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Justin extreme 177

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:15:12 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:14/07/2010 4:48 PMCopy HTML

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Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
Justin vs Mr. Sterling 
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Justin Extreme 177
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Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
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You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin is lifting weights, not stopping his work out because there is a camera trained on him.  For the most part he is completely oblivious until a woman clears her throat}}

Justin:"There is a reason behind all things, Johnathan Sterling.  At least that is what grief counselors like to tell people.  The way I see it is they don't know what the hell they are talking about.  {he continues as his finally does look up} "I wouldn't say that I'm not a realist, but when it comes down to things like winning the International title and retaining it for a long time, I'd say I'm more passionate.  It was my legacy to win this title.  It was my determination to win it, in honor of the promise I made to my uncle, and not to retain it is a new chapter in the life I lead.  My uncle gave me someone to look up to, aspire to be like.  Now as I face, in a few months, being a father myself, for the real first time this time, {he gives the camera a hard look alluding to a past relationship that almost pushed him over the edge} the first time I am looking at setting an example for my children.  I won this title to honor a man who spent his life giving me someone that I could always count on to be there, no matter what, a man who, all through my childhood, that I didn't feel had ever abandonded me.  Keeping this title, allows me the opportunity to have a reputation to pass down to my children.  Determination, honor, and family loyalty.  See, this title is all that and more, a concept that I do not think you understand.  You like to take the short cut, don't you, Johnathan.  I'd call you Johnny but that would disprespect Camaro, who unfortunately has to share a name to a disgusting no-good bastard who'd rather take the cheap way out, then really doing what we all came here for.  You, Johnathan demand respect, but you do nothing to earn it.  You may even think of me as a sycophant.  {smirks}  Yeah, go look it up big boy.  It's syc not sick like you often make me when you are going on and on about how great you are, but you do nothing to back it up.  You aren't even orginal.  Brass knucks.  That's at least three generations old if not more.  My grandfather used the same thing you do, William Regal, even the great Arn Anderson has used brass knucks.  {laughs} even Drew uses them and like Regal and Anderson, he's left handed.  Even though I see you as a bigger challenge that a lot of my recent opponents, I don't see you doing anything to earn my respect as some of my opponents and even my tag partners have.  Like Camaro, a man I got all wrong, who came out to help save my aunt and uncle from what could have been a much worse fate.  {shakes his head} The New Orleans O'Bannons.  I knew that Lestat wouldn't stay locked up for long.  They remind me more of you than they do Knighthawk, Sterling.  They are tough opponents who, as you saw on Extreme, take the easy way out.  They triple teamed, Drew, and then proceeded to try to take out Shady Smack.  What they didn't expect, those braindead criminal assholes that coming in here disrespects everything that most of us hold dear.  SEF is for fighters.  SEF is about respect.  You earn it or you get your ass handed to you and get dumped in the street."

{He pauses as Katana comes into view where cute Maternity clothes to bring him a water.  He sets the weight down to touch her stomach}

Katana:"Jus, your title defense?"

{He smirks up at her}

Justin:"Being the champ doesn't change somethings." {She kisses Justin on the head and he pats her on the butt as she leaves.  He turns back to the camera} "You see Sterling, being the champ is important to my wife as well.  There are no egos there that could get in the way or any jealousy issues that could arise with you and your girlfriend when it comes to all the training that you are probably going to do to try to take my title.  The only psychos in my family are the ones that I fought the other night on Extreme.  A decent enough victory over my older brother but it wasn't a one on one.  He'll make all kind of bullshit excuses that if Camaro hadn't done this or if Hayden had backed him up a little more then he would have been successful.  Then again he's come up with all kinds of bullshit reasons that he has lost to Mack as well.  What he should realize is that the reason why he keeps losing his matches is that he doesn't have the dedication to training and learning that everyone else does.  He likes to pull the same shit that you do, Sterling except he makes excuses for failure.  Now, you on the other hand, are undefeated, as I am.  Yet, you have cheap victories and I hate that, especially since a couple of them come at the hands of my best friend.  Since I returned to SEF, I believe in April, I have busted my ass to earn the right to wrestle for SEF.  I have gone out there and won with the varied training that I have.  True, I have been blindsided and attacked my jealous people who didn't deserve to be here and most of them are gone now.  I'm still here.  I'm worked my way up to become the International Champion.  One day, I may even make a go for the Heavyweight title but let's face facts, I have a long way to go.  There are no shortcuts that I want to take when it comes to the number one prize in this industry.  Unlike Lucas, when it comes to the heavyweight title, I want to be the number contender when and only if I deserve it!  Not because I'm jealous of people who have busted their hump and are better than me.  Now Lucas, you can call it ass kissing all you want but Mack isn't the only active wrestler here who has been the heavyweight champion.  See, I know you don't pay attention to history.  Strife is a former SEF champ.  If I beat him, then I might consider myself ready to face Mack.  As of now, I'm not greedy.  {he stands up and the camera follows him to a bench where the International title is sitting.  He picks it up and looks at it, proudly.  He then unloops it and puts it on his shoulder} I am enjoying the two weeks that I've been International Champ and I'm not ready to give that up.  Sterling, you may ask why I bring my brother up.  Why bring all of this extra shit in to a match that is my first SEF title defense?  It's because you've graced us all with the soap opera reunion of you and Ashlee Madden.  It's been playing ever since she got here on SEF on demand.  You aren't the only one with history.  In fact, since Camaro is familar with you.  {he points to his droid cell} I plan on calling him up and getting more information on you that doesn't have the whole chick flick flavor to it.  I care more about the wrestling and the years of submission training that you claim to have.  You can have your romance all you want and even if she sticks her nose in our match it still doesn't change the fact that short of cheating, I'll do almost anything to keep this title.  If she does, unlike Ash, I was raised wrestling a girl.  {He snickers} His wife, my cousin.  If you didn't treat her like one of the guys in the match, she'd make you sing soprano.  It wasn't pretty.  If Ashlee swings at me and I knock her on her ass if Taryn doesn't.  {he looks at the camera} You may think this is just a game that you like to play, but this is my life, Sterling.  I will leave Extreme as the International Champion."


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