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The Legacy Remains

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:26:58 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:16/07/2010 11:44 AMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
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{{{Taryn, Ash, and Drew are start laughing.  Taryn gets up shaking her head}}}

Taryn:"You know Ashlee, your "gift" reeks of something my little nieces would do.  Then they'd snicker and hold up their fingers in the shape of an L and chant loser.  It's very high school, in fact its very freshman year.  You want to call me a cheerleader and comment on why my brother and I refer to you as a slag?  For someone who calls her segment 'Ashlee Madden's Research Files' you certainly do not research very well.  I'm surprised you even know how to read since you probably slept your well through high school."

Drew:"She's more than a slag, she's a bloomin' glakit."

Taryn:"I've mostly assimilated working with my sister and her friends.  So my accent isn't as pronounced as Andrew's is, but since you are so interested we were born in England and went to a boarding school in Scotland.  So I'm a cheerleader?  {she grins} In case you didn't realize I was in a match where I didn't have to use a weapon.  Not that I'm opposed to it.  Much like my big brother, I don't mind using a weapon if the match calls for it.  {she sighs} Ashlee, you are simply pathetic.  That's really what it is.  It's really hard to get excited when it's like trying to get one over on a little kid.  You didn't by chance go to one of those special schools for troubled but mentally challenged youth?  You are so much like those stupid Dynasty Divas that I'm surprised they haven't formed a mutual appreciation society with you.  This week is going to be fun."

{Drew reclines back and crosses his ankles, not getting up}

Drew:"Animosity in The O'Bannon clan?  Were those signs of dissent I saw from you, Knox?  You forgot how well we know each other.  You were severely frustrated with the out there antics of your kin, even if your father sometimes feigns normality for his day job.  It's why you joined the Marines the minute you were old enough."

Ash:"He fled juniors like his ass was on fire."

{Drew smirks as we hear Justin start choking on the water he's drinking.  Taryn goes and smacks him on the back}

Drew:"You alright there, lad?  You know better than we do.  Knox used to be thick as thieves with you and Ash.  It's why you didn't oppose his attentions to Dusty like you did the other bloke she was with."

{Justin holds his hands up}

Justin:"This round is up to you and Ash.  Unless the freaks come out to play then I won't be involved."

Ash:"Agreed.  What about Dusty? You know she's always with Knox?"

{Justin shrugs}

Taryn:"Until Maegs is on the roster let me worry about Dusty."

{Ash and Drew share a knowing smirk}

Drew:"Not bloody likely.  She wants to train for SEF then she needs to learn what its like to get hit by a man or she'll forever go hiding behind Lucas and Knox for the rest of whatever pitiful career she has in SEF."

Ash:"I should have had more of a hand in her training than I did but we mostly neglected her because even though she was pretending to be a tomboy she was very much a girly girl.  Knox is right about one thing.  He hasn't done much to accept the style of SEF.  He's trying to still do the grappling and hand to hand the Marines like to do.  It hasn't been very successful for him as of yet, but then again I am slightly more successful than he is.  However, I would like to see Riot scream like a little girl. {he smirks at Drew who pops his muscles} So if I neutralize Knox..."

Drew:"Then I will take Riot and make him scream fancy a little school quine."

{Ash starts laughing}


Taryn:"Ye both are out of yer minds. The New Orleans cousins will come out and dog's breakfast everything up."

Ash:"What the fuck did you just say?"

{Justin turns}

Justin:"She said you both nuts because their cousins will come out and fuck up your match."

{Ash rolls his eyes and Maegan giggles}

Ash:"Why couldn't she just say that? {Taryn shrugs at sticks her tongue out at him} "It doesn't matter.  We'll take care of them like we did last week."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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