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I am the black sheep-Lucas extreme 177

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:20:14 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:15/07/2010 8:29 PMCopy HTML
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LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{Lucas walks into a gym in Three Way, TN, a town about 45 minutes from Jackson, TN.  He looks around the corner before swaggering in as if he owned the place.}}

"Hi Lucas."  "HEY! It's Loki!"

{{Lucas smirks as the employees call out to him.  He sends them a condescending nod.  He passes by a wall where there is a mural.  On it shows Danger Zone, the tag team that brought his father and uncle to the forefront of their wrestling careers.  They won many title belts and in TN, TX, Alberta, and a few other spots around the world made themselves fairly well known.  He grunts in disgust as one side there is a smaller picture of he and Justin wearing title gold and then his younger cousins Colton and Savannah.  They were still in juniors and not quite old enough to make a jump outside of their families wrestling organizations.  They had their own singles titles.  It hadn't been updated since Dusty had started wrestling or with any of his sisters, not even with his own son.  He was annoyed but started hitting the weights ignoring his shorter uncle coming out to watch him annoyed.  He knew he was the Black sheep of the family and was now relishing the hate he was being given.  The doors clanked open and Lucas jumped up, fist raised.  A camera crew came in with Greg Boone.  He resumed looking cocky and dropped his fist.  He sat back down non-chalantly and reaches for the dumb bell again.  He snickered as his uncle leaned back againist the wall with his arms crossed across his chest}

Lucas:"You know, I am thinking that I should change my nickname from Loki to The Black Sheep.  {he says Black Sheep loud enough for his uncle to hear.  Knowing full well that it would piss him off since his uncle had been trained by the uswa tag team of the Black Sheep.} "My family doesn't want me around.  {He motions to his uncle Scott} See, my uncle.  My father's own brother, a so called almost legendary cruiserweight who claims he has wrestled guys like AJ Styles, Rey Mysterio, Malenko, and Punk.  He's even held a few victories over them, isn't that what you claim, old man?  You like to talk about the old days.  This is the now. I am the future.  Not the chosen son or the fortunate son, whatever you and Dad want to call Justin.  He's never had a shot at the SEF title where I've been to the top many times.  Now he's got a little gay friend who likes to follow him around.  He's like a cross dresser.  He acts like Mack but claims he has done all of the training that Justin has.  Then he comes running out when my new boys show up acting all crazy, kissing Mack and Justin's ass.  You know Taryn, Andrew, you are his aunt and uncle not mine.  You can claim that you like to annoy your nephew all you won't but I don't claim you.  You two are just fleas on my dog's ass!  You don't even rank in my world!!  Camaro doesn't either but I at least have to lower myself to teaching him a lesson that obviously didn't get drilled in his head when Mack beat his ass in the Death Match.  So Mack kicked your ass and now you're laying low like a dog licking his wounds.  It must be a good thing that you teamed with Justin so he could carry your ass.  Wonder if Justin is having back problems?  {He snickers} Camaro, you are nothing.  You are probably on your last leg when it comes to a fed like SEF.  I am going to love being the final nail in your coffin.  {he looks at his uncle again} I am going to do the same thing to Justin.  I'm going to ruin careers and ruin lives.  Camaro first and then Justin.  Should I go with neck or knee, Uncle Scott?  You are a First Responder, you know anatomy!  What would most devistate, Justin's in-ring career?  Shawn already caused Justin to have surgery this year on his knee.  Maybe I can take it the rest of the way out of surgery.  How wonderful to make Justin be in a wheelchair when he is at Katana's bedside, bring his kids into the world.  Almost nostalgic, don't you think?  Weren't you in traction when Alyssa gave birth to Colt?  You couldn't even make it to the delivery room.  In fact, I think I'll practice on Camaro.  I think do some real damage to make people know that I'm not screwing around anymore."
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's


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