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The Dynasty

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:19:09 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:15/07/2010 7:08 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
carlycowboyhat.png picture by kristinbenoit97
|| Carly Anderson|| {{Dynasty Corporation}} || Carly Anderson||
{Carly sneers at the reporters who have gathered for the press conference.  Today she is dressed in Stella McCartney casual and a pair of Espadrilles.  She gazes over the crowd who showed up: bad teeth, obvious hair pieces, overweight, and frumpy....that was just the women.  She grimaced and held a hand to her nose.  These people reeked to high heaven.  She hated Jackson, TN.  She didn't know why her cousin Scott chose to live in TN.  Why leave the glorious state of Texas for a place in the middle of nowhere that smelled like a landfill?  When she was finally behind the podium it wasn't so bad.  The scented candles were lit and helping to battle the stench.}}

Carly:"I'm here to make an announcement on behalf of the Dynasty Divas.  Our tag titles seem to be on the line againist a midget and a skank.  Of course, Lacey gets to redeem the Dynasty Divas when she faces Strife for her beautiful television title.  At least she gets a decent competitor to defend her title againist.  A former SEF champion after an excellent showing againist Shane Mack.  Unfortunately our other divas, Hayden, Jade, and Dusty are being forced into a tag match againist Jayden Skanky and Shorty Smack.  {she snickers.  She thinks and smirks} I've changed my mind.  I will not allow our tag titles to be on the line againist some poseur losers.  Our titles will not be on the line unless we get some quality opponents.  {she rolls her eyes} I'd rather put the titles on the line againist Lace Dart & Flea Spawn or The Wiggle Brothers rather than the nasty whore Jayden and who ever she spreads her legs for just to get a tag partner."

Reporter:"What about Jade's loss to Ashlee Madden in her debut match?"

Carly:"Jade didn't lose.  Jayden did.  Jayden was pinned by Ashlee after Ashlee brought in a lead pipe to the ring.  It was very creative and we actually respect the fact that she took out Jayden for us.  It makes this week's Extreme a much easier victory for us since her ribs and back must be bothering her."

Another reporter:"What about this new team that come in.  The Legacy claim they are O'Bannons."

{Carly rolls her eyes}

Carly:"Of course they are, stupid!  Did you not realize that Riot and Knox were pleased to see them?  I do not represent them but I can introduce them.  The one who carved the anarchy symbol in his forehead is Radu.  You pissants already know of Lestat.  He's been Lucas' bodyguard in the past.  The third, the one with the black hair and red eyes is Armond.  His wife, Plasma, carried the goblet and she prefers to be known as the Blood Countess.  The other girl is Synn.  She is the sister to the monsters who have invaded SEF.  At this time other than the relationship by marriage, The Dynasty Divas are not associated with the NOLA O'Bannons or whatever they are going to call themselves.  We are not even privvy as to why they are even here.  All we know is the Dynasty Divas will rule all this week on Extreme.  Of course in one match it's simple; its the icing on the cake that Lacey will be baking when she roasts Strife in their main event match. We will be sitting pretty with all the belts eventually.  {she smirks} It's only a matter of time.  Now get out of my sight and take a shower for Christ's sake.  You guys smell worse than a barnyard!" 
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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