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Ya Just Don't Get It

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 11:12:20 AM

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Date Posted:06-26-2010 1:00 PMCopy HTML

Lacey continues to beat her dead horse of a lie spewing about being dominant when she hasn't proved her dominance yet it. SEF isn't about male or female, hasn't been for years, probably to be exact, not since in '02. When it first opened there was segregation a bit, not very much intergender, but it changed in late '02 and ever since then in order to be dominant you had to truly be dominant. Lacey has not dominated anyone besides Megan Sorrow and that's a shoot, a line Lacey used and misrepresented it. Amy Summers, her and Lacey had some battles and Amy stopped caring nd went back to the street corner where Steve Weigel picker her up. So Lacey, if your gonna shoot, get the actual facts spilled. As for Mack talking about Strife, letting you know about him, so what? You're the one who couldn't shut up about him, then ya just state that ya have been over him, now that's real wishy washy bullshit. All Mack stated was that Strife was no newbie which he isn't. Unlike what goes on with everyone else, these two guys have never and will never kiss one another's ass. Its called true friendship as stated, something you obviously know nothing about since your so called friends can't step in the ring against ya. Mack never carded to know about your friendships anyways, just was pointing out facts, learn to accept the truth and stop lying. You Lacey try to shoot like Mack does, but you fail to tell the truth, that is how you come off as a liar. Mack has uttered no lie what so ever, so trying to prove him wrong is like trying to fuck for virginity, it ain't ever gonna happen and that's a real fucking shoot!
Learn to live with it cause it's the best thing going today!
There is no one rules for anyone and another for Mack, so your little shoot about that is yet another lie uttered from your shit spewing mouth and Mack has never had any some sort of special treatment, so again, stop acting like everyone else and claiming shit that just ain't true and has been prove to be a lie countless times. Mack never said his opinions were shoots, not everything he says is a shoot and he lets ya know when he is shooting, so stop nitpicking and get focused on the match at hand. What you think is not always a lie unless you are wrong and Mack calls people out on that when they are wrong. You don't know Mack or this company like Mack does, so listen and learn, it just may help ya rise to the top and one day be able to wear the World Title. As of you now Lacey, you just don't get it, Mack is far above you, way over you, but what is new?
Not a damn thing!
When did Mack ever say he wants you to do anything besides be yourself and stop trying to be someone else? Stop trying act like and Mack and shoot when your shoots are not real shoots for a shoot is the truth and it will be kicked down yer throat Sunday night, then your gonna tap out because Mack don't go for a trivial pin anymore! And when did Mack say you didn't want competition? Just another lie your spewing and as a matter of fact, didn't Mack state in his personal opinion that you have what it takes to make it? Mack has shown only that he does recognize who you are and who Lucas is, who all his opponents are. He already noted that you two could be hiding your true plans for the match Sunday night and showed no care for any alliance you may be forming, but he also sees through bullshit unlike many others. He hasn't underestimated either Lacey or Lucas, nor anyone this year, last ear and for several years now, Mack studies everyone whether there an opponent on the next card or someone who just walked into SEF. He knows there is no threat because all Lacey can do is lie, but claim she is shooting. Lucas, well he just don't care and at least Lacey has that, passion, she wants to be here, she wants to excel and like Mack said, fuck it, like he says now.
She will one day be what she thinks she is now, a dominant diva, but she has yet to earn that status and twist it all you like Lacey, but one day you'll grow up and accept the truth for what it is, that you have a long way to go. Out of everyone in SEF, you have the most potential. I have to note that Strife is not included nor myself obviously, but like it or not, he has proven himself to SEF and well he has to come back and show he can still hang, the truth is he's proved more than you on namesake alone. He has yet to prove more than I have though and you the same just like Lucas, Weigel, Bobby James, Justin Rodgers and all the Rodgers, O'Bannon's, self proclaimed Hart's and Jayden, Knighthawk, Vlad, Joe wannabe Daddy, JC, Sterling, Taryn Fox, Ash Silva, the self proclaimed daughter of a bulldog, Amy Summers, Bethany Jinx, Chris Orton, and even Whitney Marret. There is no disrespect when telling the truth and you Lacey, you never uttered the truth and that is exactly what I wanted had you gotten a clue as to what told ya before. Your playing perfectly into my hands and soon enough, like it or not, your gonna be tapping out to me. Lucas' fate is the same as yours, hell, maybe you'll be the one to make him tap, but rest assured Lacey, if Lucas doesn't pin you, your gonna give up, I'll make sure of that...I'll make you and that's yet another shoot!
Something Lacey has trouble doing, pulling off, but most do because their goal is to try and prove Mack wrong about what he states when they should be focusing on trying to prove him wrong in the ring and beat him, take the title for their own...step up!
So Lacey, its time ya get to stepping cause I been telling people to step up long enough, its high time somebody did!
Will it be Lacey who does step up or will Lucas pull something out of his ass? Maybe it'll have to wait until the pay per view and Weigel will step up and take down Mack, maybe even Bobby? Maybe its gonna be Strife or maybe someone new to SEF? Only thing for sure is like Mack has stated, no one can outshine or out perform him, no one can steal the show he is on and that's a shoot!

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