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If we ever meet again...

Started by Ashlee Madden, September 30, 2023, 10:09:35 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:07/07/2010 9:43 PMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:So back to this...meh its fun and pretty entertaining so I will do it again! Hope you enjoy it!

Love. Its strange how a four letter word or even such a simple emotion can cause you to lose your head and do some crazy things. Ashlee Madden hadnt really known what love was. Well she knew she loved alcohol, sex, her family, and above all things being the black sheep of her family. No she really didnt care much about wanting to find romance and settle down and all that. She was quite content with the life she had...That was until she had decided to follow in her sister's footsteps and give wrestling a try. She had met a very gorgeous and cocky man that fit all too well into her life and one minute it was all fun and games and the next wham bam thank you ma'am she was in love with him. Thank god the feeling had been mutual....At least for a while. Ashlee was still confused on what had happened. I guess sometimes people just drift apart and that had been sorta fine with her. Sure she moped and all that but she had gotten back to her old life of drinking and partying...though for some reason when that was all over she still thought about that man. For months. She had finally had enough. She had done some research and hired some people and found out exactly where he was. No suprise he was still in the business and in which case that meant Ashlee needed to be in the buisness too. So she had called up the company and had quickly signed a contract. Either she was gonna get him out of her system or she wasnt in which case she had to find out.


Ashlee ran around her room like a chicken with her head cut off trying to grab all her things. She wanted to make sure she hadnt forgotten anything. She went over everything and double and triple checked all her bags. The three suitcases 2 for clothes and one for shoes, accessories and make up seem to have had everything she needed. She supposed whatever was missing she could always buy later. She zipped up her last bag sitting on her bed when out of the blue next to her a picture was dropped down. It was of her and the man she was going to go looking for. Shit. That meant Sky knew. Nosey bitch. She couldnt stand looking a tthe picture he looked too good in it and she felt something she couldnt describe. She just turned around and looked at her sister who had her arms crossed and didnt look too happy.

Ashlee-Why do you have to wave that in my face?!

Sky-I wouldnt have to if you didnt just go leaving it around in the desk. I know what you are up to Ash. I thought you were going back because of the competition. Not because of him.

Ashlee-Honestly its a little bit of both. Look Sky, I have hidden it very well that I have accepted us being over and everything but really Im not. Im not happy with how it ended or anything. I just want closure or us back together. Either way I will be happy and continue on with my career and my life.

Sky-Whatever you say. Im really not buying it...You know how I feel about him. I never have liked him and never will honestly. I pretended to for your sake. I suppose you dont wanna wonder around for the rest of your life wondering "what if?" Like I have. But seriously dont just give in easily.

Ashlee-Oh...I have a very carefully thought out plan. Dont worry about me. I have been doing just fine on my own without guidance from you. Thank you though. Now if you will excuse me I have a flight to get on. You are welcome to come with me if you would like.

Sky-I am officially done. D-O-N-E. DONE! Besides I have other obligations here in LA. Have fun call me and tell me how everything goes.

Ashlee-Sure thing. Maybe I might even send you video evidence.

Sky rolled her eyes as Ashlee grinned. Ashlee picked up her suitcases and Sky grabbed one too and helped her out to her car. They packed it up and then made their way to the airport....

A few hours later....

Ashlee had arrived to SEF. It was an Indy federation but she was a newbie and it did seem like a good idea to start out here first. She had done alright for herself in the major leagues but this place seemed like a good place to start out and dominate plus she had unfinished buisness to attend to...She looked across the parking lot and seen the infamous car she remembered all too well. Trouble was its owner and his assitant had gotten out of the car she grinned at the familiar face but realized she was in plain view and he had made a glance over. She quickly hid behind a car as she watched him look back with a puzzled look on his face before shaking his head and walking into the building. Ashlee wasnt ready to quite make herself known to the man. Yet. She waited a couple of minutes and then headed inside the building where she made her way to the vending machine. Sure enough there was Geek Boy hooking his boss up with his favorite: Peanut M&Ms. She came up behind him and pushed him head first into the vending machine where it connected with a bang. He cursed and turned around and when he saw who it was he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Geek Boy-Ash?!

Ashlee-Thee one and only. Miss me?

Geek Boy-What are you doing here?

Ashlee-My job duh! Plus I have some unfinished buisness that you are going to help me with.

Geek Boy-If it has anything to do with Mr. Sterling leave me out of it.

Ashlee-Oh so its back to formalities? I have missed a lot anyways yes it has to do with him and you are gonna help me or you bumping into the vending machine is going to look like a stroll through the park compared to what I will do to you...and you know I can do it!

Geek Boy-Fine...but if I get caught and lose my job I-

Ashlee-Dont worry you wont lose your job and if you do I will make sure you are taken care of. Im not a total heartless bitch Geeks.

Geek Boy-Yeah I know...Now what do you want me to do? I have a feeling this isn't gonna be very much fun for me.

Ashlee smiled and got close to Geek Boy and began whispering in his ear what the plan was. She made sure he was not to tell Sterling about her involvement in any of it. Or that he knew she was even there. Of course she had been tortured for months with the mans image in her brain and though she had no idea what was going on in his life...honestly she didnt care she was being pretty selfish. She had carefully laid out a plan and Geek Boy was going to do it all for her. First she would start out with a special delivery to his door. Which Geek Boy would deliever now. She dragged him back to her room and gave him a vase of red tulips her favorite flower or course. She wrote on a little card 'See You Soon?' She then kicked Geek Boy out and now it was just being patient. Either this was all she was going to have to do before the man came looking for her or if she just shrugged it off she had a plan. Men sometimes weren't too bright so if he didnt make the connection she would drop more hints until he couldnt stand it any longer. She hoped he didnt. She liked the thought of a cat and mouse game. She couldnt wait to see him again but then again she had this sick nauseous butterfly feeling in her stomach though she had to admit she hid her emotions well. She would wait and see what his reaction to the flowers were. Geek Boy had her number he was to make an excuse to step out and call her and tell her how the delivery went. So she waited...

TBCB Mr.Sterling duh!

Mr. Sterling

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Re:If we ever meet again...
Date Posted:08/07/2010 1:23 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp


So, as I walk into the dressing room again, it's with a smile. And why not? Afterall...at Glory and Gold...I had done everything that I said I would. Turning it into Glory, Gold, and 'Greatness'. I have secured my shot at my first championship in SEF. The first step of striving for perfection. All smiles and cockiness even in the presence of just Geek Boy. Inside, there are always a few doubts. Not about my pure physical abilities in competition. No, those are as fine tuned as anyone that has ever competed on any scale. But in personal places on the inside. How things were left, and how they fell.

That's why when I enter and notice a small red place on his head, I smile even larger...trying to contain it from him: "Did you get them?"

He takes a second to answer: "Of course, I did....but this was by the door. Any idea what it's about?"

As he steps aside, I see the vase of red tulips. Beautiful flowers, and a sign of someone that sends a shiver down my spine, that is kept from view by darting eyes: "Probably just some overzealous fan of 'Greatness'."

I make sure to keep my voice calm and cool even though, I know that this is either the cruelest joke possible...or the most fantastic of circumstances. And at this point, it could be either one. Geek Boy smiles trying to hide it from me, and he hands me an envelope: "There was a card with it, too."

I pull out the card and look to see 'See You Soon?' scribbled in that familiar scrawl that I recognize immediately. I lick my lips for a moment before a slight smirk creeps across my face. Geek Boy looks at me concerned: "Any idea who could've done this?"

Even as the question comes from him, my mind flashes back to a very substantial bet made in a bar so far back. A night that ended with unbridled passions igniting my entire life into clarity of being. The entire livelyhood of wrestling had paid off that night. I have all the money I could ever want. I have all of the fame in my hometown that I could ever want, but that night....I held the world in my arms. Her name was Ashlee Madden. A young, rookie wrestling diva that would make my world right for a time. Then...turn it on a dime into only having myself, my assistant, and the money as we were cut off from total communication. No answers to letters written, when you don't know where to send them. Everything had changed so fast that it was dark times for me.

But as soon as I have the inkling of what to do formed in my mind, I realize that I've been standing here staring at the simple note for long enough that Geek Boy can probably read my thoughts for now: "Just go get me some Mountain Dew at the gas station."

I toss him the keys to the Impala, and he stares up at me with concern again: "You're sure?"

I raise my eyebrow as I shoot him a look: "Are you questioning me?"

He shakes his head immediately: "Uh...no, Sir. I'll be back in a flash."

And with that he exits the locker room. I plop down on the couch and stare at the letters trying to place her hands with the pen in them as I stare. I smile with a slight hint of tear in my eye, but joy fills me. Because if it's true? Ashlee Madden will be in this place very soon. And finally...there will be some hint of what to do with it. I know that as soon as I can lay eyes on her, the better. But why play any games?

I smile again: "Because that's what we do."

I pull out a camera from Geek Boy's bag and place it across from me as I sit casually back against the couch: "I know that you're close if you're sending me this, Ashlee. And I guess...it's Game On...I've decided to keep a video log...starting this very moment. One of letting you know, when eventually I see you-"

The door bursts open as Geek Boy has kicked it in: "That's not right. I'm not playing these games for you guys, again. If YOU want to fire me...go for it. If SHE wants to kick my ass...she can go for it. But she's here and you're here and you both have shit to figure out. Now...as your friend, go to the parking lot and call her. Here's her number....just keep me out of the two of you. And..here's your Mountain Dew."

I'm in shock. It's the only time that Chad..err...Geek Boy has ever spoken up against me: "What...[I nod] Alright. Listen. You work for Me. You will do what is called for by me as my assistant. But I'mma let that little outburst go for ONE reason."

He shrugs going back into his submissive employee role immediately: "Because I'm right?"

I nod and wink: "Because you're doing something above and beyond for me. So, hand me the number and go order about two dozen red tulips. Something tells me that I could use a little help, here. But use your car[I hand out my hand for my keys, to which he tosses them] cause I'm gonna need mine."

We both head out of the locker room. Not only does Geek Boy have a happy face, but he looks like he's gonna be up in the clouds for days. God...that kid. Anyways, I smile as I walk out to my car. I pull my phone out and take a deep breath as I dial the number. It doesn't take long for it to be answered, since I'm using Geek's phone. I slipped it from him while he was out getting me my Dew.

Ashlee's voice cuts through the other end: "Well...how'd it go?"

The voice alone sets my heart thumping away: "Impala. I'm waiting."

Silence that seems more like shock than anything else, before I continue: "And Ash? I..."

Damn phone cut off. I check it. Battery dead. I knew I should've changed to using my own phone.

TBCB Ashlee Madden...

ooc__Don't you know? Phone batteries -shakes head-
Music__ We Be Steady Mobbin' by Lil Wayne feat. Gucci Man

MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


Ashlee Madden

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Re:If we ever meet again...
Date Posted:08/07/2010 1:56 AMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:So back to this...meh its fun and pretty entertaining so I will do it again! Hope you enjoy it!

Ashlee heard the click before Sterling could finish what he had to say. She stared at the phone and then rolled her eyes. She knew the little bitch would squeal and ruin all her fun. Myabe she might knock his head into another vending machine just for fun. Though she knew how convincing Mr.Sterling could truly be. Maybe something else went wrong. She wouldnt know...until she went out to the parking lot. So she got up off the couch shoved her phone in her shorts pocket and headed into the bathroom to check herself in the mirror. She wanted to make sure not a hair on her head was out of place. She always cared about her appearance but she cared about it even more around Sterling. Plus it was the first time she would see him in months she wanted to make a good impression all over again. She thought about calling Geek Boy's phone back and threatning him for ruining her big plans but she didnt mind so much. She knew he would pick up on it fast he was "The Greatness" afterall. She smoothed out her hair and checked her make up and gave one finally glance realizing it would have to do before she headed out to the parking lot. She realized once she made it to the parking lot her heart was thumping pretty fast. She stopped and took a deep breath and gained her composure back before taking a look around the parking lot. It didnt take long for her to see him leaning on the hood of his car waiting for her. She looked down and back up. Then she rolled her eyes at herself for acting so ridiculously and she strolled right up to him when she really wanted to run straight for him. She just kept her cool as she made it to the Impala.

Ashlee-So Geeks squealed like a bitch, huh?

Mr.Sterling-You could say that.

Ashlee-What you give him for it?

Mr.Sterling-Nothing didnt even know he was involved as a matter of fact.

Ashlee-Well the jerk ruined my fun!

She smiled at him and he smiled back. She honestly didnt know what to do. She knew what she wanted to do. So she just stood there she looked from him to the Impala and she was finding it really hard to read him at the moment. Once again she was rolling her eyes at herself. She moved closer to him and stood in front of him. She wrapped her arms around him and just sank into him resting her head on his chest. She breathed a sigh of relief when his arms went around her. She looked up at him and just as quickly as the moment had happened she had ruined it. She slowly let go of him and stood up straight.

Ashlee-Its good to see you. But right now we are doing this on my terms.

Mr.Sterling-Im the on-

Ashlee-Shut up! Sorry I just mean I wanna talk right now and you listen.

Ashlee didnt apologize to anyone for her behavior. She felt like no one deserved that. But it just kinda slipped out when it came to this man. Nothing was the same with him. She had always liked that.

Mr.Sterling-I suppose I could do that..Ash what I said on the phone before it cu-

Ashlee-Please you can tell me all that in a minute I really need to say this first.These past few months have sucked. I have done my fair share of partying and stuff and it didnt matter what I did you were still on my mind and NOBODY knew. Not Sky not my brother not even my friends from my old job knew. I hid it well and I finally just got fed up. I couldnt take it anymore. I decided to come find you. But dont flatter yourself entirely Im also here to do my job and rise to the top as I am the 'Platinum One' and I have a reputation to manage. Feel free to tell me to go to hell or whatever but I suppose I still love you. Its the only explanation I have for whats been going on. I came here to see you and decide weither what I needed was to just get you out of my system or get you back....I decided the only way to do that was to place the ball in your court and have you do with it what you want. Im hear willing to give you whatever you want and consider yourself lucky because I do this for NOONE. Even though I am a hard ass and stuff Im still a girl I suppose and I guess you brought out those girly feelings in me. So your finally hear and Im finally hear...What are we gonna do about it?

Ashlee was back in control again and it made her feel more comfortable. She realized her tone was like a yo yo one minute she was being all sappy sharing her feelings the next she was being her normal kinda bitchy bratty self. Though she knew Sterling understood her completly. She hadnt expected to get this out so quick. She actually thought that the games would be on for a while and so she really hadnt had much time to rehearse so she was sure it sounded messed up and like something out of a cheap movie but it was all she had now to just wait for his response and go from there.

TBCB Mr.Sterling duh!

Mr. Sterling

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Re:If we ever meet again...
Date Posted:08/07/2010 2:38 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp


And there it all is....and as always...that makes it my turn to reveal feelings. The same feelings that would put most people at ease that always have the two of us on edge for whatever the reason. I take a deep breath: "Well, these past few months have been...like Hell. And most people would tell you that. But I had Geek Boy looking for you the whole time. And what I was about to say on the phone before it cut off...."

I take a deep gulp, I'm not used to feeling this vulnerable. That little lump in my throat is still there, but I can't seem to swallow it down and I start to tear a little, but I smile: "Ashlee.....I Love You, Too. I always have since I met you, and I always will. I don't ever give out more than one chance. I'm 'Greatness'....I don't...but. You are the only person that I've ever met that I can't walk away from and leave in the past. I....want you to be here with me always. So...if the ball's in my court."

I laugh as I wrap my arms around her to pull her to me as I do: "And even if it isn't...you aren't going anywhere. Not without a fight."

I hold her in my arms for a little while as we just stand there in the parking lot. Finally, Geek Boy walks up and smiles as he walks up with the receipt, he keeps quiet as he passes me the card. I smile and put my finger up to my lips. He shows me something else, that...well...it just makes me smile. That kid gets me, too....but I'd still take Ash over him anyday in every way. Except for as a camera person. For that, the kid's got the right stuff.

After the kid gets by, I smirk. Yeah, for those that know...THAT smirk. I can't help it...Ashlee's here, I'm here...and it HAS been months. I push Ashlee back a smidge: "What do you say we go and visit the horse ranch?"

I add a wink with a smile as she returns my smile for a second. I lick my lips and raise my eyebrow: "I think we should go for a good ride...relax...get our minds on each other for a little while, when we can actually have each other there. What do you say?"

I stand there watching her as she seems to be thinking. Or she could really be toying with me as she seems to have some control back over herself.

TBCB Ashlee Madden......

ooc__I don't remember their names. The horses.
Music__ We Be Steady Mobbin' by Lil Wayne feat. Gucci Man

MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


Ashlee Madden

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Re:If we ever meet again...
Date Posted:09/07/2010 6:31 AMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:I remember them! Well I remember one of them. I guess I will make up the other one. Believe me I can work with this again sorry about not replying yesterday I had the most perfect idea and then my busyness got into the way and I lost it lol
Music:"Give me a Sign"-Breaking Benjamin.

Ashlee was pretty excited now. She smiled and tried to hold it in. She hadnt been to the horse ranch in months. In fact the last time she had gone was just a little after they had lost contact. She had loved going there and she had wanted to give her horse a proper goodbye. Ginger was a beautiful horse given to her by Mr.Sterling himself. It was one of his favorite and one of his best and he had pretty much given it to Ashlee no questions asked just because she wanted it over his absoulte favorite, which was lightning a pretty stubborn horse, but by that time Ashlee had already gotten attached to Ginger and she liked the memories that horse had created. She would have loved to have taken her to LA but she had no place for a horse, so when she had to go say goodbye it had been hard. She wouldnt tell Sterling all about that trip. No that was something she really didnt want to share. She had pretty much broken into the place at the time. She just smiled up at him and nodded.

Ashlee-That sounds like an awesome plan...but first.

Ashlee wrapped her arms around Sterling's neck and kissed him. It had been a long time since she had done it and she realized she never wanted to go that long without it again. She couldnt pull away and it seemed neither could he. In fact Ashlee had been so caught up in him she hadnt even noticed when she had been picked up and sat on the hood of his car. She pulled away and gave him THAT smirk which he seemed to be returning.

Ashlee-Ok I guess we better stop before we start putting on a show out here. Not that I care or anything but I suppose I can handle the wait. Besides we've waited this long. Im sure a little bit longer wont hurt.

Mr.Sterling-In that case we better get going.


Sterling kissed her again as he lifted her off the hood and set her on her feet on the ground. She smiled at him and headed straight for the passenger door. His black '67 Impala was beautiful and not a typical car she had expected him of all people to drive. It fit him well though. She waited for him to unlock the doors and she opened her door and slid into the passenger seat and smiled. This car was very relaxing. Probably because it was something familiar. She was starting to think she needed to get one herself. Maybe a pink one. She looked over at Sterling wondering what he would say if she got a pink car and wanted him to ride in it. She kinda giggled to herself with the image. She looked over at her confused for a minute. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car up. The radio instantly came on blaring music. It always did. He turned it down and looked over at her.

Mr.Sterling-Whats so funny?

Ashlee-Just imagining you in a pink car.

Mr.Sterling-Why would you do that?

Ashlee-Im not entirely sure...But come on Im getting impatient. I wanna see my horse and among other things....We just need to go.

Mr.Sterling-Yeah... But I can handle alot of things but riding in a pink car that just doesnt strike me as 'Greatness.'

Ashlee-No I suppose it wouldn't...

With that the radio went back up and Ashlee grabbed his hand as they pulled out of the parking lot and headed to their destination....It really hadnt taken long to get there but the minutes seemed to tick by like hours. Ashlee was so wound up by the time they got to the horse ranch Sterling had barely parked before Ashlee was out of the car and on a jog straight for the stable. She was let in by a worker who just happened to be strolling by. He looked from her and back to Sterling. Obviously they hadnt seen her in a while and probably had grown suspicious but Sterling didnt pay them to ask questions so the man just shrugged it off and let Ashlee run straight to Ginger's stall. She had already had the horse half out of the stable when Sterling had joined her. She began petting the horse as it nudged her. She wasnt sure if it was the horse telling her it was mad at her or what. She talked to her for a minute and for the moment she seemed to be in her own little world. She snapped out of it though just in time to see Sterling pulling his own horse out. Lightning wasnt all sweet like Ginger. He was stubborn and only a few people could actually ride him. Sterling being one of them. He had almost been hers. Ashlee was happy with her choice though. This was another thing about Sterling that had suprised her. He had a horse stable and enjoyed every minute of being there. She seen a whole different side of him that not too many people probably got to see. He hopped up on Lightning and turned around and smirked that smirk that always seemed to kick something inside Ashlee into high gear. She just smiled back and then hopped onto Ginger as if she hadnt been out of practice for months. She walked the horse up next to him.

Mr.Sterling-So you wanna get to our spot quickly or would you rather just take it slow.

Ashlee-Well I would love to get to the spot quickly for alot of reasons but lets just take it slow. Afterall I have been out of practice for a while.

Mr.Sterling-Nah its like riding a bike you never really forget.

Ashlee-I suppose but it will give us plenty of time to catch up and Im in no big hurry today.

He nodded and they headed out of the stable. Ashlee looked over at him and smiled. He had given her everything she wanted and probably would give her even more if she asked for it. Though she did have her independence and a large cash flow herself she was a little bit reserved with asking him for things. She believed in a man paying for most things but she had been on her own far too long and she had grown to be stubborn and a bit of a loner. That seemed to fly out the window 90% of the time with Sterling. She still had her bits of rebellion but he seemed to enjoy Ashlee no matter how she acted. She seemed to just be lost at looking at him. He was gorgeous and everything but Ashlee suspected it was for different reasons he had asked her a question and she had to snap out of her trance as she realized it when he was staring at her.

Ashlee-What? Sorry...I kinda..nevermind what you ask?

Sterling seemed amused by her little dazing off into space spell. But he didnt say anything about it and just repeated the question.

Mr.Sterling-So is your sister gonna grace us with her presence? Because Im sure if she is Im gonna get the third degree. I would rather be prepared for it.

Ashlee-Well thats a weird question to start off with. But I suppose it doesnt matter the order in which we catch up. Anyways...No I dont think so this time. Sky has been bouncing from a depression to happiness like a yo yo lately and honestly I think she is just tired of it all. She's in one of her Happy-Go-Lucky modes lately but who knows how long it will last. Plus she bought a dog.

Mr.Sterling-A dog is keeping her away?

Ashlee-No but yes...I think she got the dog either as an excuse or a sign to herself that she was really done. His name is Sammy. Hes only a few months old and he is a white german shepard. He's very smart and when you come home pretty fucked up he can be rather annoying but I suppose he is making her happy and what not. She always reminds me of an old lady who has lots of cats only I think Sky will have dogs instead....Truthfully she's more of a hot mess than I am and is way too unpredictable  and slightly boring. OH! OH! Well except for a few months back we had a party and our brother and his whore wife was there. She started running her mouth like always and Sky was drunk and knocked her her ass out and broke her nose. It seriously only took like 2 punches. It seriously was fantastic. I wish you would have been there...Ryan didnt talk to us for weeks though. Probably cause he had to listen to her bitch and pay for her plastic surgery....Yeah I had to quit working for him after that.

Mr.Sterling-You worked for him? Im sorry I just dont see 'The Platinum One' Behind a desk taking orders. Maybe had I known that you could have been my secretary.

Ashlee-You would never get any work done and you know it. You would call me into your office for something important and within 5 minutes you'd be thinking about something else.

Mr.Sterling-Im sure you would be thinking the same thing though

Ashlee- Of course I would but we arent talking about me in that situation...But anyways I did it as a favor to him..I did owe him for getting me out of jail a couple months back and his old secretary retired and The Whore just couldnt stand the thought of him having some young blood in there. Please...if my brother was gonna leave her it wouldnt be so cliche and leave with some skanky secretary. But yeah I did that job. It was pretty boring. Like I said had to quit after the Sky/Whore incident....

Sterling seemed confused and probably a little bit amused picturing Ashlee as a secretary. It didnt offend Ashlee or anything really it had been a weird position for her and she didnt like to be bossed around. Espically by Ryan and Sky. Here everyday she had to be bossed around sometimes by both of them. She didnt last long though and truthfully if she hadnt quit over the stupid incident she probably would have quit just over the being bossed around part. He probably was getting some other pictures of Ashlee has his secretary none that probably seemed all too "buisness like." Why did she think this? Well because she was thinking the same thing so Ashlee seemed to rattle on as they kept a slow steady pace towards the place they had made special for them just to keep herself from knocking him off his horse and getting way ahead of herself. It was a normal place to anyone else but to them and you wouldnt know it by glancing at it as anything special to anyone but it was to them. Ashlee realized she had seriously spent a good chunk talking about her sister and her family. She usually loved chatting about herself but she had gotten distracted and she needed to focus back on him.

Ashlee-Seriously stop letting me talk about this. I know now lets switch the focus back over to you. Seriously I would love to know what the hell you were up to all those months. I mean really where did you disappear to? Before you ask me though I can tell you nothing exciting happened for me just a whole lot of drinking and partying and waking up in all kinds of strange places around my house and friends houses. Seriously it was pretty weird.

Ashlee seemed to laugh it off like a joke and it seemed to work because she got a laugh out of Sterling too. She was suprised when she looked ahead and seen they were getting close to their spot. She knew she wouldnt get anything out of him there. That place had a way of bringing out THAT side in them and well since it had been months since she had seen him she wouldnt object to it...She never would when it came to him but right now she wanted answers and it was his turn to spill.
TBCB Mr.Sterling duh!

Mr. Sterling

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Re:If we ever meet again...
Date Posted:11/07/2010 4:53 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp


How to explain the disappearing act when everything was going so well.....

I smirk as I even think about what had happened all those months ago: "Well. You remember my cousin who's wedding we went to. And I told you about how we were raised as siblings and my aunt and uncle had died?"

She nods, but listens as I start to explain what had happened: "Well...he came back. Not from the dead, exactly. It was such a shock."

Ashlee looks at me confused, and I smile as my head shakes [God, that girl is so sexy] : "Ok. Roganna came home one night to the old household with her husband. And when they walked in, my uncle was sitting in the dark. He scared her when he spoke to them, and she freaked out and called me."

I shrug as Ashlee looks a bit interested at this point: "I grabbed Chad and we flew straight out there. I didn't even have time to think of anything else at the time. We found out that he was just making sure that he was leaving his family and his company in the best hands. Which of course, he was satisfied. We sat down and had a lot of shock and a long talk."

My mind halts to back then at that point, trying to stave off the stillness of the shock that I felt at that time: "After that, I started to head back to the wrestling world, but UVW had crumbled apparently. And I freaked out. I tried to call you but I never got through. I tried to write, but I wasn't sure where to send the letters to. I went nearly nuts for a time. Chad tried to help me out with everything...but it ended up with me in a very bad place. Having you stripped away was....undescribable pain."

I smile as I look up, indicating to myself that it isn't a dream having her here now: "I won't go into everything in great detail for the moment. But suffice it to say....that I came back to wrestling for an outlet. And Geeks promised me that everything would be alright if I started back. [ I smile as the thought hits me] I told him that if I was going back to the business that everything that I had done was for naught without you, and until I had you again....he was back to Geek Boy. No Chad, No training...just me, him, and the camera. [ A little of the anger coming out in that last sentence...it wasn't fair at the time for me to be unable to place my form back into proper shape without her. I smile to lighten the mood back up ] And so, I found SEF. A nice little Independent federation looking for talent. And as soon as we were here, Geeks went to putting out feelers on the net. We had originally been looking for Sky. We just figured that if we found her, we had a link to you."

Two weeks. Amazing what Chad can accomplish with a laptop and an internet connection. Almost as amazing as having Ashlee back on a horseback ride to our spot: "And it worked. You found me, again. And here we are."

At the spot. All of those roses that I had Chad go and buy? All spread around our spot in the shape of a heart. Ashlee's eyes light up as she sees it and I smirk: "You always had my heart."

She hops down first from Ginger and runs over to me as I'm hitting the ground: "Jonathon, that's just..."

I smirk: "The start?"

Teasingly popping in with that smirk of mine: "I know that's not what you were gonna-"

Mmm...that kiss. God, I missed that kiss. Ashlee and I can kiss for hours...just a blank amount of time passes by and the worlds slows down for us in that moment somehow, while everyone else is forced to live out those minutes never knowing the truly heavenly feeling that we get to experience in those same minutes.

Of course...Kissing usually leads to THAT, and this time is no different. It's been months for us, people...stop perving out.

Hours Later....

As we lay there, and my mind starts to wonder off it freely decides to share itself: "You think that when people die and go to heaven, that they get to be us for this moment in time right here forever?"

TBCB Ashlee Madden.....

ooc__I hope it works for ya...even though, I know you can work with anything. :P
Music__ The King Of Kings by Motorhead

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Ashlee Madden

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Re:If we ever meet again...
Date Posted:11/07/2010 11:13 PMCopy HTML

 ash2.png picture by murdertramp725

OOC:So I have had a rather shitty night...yeah I wont go into details lol but sorry this took so long.
Music:Not in the mood really.

Ashlee thought about what she was just asked for a minute. She was really unsure. She suspected thats probably what it felt like. I mean could anything get much better than when they were together? Well she doubted it. She grinned a cocky grin and leaned over and kissed him before pulling away.

Ashlee-Honestly? No...I think we are so awesome, great and amazing not even heaven can be as great as us.

Mr.Sterling-You know...I think your right.

Ashlee-Yeah Im pretty damn smart.

Ashlee grinned and she got that wonderful amazing smirk back from Sterling. She just couldnt resist it and before she knew it she was back to kissing him. After a few minutes she pulled away because she was starting to think about THAT again. She just smiled and was really considering it when she heard her phone go off. She rolled her eyes. Ok fine she was back to reality...She knew who it was...who it always was. She had a way of calling at all the wrong times. Ashlee knew if she didnt answer it though the phone would bug her for the rest of the night. Well I guess thats what happens when you duck out for a while and dont answer anyones calls. You just cant be trusted anymore...Like a child. Ashlee rolled over and grabbed her phone and answered it.

Ashlee-Bitch what the fuck do you want?!

Sky-Hello...its good to talk to you too.

Ashlee-Sorry you just have this way of calling when your not wanted.

Sky-I would be offended...or hurt by that but then again Im used to it bitch. By the way your in serious trouble...

Ashlee-So your calling to be a pain in my ass because?!

Sky-Well I have a bone to pick with you...please tell me why two men are at my door trying to come in and install a stripper pole....They wanna put a hole in my ceiling and they said a Ms. Madden ordered it..For some reason they think its me.

The look on Ashlee's face went from annoyed to confused to extremly amused. Then Ashlee couldnt help it she busted out laughing. Honestly she couldn't remember doing something like that...but then again she hadn't remembered most of the week due to partying. Though she couldnt deny she did some fucked up shit when she was drinking. Plus her ex-stripper buddies had a way of influencing her. Sterling looked at her and she just couldnt stop laughing. Eventually she did when she know Sky wasnt playing. 

Sky-I dont find it very funny...

Ashlee-Oh my god you dont?! Thats fuckin hilarious...Well let them install it and then maybe you can get some practice on it. Maybe I will come home and teach you a few things and then  get you a good decent man. Or just invite the girls over and let them have their fun with it. Keep in mind thats just as much my house as it is yours. Seriously let lose it can be pretty fun after a few drinks and shit. Just saying...

Sky-Your the worlds most annoying sister you know that?

Ashlee-Love you too. Have a Good Night. Im gonna go enjoy the rest of mine.

Sky-Son of a bitch...DONT PUT THAT THERE...Ash yo-

With that Ashlee hit the end call button and put her phone down before hopping up and getting dressed. Sky's phone call had really snapped her back to reality. She was still highly amused but she was also really hungry she just laughed to herself and shook her head.

Ashlee-Im really hungry...Leave it to Sky to snap me back to reality the hoe.

Mr.Sterling-Are you gonna tell me what exactly was so funny?

Ashlee-Apparently I ordered a stripper pole to be installed in the house today...Who knew? I t hink its pretty damn great. I will have to call Belle or Sierra tomorrow and ask them about it. Im sure they will remember...At least I believe one of them drove me home that night...So they had to be pretty sober.

Mr.Sterling-You dont remember?

Ashlee-Nope. But apparently I did. My name is on the paperwork. Oh well. Anyways...You hungry...its starting to get dark and well being outdoors at night is kinda creepy out in the middle of no where. The night is still young Jonathon Im letting you decide what we do with it.

Ashlee smiled and picked up one of the roses and twirled it around in her hand and began playing with the petals. She gave him a smile that she knew would probably drive him crazy. It was funny how a smile could do that. She just sat back and waited for whatever was to happen next..

TBCB Mr.Sterling.

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