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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:51:01 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:204
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:05-06-2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:06-30-2010 8:06 PMCopy HTML

Jeff-25.png picture by kristinbenoit97

{Riot is sitting somewhere, we do not know.  When the camera zooms back we can see that its a tattoo parlor.  From the airbrushed wall behind him "DILLIGAFF" clearly seen, we must be in his tattoo parlor, "13" in the French Quarter.  Jade is getting a band put on her left ring finger as Riot is lost in thought, letting one of his employees ink the design.  He finally starts talking}

Riot:"In a few days, Thursday to be exact, July 2nd, Jade's birthday, her father's birthday, we are to be married.  I just hope that Bret is well enough to give her away.  Then we ener the ppv for a chance at the International title, a third husband and wife team to join the fray.  Unlike Lucas and Hayden who seem to have some problems due to Lucas' lack of respect for women, and my brother's overwhelming desire to smother Dusty who could be, in time, a great wrestler....Jade and I know that we have each other's backs, but if the chance comes down to us being the last two in the ring?  Then we will give you a good show.  We will put on a great match for everyone as our styles are showcased for the world to see."

{Jade motions with her right hand for the camera to come where she can speak}

Jade:"We know each other's strenghs and we are not afraid of competing againist each other.  Now as for little Ms. Skank parading around like she's born again and be given contrition for all of the disgusting little things she has done her whole life, {she rolls her eyes} Puh-lease, like you think going to confession is going to fix all your problems?  Oh no, you need an exorcism to get rid of all your demons honey!  Granted I haven't been around this week, much but it doesn't mean that I haven't been paying attention.  You seem to think that Lacey is worried about you?  {she starts laughing} No way, it was a clear cut message that no matter how much you train, no matter who helps you win your matches, you are still a pathetic little nobody when it comes to the Dynasty Divas.  Just because Justin was getting payback on Lucas for attacking Drew, you suddenly think you're big buddies with Tarnished Legacy?  {she shakes her head} You'll never keep the title, Jade, now that he's shown you the door.  You can at least say he's polite about it.  We would have split your skull if we'd had the chance, but this week.  It's about me.  On Sunday, at the Glory and Gold ppv, the Dynasty Divas will do what we do best and that is outshine every other female on the card!  Lacey will show Strife she's a true champion and a member of Shattered Reality or the Dynasty Divas will emerge from the battle royal, the number one contender for the International Title.  We just got to sit back and watch Justin and Knighthawk, try to kil each other."  {She turns to watch the tattoo artist wipe some spare ink away as Riot is now clearly etched on her skin} "I will be saying I do in 48 short hours.  People wonder where's Jade?  Where's Lacey?  Do you think I'd give up the attention and the love of an amazing man to slum with the jobbers and the curtain jerkers who generally get slaughter by whoever tends to show up to this stupid house shows?  Oh no.  The champ?  Well, she's my maid of honor.  Say hi, Lacey."

{the camera turns to see Lacey looking amazing.  She waves and then turns the camera over to Riot.  Lacey checks out the ink before Jade stands up and hugs her}

Jade:"I am so glad you are here to be my maid of honor!  Thursday is my day and Sunday will be your's sis!"

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