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It's called....'Desire' [Sterling Extreme 176]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 30, 2023, 08:29:44 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:07-10-2010 11:44 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
Ok. So, everyone has seen Ashlee and I back together. A few have comments that they like to place on air about it. This includes of course, Ash Silva. But his intentions are as a warning directed towards 'The Platinum One' Ashlee Madden. Deciding that maybe taking his wife with him where ever he goes might give him some sort of edge. Seems to me, that Mr. Silva's a bit edgy about facing off against 'The Greatness' for the third time in as many weeks.
The Setting: A grand hotel room in Lexington, Kentucky.
The backdrop: Two life-size pictures on either side of me. The first, is of my arm being raised over Ash Silva. The second is my arms in the air after the G&G Match. The between is a green wall with a monitor that is already cued up to Ash Silva's short words towards myself and as well directed towards Ashlee Madden
Even as Geek Boy hits the button, and my awesome image comes into view for all of SEF to view what True Greatness is: "Well. Mr. Silva. [A cocky grin] Funny isn't it? Three weeks we've been set at odds, now. First, I beat you in my debut match into the SEF. You whined about how it went down, but I'm used to that. Then, I beat not only you, but pretty much every other competitor on the roster aside from Mr. Camaro who, let's face it, beat himself twice in one night, Knighthawk then International Champ, The New International Champ and my opponent next week Justin Rodgers, Strife New TV Champ, Lacey Daniels Former TV Champ, And Mr. Shane Mack."
My arms are tossed to the side as I shoot a look off-camera towards Ashlee Madden which brings a smirk to my face: "I couldn't help noticing that you had some rather...interesting words for a man that's been beaten twice in a row to add to my streak that's just beginning here in SEF. Let's take a look."
I watch and listen as Ash starts off and I hit pause for a second: "First off...My girlfriend coming back to me after several months apart? Has absolutely nothing to do with the beatings that you received for the past two weeks, has it? Seeing as how it's a recent development, in fact...I seem to recall you being pinned after I hit 'The Truth' on you. And yet here you have to comment on how Ashlee showing up was her following behind me like a dog in heat? And then, you start to go on and on about ho's?"
I smirk: "First off....I don't know how many hits to the head that you took during that little Hardcore Championship series, but obviously you have some brain damage if you think that 'The Platinum One' is to be compared in any sense to a dog. And you wouldn't know class if it walked up and spit in your eye...to call Ashlee Madden a ho. Or even refer to her in the same sentence with one. So, you might want to see a neurologist. And as for your wife travelling with you and wanting to put down ho's? Jade Hart, ring a bell? I seem to recall her being pretty much right there around you and your entire group for a little while without so much as a whistle from your old lady. [A cocky grin] Ohh. I get it. She just can't get enough of watching this well-conditioned athlete in action. She wants to get a little closer. Cause she obviously can't think that YOU'D EVER have a chance with Ashlee Madden."
I start to outright laugh for a moment, before allowing it to continue a little further: "So let me get this straight....after having beaten you one on one. You argued that it was because of the shot with brass knuckles. [I roll my eyes] I get that one. Ok, I'll give you that there could've been a chance that you'd have somehow come up with something that you pulled out of your trunks last minute to maybe attempt to put me down one more time, before let's face facts...I would've been exhausted and still beaten you with 'The Truth'. But Okay. Then, I come into a battle royal with most of the roster at the same time. I fight and fight and fight...til every single other competitor has fallen to the floor in some fashion or another. Even planting that Hayden chick onto Lucas. [A chuckle] That was classic. You still think that I'm somehow gonna not think to focus on you in the ring? Boy....[I look at the two behind the camera and shake my head] You tell them time and again, and people still refuse to face facts."
I look directly into the camera with a smirk: "I'm 'The Greatness', Mr. Silva. You have almost absolutely no chance at beating me."
I continue with the pre-recorded Mr. Silva tape: "Whatever we do that gets each other off? Dude...look at who you're talking about. 'The Greatness'.....I'm a handsome devil. [hand to my chin as I mock pushing it around to look at Ashlee Madden again] She's 'The Platinum One'.....we don't have to do too much outside the normal to get each other off. Just coming into range of either one of us is enough to set most people off in their pants."
I smirk: "I know I didn't just hear that. Did you really? [Pause. Rewind. Play again. Pause again.] Really? What YOU do best? How do you even find the time, Silva...to grace us with your idiocy? I mean seriously. You claim to do what I do best as what you do best. I hope that's not true, since I'm so much better at it than you are. And just to set you straight, MMA...is Martial Arts. The first 'M' is Mixed. Geez....I don't know what you guys have been doing to completely ignore the damage that apparently has occurred, but if I were any of the other members of Tarnished Legacy? I'd get Mr. Silva to a doctor. Quickly. Or you can wait until after he takes that extra bump to the head at Extreme on Sunday. Afterall....we already know how this ends, Mr. Silva. Kick, submission...it doesn't matter what you try. I've scouted you out enough to watch out for your sloppy suplexes. I know what your main focus of attack is. Just as you know mine. And if you don't have your mind focused on the match, you'll fall even faster to 'The Truth'. Because try all day, worry and plan....but at the end of the day...I'm still 'The Greatness'...Bred, Born, and Trained. Working on Perfection that will one day be achieved. I proved it first to you, then to most of the roster at Glory, Gold, and Greatness. And after I take you down one more time, I'm moving on to another member of Tarnished Legacy. Justin....you aren't my focus this week, so this hasn't been about you. But next week will be all about me and you and that International Title that you're keeping warm for me. So be prepared and keep healthy this week. I don't want any excuses about you not being a hundred percent after next week. I'll be heading back to training here in a few minutes, so I've gotta cut this short....I'll just add this, Ash Silva. Train harder than you did last time. I know I will be training harder. And show me something that I have yet to see from you. It's called....'Desire'. Maybe your wife can help you understand that word after she gets a good look at what 'Greatness' looks like."
And with my arms out to the sides and a cocky grin, the feed ends. Yeah...time to go back for my third training session of the day. Cardio with Ashlee Madden. Already had some more weapons training. Some more reversal training today. After my *ahem* Cardio with Ashlee....I'll be feeling pretty good with myself for the rest of the day. And come Extreme.....I'll be putting Ash Silva's words and worth to the test for the third time since arriving in SEF. Maybe one day he'll learn...One day.

ooc__Yeah...I know, he's getting cockier.
Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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