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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 08:50:13 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07-11-2010 6:19 PMCopy HTML

 This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge! I warned you! 
 Ash20Silva20banner.png picture by kristinbenoit97 

{Ash takes the beer Shady Smack is offering to everyone.  He drains it, smashes it againist his head, and tosses it into the trash can.  He then motions for the camera to follow him.  Once he is alone and now in front of the SEF back drop he turns, his eyes wild and deceptively dark}
Ash:"Sterling you want to talk about respect?  Respect and Loyalty have been force fed to me since I was a child.  These are concepts that I do not take lightly but you like to throw them around as if these qualities were a dime a dozen.  I really do not believe that you understand these concepts.  They are just words that you want to throw out in attempt to taunt me and make me angry.  {He smirks}  You want to downgrade my skills like a child in high school who is so insecure in himself that he likes to berate others to make himself feel better.  Sloppy suplexes and a few moves?  I saw your pathetic attempts in the hardcore tourney for a shot at Mack.  I, myself held the hardcore title on three seperate occassions.  Now you'll probably pull out the cliche that I'm a three time loser.  I didn't see you win even once.  The list of people that you haven't beaten is longer and much more distinguished than who you named.  Did you forget the champ?  No, not even you would be stupid enough to talk out of both sides of your head, talking shit, making it sound as if you have taken on the world and defeated each and every single person in SEF.  So you win a battle royal, and you aren't even responsible for all of the eliminations, yet as the overall winner you want to take credit for it all.  Let me remind you, even idiots like Disco Inferno get lucky sometimes.  So my wife wants to return to SEF, at least she's been here before.  Granted, the only one who was even remotely successful last time was Justin and I was only here as Maegan's body guard.  Maegan wasn't afraid to mix it up and even took on the great Whitney Marrett, even if it was unsuccessful.  What has Ashlee done?  Time will only tell.  Yet you seem to want to harp on the fact that my wife thinks your girlfriend is a skank.  Distracted much?  Her own bio says as much that I may even be inclined to agree.  Why don't you start thinking with the head on your shoulders, bro?  Tonight will only be another chapter in our war so don't look past me to my best friend just because you were the lucky bastard left in the battle royal.  I have never been a push over.  {he nods to the camera} Until tonight, Sterling."
 Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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