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Tarnished Legacy holiday

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 12:53:29 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-03-2010 6:23 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Roleplay ;;;Heading ;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;Song ;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Internet is lagging bad ;-) ||
{{{The members of Tarnished Legacy are at a huge ranch in Texas.  Two gigantric grills are set up and the air is full of the wonderful smell of barb-b-que.  Kids are running around playing.  Most of the men are drinking beer, some of the girls, we see a couple familar faces, first, Matt and Maegan Fox, are sitting at a picnic table.  Matt has a Heiniken, and is sitting next to a beautiful blond holding a baby who is a full month old. A toddler is playing near them with blond pig tails.  Maegan is holding a infant with brown fuzz.  It is not long before the members of Tarnished Legacy come into view.  Drew and Taryn look around them in wonder, being citizens of the UK.  Ash and Justin are drinking MGD Genuine Draft in long neck bottles.  Justin has his arm wrapped protectively around Katana who is dressed in a sunshine yellow sundress.  Ash walks over and drops a kiss on his son's head before sitting down and pulling Maegan closer to him.}}

Drew:"Bloody hell."

{They turn and see a camera crew coming up.}

Ash:"Relax.  They might not be here for us.  {laughs} "They could be here for Kristin....so Taryn. do your thing!"

{Everyone at the table laughs.  A petite red head with a peaches and cream complexion come wraps her arm around Drew.  Her accent is pure Irish.}

Erin:"What if they are?  You do have a ppv tommorow night."

Matt:"I have one next weekend so who knows."

{Samantha gets out of the van.  A few of the girls hiss in disgust at the way her chest is all bulgy out of her top.}

Maegan:"Oh wonderful.  It's a good thing that Aunt Kristin's knee is messed up."

{They come up and some people seperate.}

Samantha:"Security getting up here was awful.  I can't believe I had to give two forms of i.d."

{Justin holds his hands up and gestures around at the people walking around}

Justin:"Most of the older guys you see walking around here are police, Texas Rangers, Texas DEA, Texas Bureau of Investigation, and so on.  Then my mom, my grand-dad, Drew, & Taryn, etc......anyway, so we have to have security.  Then again, you would have to realize that after Knighthawk revealed that he is the grandson of the man who, {he pauses as a group of teenage girls came by} anyway, my opponent is psycho.  We need the security to keep the kids safe."

Ash:"You know with all of the people walking around here Knighthawk would love to get in here.  So would Vlad but what you may or may not notice is all the hardware these guys are wearing.  {Justin cleared his throat and pulled back his flannel shirt to reveal a holster with a Glock 9mm.}  "See?  This is a family celebration.  We are about to celebrate the 4th since everyone will be busy working tommorow.  All the cops, will be out patrolling Texas to keep things under control.  Tarnished Legacy will be at the ppv.  Matt, Sara, they have to fly back to Japan to get ready for their super show."

Drew:"I don't really get it, these Yanks celebrating with fireworks but I love the food."

Taryn::"You don't enjoy a day where you can just be little brother?"

Drew:"I like spending time with my family but I want to get some serious blood on my hands tommorow.  I'm not even sure how 'ard I'm going to try.  I just want to get a hold of Lucas."

Taryn:"Interesting, I was thinking of tearing Hayden apart."

{Ash starts laughing}

Ash:"You guys are full of it.  That's the fun stuff.  I want to get in the ring with Justin when its time."

{Matt starts laughing.  Drew and Taryn look at each other and shake their heads 'yeah'}

Justin:"I plan on holding on to that title a long time."

{Matt holds up his beer to cheer with Justin}

Matt:"Dad would be proud."

Drew::"Aye, I'll get a piece of that action down the road.  Winning is one thing but getting hands on those traitors is another."

Ash:"It's interesting that Sterling thinks that he's my primary concern in the battle royal.  No, he's actually the least of my concerns.  I want to win."

{Justin looks up and gets a hand signal.  He then turns}

Justin:"Look, we got to wrap this up."
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