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Speaking The Only Truth In SEF

Started by NBD, September 30, 2023, 09:31:10 PM

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Date Posted:11/07/2010 7:59 PMCopy HTML

The view opens up on the usual SEF backdrop and its all we see until a growling noise is heard and then a kick is heard and the cameraman yells.
And the view moves down showing Shady Smack snickering. He sports his Impact X shirt that reads X Marks The Impact and a pair of black tights with green X's up the side. The camera steadies on Shady now who slams down a can of Sapporo, his eyes glazed over and he just snarls before shooting off a rap.
Listen here Knox O'Bitch, I'll slap you down to size
Then grab your girl and smack her ass
Rip her wide open and spill them goods, slap her fat thighs
And ride her like a whale, then go smoke some grass
All you be checking after the match is your guys
Cause when I'm done with ya, your gonna sing high brass
Write me off all ya like, I'll cook ya like French fries
Stomp your ass into the mat and whoop your fucking ass
Shady pulls out a blunt now and fires it up, then we see someone step into view next to him wearing loose blue jeans and so the camera moves up showing the same Impact X shirt only bigger and the trademark black bandana revealing Shane Mack with his World Title held over his left shoulder that smirk that is more recognizable than anyone else's in SEF. He looks into the camera and says.
Well ya know, considering I got no real match tonight, no competition, but then, what is new for me?
He laughs and says.
Considering my so called challengers tonight can't actually challenge me, then let me shoot a few things straight to the Dynasty and Shattered group, fuck it, Shattered Dynasty is what I'll call them. Anyways, first, Lucas, so you have been stringing me along all this time, making me feel comfortable and waiting to put me down and take this here title?!
He chuckles and looks at his title, then back at the camera and says.
Son, you couldn't string me along even if I attached strings to myself and handed them over to ya, but don't feel bad, no one can because no ever has and face facts, no one ever will and that's just the truth, something no one around here can actually muster up and tell...NO ONE!
He looks dead serious because that is the truth, not one person on the SEF roster speaks the truth, except Mack who says with a smirk.
Now Knox, it is a six person tag and Shady knows what he is doing, but keep in mind that this is a SIX person tag and should any of the other crew feel the need to try and screw things up they gotta deal with me and if for some reason the odds overwhelm me, I got more resources than any of the O'Bannon's, Rodgers, Fox's, and whoever else is in the whole family ya guys supposedly belong to and I say supposedly because now I am brought to the Dynasty, Jade, Hayden, the funky fake fresh fruits!
He laughs and Shady snickers at that and Mack says.
Anyways, Bret Hart was one of the greatest yes, one of the greatest wrestlers. As for your constant bragging and claiming of his fame, just drop it cause no buys into the bullshit anymore, no one gives a fuck! All you do is discredit the Hart family name, a name that is close to me and you cannot claim it is closer to you and that's just another shoot, so grow up! Fuck, all ya all need to start proving who you are, who Shattered Reality is, who the Dynasty Divas are with the exception of Lacey Daniels, I think. Considering her big, fat fail to main event tonight's Extreme I just don't know if she has what it takes to one day be a dominant diva, then again, where the fuck is Strife as well?
Mack just shakes his head in disgust and Shady reaches up with the blunt now and Mack smirks, grabs it and takes a deep drag, then hands it back and blows the smoke. He smirks and says.
Strife and Lacey shitting all over the main event tonight is a different story. As for you two groups of people, like I said, prove who you are, c'mon, show the world who YOU are. No one gives a fuck what you claim or what your self proclaimed family did, its all meaningless in a place like SEF, then again this company has higher standards than anyone here is used to because SEF has seen a lot and I myself have seen even more. This company needs more people to care, more people who want to make it big and acting as if you came here from somewhere bigger makes you come off as a joke because unless the place you came from as the initials of WWE, you haven't been anywhere bigger than SEF and that is another fucking shoot and I got no more to say to any of ya all. Besides, its not like I expect anyone to accept the truth, no one has the balls big enough to do so yet, so fuck it, just a couple more words, bitches!
Mack drops his arms in a crotch chop and yells!
He keeps his title on his shoulder and smirks, then grabs the blunt from Shady and runs off with it. Shady starts growling and runs after him out of view as well and now all we see again is the SEF backdrop, so the view just fades to black.

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