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Awww you're so cute (Extreme 176 2)

Started by Ashlee Madden, September 30, 2023, 09:26:54 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:11/07/2010 6:48 PMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:Ok. So I have been one busy little bee today. Family visits and shit like that. But chyeah this is it for me.
Music:"She Dont Wanna Man"-Asher Roth

Hmmm. So Jayden and Jade actually did decide to show up and talk a little smack. Ashlee was starting to wonder if they were just gonna duck out on her. That would be a huge disappointment. They had come out swinging and did it really make a difference to her? No of course not. She had other more important things to worry about not the stupid crap stupid bitches said about her. It went in one ear and right out the other. Did she feel the need to address them? Hell no. Was she going to anyways...Oh hell yes. It just seemed like the fun thing to do before the actual match. So there Ashlee was alone in what appeared to be a gym. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and she had what appeared to be some gym clothes on. She wasnt going for a punching bag or even running on a treadmill oh no. She was working on her agitly and quickness the other stuff was already done with training. She did a few cartwheels and flips and a few otehr little tricks before Geek Boy walked into the room and watched her for a couple seconds before clearing his throat. She turned and looked at him and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. He held up the camera and smiled a little b it and Ashlee just grinned and nodded back. She went to smoothing out her clothes and Geek boy set up the camera and gave her the ok to speak her mind.

Ashlee-Alright bitches listen up. I know you missed me and quite honestly I have a few things to address. You know most of the word vomit that has been spewing out of peoples mouth is just that, word vomit. It  has no purpose and I have no use for it but to ignore it. Really people talking shit about me? Well it tends to go in one ear and right out the other. I know Im hot. I  know Im a god damn star and all the negativity means nothing to me. First off. Im not even gonna start on my match. I have to address the idiot Ash Silva. Really...You are getting a little stalkerish if you ask me. I mean you know my bio?! Thats just weird...and kinda creepy. Really my personal life and shit is none of your buisness and god I cant wait until Mr.Sterling gives you the beating of your life. Plus I acnt wait until your wife gets here. I will be the first in line to lay down the welcome mat. Newsflash....No one cares.

Ashlee rolled her eyes and shook her head before putting her hands on her hips and looking back into the camera.

Ashlee-Now I suppose I have wasted enough breath on that loser...Now onto loser number 2. Jade Hart. You know for a moment there I thought you were actually gonna keep your damn mouth shut and just take the beating I was prepared to give you. But no you decided to grace the world with your presence. Gag me with a fuckin yellow spoon. I dont care if you and your other "dumb bitches club" members grew up in the buisness, it will only be that much more satisfying and hilarious when I kick your ass. As far as me being a nympho with Sterling? Well...Probably but it hasnt changed a single thing about me. Im still smart enough and good enough to kick your ass. I dont expect you to take it easy on me...I never expected that. Hell if you did I would be throughly disappointed in you. Oh bring your A game because Im bringing mine. I always do.

Ashlee smiled to herself and thought again back to the nympho comment and even teh comment of her having her head slammed too many times against the headboard. Now that had been pretty amusing to her. Oh the funny things haters say when they are jealous of others who are way better than them. Ashlee realized she was still on camera and smiling kinda like an idiot she snapped out of her daze and looked back into the camera with a more serious look on her face.

Ashlee-Sorry..Just thinking about the headboard..Anyways moving on to Loser Number 3 Jayden Hartley...Now Jayden you seem to have a score to settle with Ms. Jade and thats all well and good with me but I dont give a damn about it either. Im not out there to please you or make you happy. If I bust Jade open like a birthday pinata great but just know Im not doing it for you...You can do your own dirty work on your own time. Im 'The Platinum One' and this Platinum Princess does NO ONE's dirty work for them. I just wanna give you a fair warning not to understimate me and spend all your time worrying about Jade because believe me I am the one you should be worried about. I am quite the little opportunist and I dont give a fuck who I have to go after I will come out swinging and I wont stop until I have a bitch down in the ring and pinned for The 1...The 2....and The 3. Just to let you know I didnt come here to "straighten my priorities from a partying past" Hell I still love to party and there is no shame in that Im fuckin young, rich and gorgeous. I walk down the street and bitch I shine brighter than the sun. I came here to take this place by storm. Im nothing really like you Jayden. I believe I was wrong about that. I know Im way better and way more interesting and once I take you down the rest of the world...For those few that still dont already realize it. They will realize it too. Good luck Ladies your gonna need it. Oh and one more thing to my new found stalker Ash Silva...Keep your nose out of my file and my bio because thats just a little quick read...That compares nothing to who I am now. Enjoy your beating tonight by 'Greatness.'

Ashlee smiled and signalled for Geek Boy to cut the feed in which he did. He closed the camera up and began packing it all up. Ashlee walked over and grabbed up her bag and her and Geek Boy began walking out together.

Geek Boy-I know I caught you off guard a little bit but that was great work.

Ashlee-Awww Thanks Geeks but do you mind going and finding something else to do...All this talking and thoughts of these bitches have got me a little wound up. I think I should go embrace my nympho side with your boss.

Geek Boy-You could just ask me to go away...I dont need the details.

Ashlee cracked up laughing and patted Geek Boy on the back as she skipped off and away from him to find Mr.Sterling. He just stood there with a weird look on his face as he smiled and shook his head and headed in the opposite direction Ashlee had come from.

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