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Its All About The Glory & Gold

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 05:45:28 PM

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Date Posted:06-30-2010 6:25 AMCopy HTML

Chilling in a locker room is where we find Shane Mack in a black unbuttoned long sleeve shirt, trademark bandana and blue jeans. His sandals lay on the floor at the foot of the sofa he is kicked back and his World Title lays on the arm to his left. Shady Smack sits on the right side of the sofa kicked back as well wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans as well, his hair braided and both their eyes are glazed over. In walks Samantha Winters now and Shady perks up and runs to her burying his face into her skirt trying to reach up it. Samantha shrieks and smacks him, Mack laughs and says.
Shady, leave her alone and I'll give ya some Sapporo!
Shady turns with wide eyes and runs back leaping on the coffee table. Mack reaches into a mini fridge and hands him a pint can of Sapporo which Shady takes and sits down drinking up. Samantha walks over leery of the little guy and sits down on a metal chair looking at Mack and saying.
He's a curious little guy and kind of cute!
She winks at him and Mack just laughs as Shady bares his teeth in a cocky manner. Mack just says.
So take him home with ya, just make sure to feed him lots of weed and beer or he may die on ya!
Samantha laughs and Shady growls Mack who growls back and pulls a Heineken out, pops it open and hands it to Samantha, then pulls a Becks out and poops it taking a drink as Samantha says.
Well thanks, but mind if I get your thoughts on your match at Glory and Gold now being a Japanese Deathmatch and your opponent knot really know for sure until Friday when the Hardcore Champion will be final come midnight that night and face you to unify that title with your World Title?
Mack just shrugs and says.
Alright, well, I think it was a fucking fantastic idea considering Weigel and James both bitched out and were too afraid to fail against me, but hey, at least they knew they couldn't beat me and probably never will for they'll never get a fair shot at me again more than likely.
Samantha says.
Oh, why is that?
Mack just says.
Well, I suppose I should never say never, but I doubt either one will be back in SEF, least anytime soon and who knows how long I'll be here, no one knows!
Samantha asks.
So you saying you may coming to and of your time in SEF?
Mack laughs and takes a drink of beer and Shady finishes his and throws the can behind the sofa, then looks at Mack for more. He grabs another can and hands it over, then answers Samantha.
As I said, no one knows. I am not hinting to anything, just saying that if for some reason they are given another chance in SEF, who's to say I'll be here to see it? As far as my actual new match goes, as I said, fantastic idea and an insane one. I get to watch over who fights for the Hardcore Title, an opportunity to face the World Champ and quite honestly, if the whole damn roster doesn't seize this opportunity they don't deserve to be on the roster!
Mack takes a drink of beer and looks serious about that one as Shady keeps drinking and Samantha says.
You have a good point, opportunity like this doesn't happen often.
Mack says.
No it don't, although in SEF, everyone is always given opportunity to make it, this just happens to be extremely better than usual. But ya know, some people are just lazy, some have no desire, like Weigel and ya saw what happened to him. Some people don't care about this business anymore, so will we see many people step up to utilize this opportunity to its fullest? I honestly hope so, but I don't know until I know, like everyone else and that's a shoot from the only straight shooter of SEF!
Samantha nods in agreement and Shady slams down his beer, then jumps up on the sofa and starts rapping.
Ya ain't no straight shooter
You just a fucking looter
Mister almighty always has to be alrighty
I'll whip yo ass and put ya in a nighty
Quicker than Johnny Camaro goes down
For a roll of nickels like a clown
So turn around that frown
While I go tap Sammy and make her my crown
Nah, she just gonna be my bitch
But if she gives me an itch
I'm a bust her up worse than I did to Johnny
I flow better than any two bit Yonnie
Mack is laughing his ass off and Samantha just stares at Shady in disbelief that he can talk. Shady now just sits down and growls at Mack until he gets another can of Sapporo, then Samantha says.
Wow, I didn't know he could talk!
Mack laughs and says.
Nah, just growl and half ass rap, he's a funny little fucker ain't he!?
Samantha laughs a little and says.
Yes, but back to your match, one more question, you ready despite not really knowing?
Mack smirks and says.
Always am ready and never do truly know because no one does. In this case I gotta wait until Friday to find out who my opponent will be for sure and I hope everyone at least tries for if they don't it only shows that SEF may not be around much longer. I mean hell, if no one cares enough to seize an opportunity like this, why would they care for anything else, why would they want to make it, why would you become a wrestler and not prove you can wrestle?
Samantha just says.
I guess like you said, some people are lazy or don't care.
Mack says.
And those people need to be weeded out and if it's the whole fucking roster, then where does that leave SEF except on the brink of ending?
He shrugs and says.
Ya never know, maybe people will start caring more, maybe they'll realize that this is not a company for the weak, new school bitches running around today. SEF is for those who are willing to bust their asses and showcase some of the greatest performances of all time, that's why I'm the man here because no one outperforms me and that's just another shoot and no matter who faces me Sunday they better understand that I'm a tear them apart and make them eat a whole lot of barbed wire, see four and much more, so just a couple more words to everyone...
And Shady jumps up doing a crotch chop as Mack yells.
Shady and Mack slap hands together, then Shady jumps off the sofa and goes running around the room in circles yelling and growling. Samantha finishes her beer and stands up leaving the room now. Mack pulls out a blunt and lights it up, Shady smelling the smoke jumps back on the sofa and they smoke up as the camera is lowered and fades to black.

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