but you felt it was your god-given right to beat up on a champ when they were already down. Personally I don't find that kind of thing impressive and I said so. You say that when you arrived you put the fear of god into the locker room ...

Lacey laughs and shakes her head.

LD: Really Strife ... is it nice where you live? in that little fantasy world of yours? See you talk about how you're the most pure trained and educated wrestler on this roster ... you're a god-damn samurai .. the very soul of combat ... and yet all I've seen is someone come in and interfere in other peoples matches and kiss Shane Mack's ass! Until you actually put your money where you mouth is and show me what you've got .. shut the fuck up!  I have proved time and time again that I deserve what I have earned ... I am a damn good champion who has worked her ass off to get this gold ...

Lacey swings her belt down and holds it up to the camera before she pulls it back and kisses it and then swings it back onto her shoulder.

LD: I'm not the naive bitch here .. you are! You come in here and don't have the last clue as to who I am or what I've achieved and yet you're throwing accusations about me around like they're confetti and it's a wedding! No sweet thing .. you keep speaking shit about me and it's going to be a funeral .. yours! What you think I care that you're a man and I'm a woman ... bring it honeypie and we'll see who's the pussy! I am fully aware of where I am and whom I compete against ... in case you hadn't noticed I'm in a match tonight for the World Championship against 2 men .. the match you stuck your nose into last week ... a title defense against a man ... okay so it was Weigal but still ... duh! Maybe when you've been here more than five seconds and shown me you can actually do something ... work your way up the ladder exactly like everyone else here is trying to do and then ... maybe I'll give you some attention until then ... you're just another waste of my time.
In fact the only person you're showing up is yourself sugar so get yourself a clue ... go to an internet cafe ... go online ... get to google ... type in my name ... and voila!

Lacey laughs as she shakes her head in disbelief.

LD: Enough of this shit ... I got much bigger fish to fry. ... Now Shane Mack .... as far as you and me goes, this dance tonight is gonna be something special ... as I stand corrected ... a misprint on my call sheet showed this match to be a triple threat but as you so rightly pointed out .. it's actually a three-way dance. You know, I really don't care what it is cos my plan of action is still the same ... take out the competition and grab me the world title.  It would look so pretty sitting on my other shoulder ...

Lacey smiles as she imagines it.

LD: Now I'm not going to disrespect you for one simple reason .. right now you're the man and you call it like you see it and I can dig that ... I may not agree with a lot of what you say .. especially when you say I'm not the most dominant female here right now cos we both know that's a fact ... also hello me copying you ... do you see me wearing a bandana and smoking a shitload of dope? ... Nope! didn't think so. But truth is you and I have more in common that I'd like to admit. We're both fighting champions and we never step back even when the odds are against us and you know from personal experience never to under-estimate a woman in the ring. You know I'm not going to back down or back off ... so let's see what we both got. You bring your shit and I'll bring mine and when the dust clears let's see who's left standing.  ... yeah this dance tonight ... definitely something special ...

Lacey nods her head as she looks thoughtful as she turns to walk away and she mutters under her breath.

LD: Now where the hell is Lucas ...

End of rp 2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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