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Legacy enjoys good news

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:28:01 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:16/07/2010 10:57 PMCopy HTML

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The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
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{{{The Legacy are sitting around a huge plankwood table with benches on both sides and straight back chairs on each end.  Justin, being the tallest one present is in one of the straight back chairs, his uncle sitting at the other end of the table while Drew and Taryn are on one bench while Ash is sitting on the opposite side.  A few minutes later Katana comes in with a beer for Justin and sits on his lap.  Maegan comes in with a beer for her and Ash and slips onto the bench next to him.  Scott starts dealing cards out just as Maegan's cell phone rings}

Maegan:"Damn Scotty, I'm sorry.  {she looks at the caller id to start to deny the call when she sees who it is and grins}  "I gotta take this.  {she reaches over and kisses Ash on the cheek} "Play my hand, babe."

{They all frown at her until she comes running back in with a handicam.}

Drew:"What are you on about, Maegs?"

{She grins}

Maegan:"I got some great news.  The Foxes are about to reform.}

{Taryn finally catches her excitement}


{In her excitment she starts chatting excitedly in Gaelic.  Ash rolls his eyes}

Ash:"CHRIST! Some of us don't speak 50 million languages, Taryn!"

{Justin smirks.  He doesn't speak near that many and certainly not Gaelic but certainly catches the drift that his sister must have been on the phone}

Justin:"Good chat with Gracie?"

Maegan:"You think the Dynasty likes to talk alot of crap?  Well, what till they find out Gracie just sent a video and resume to SEF.  We very well could start taking out the Dynasty Divas one at a time.  Dusty is especially going to freak, you know how inferior that she always felt to Gracie, especially when she moved in with you, Justin.  {Justin shakes his head} "Well anyway, she spoke to Kristin last weekend and to Johnny today.  She is due a break from school.  She just made twenty in December.  It's time she took time for herself.  She has a Master's and her MD, she just has to complete her residency for whatever speciality she decides to chose!  She has the rest of her life to finish her residency."

{Justin throws down his cards and turns toward Maegan}

Justin:"So the handicam?"

Maegan:"We need to get the jump, Taryn and I, on the competition."

Katana:"I wish we could have done this before or at least could have waited till our twins were born."

Maegan:"It really couldn't be helped.  {Katana sighs} "You know, it's not like you're going to be pregnant forever.  {She laughs} "I know, {a baby starts crying} "See?  {laughs} "I'll..."

{Ash stands up}

Ash:"I got him."  {He winks at her} "You guys cut your promo."

{Ash gets up to go take care of his son, Dante.  The girls fix the camera}

Taryn:"You know Dusty, Hayden, you're greatest fears have just been realized.  You want to claim that your leader is about to prove that she's the most dominant diva in wrestling history?  So one title is legitimately won and suddenly she thinks she's a dominant diva?  When has she won a heavyweight title?  Granted, I can't say that Maegan or I have, hell, the closest to a major predominantly male title is X division titles over men.  See, one of things we were taught is to respect history.  So in doing so we watch tape.  The SEF archives are a great resource for studying what makes dominance.  Without mentioning any names and for your little twit, Carly calling us ass kissers, but then again, {she smirks} true greatness speaks for itself.  You don't have to thrown names out there when its all available for viewing in the SEF Archives or the in the chants of the fans.  THEY know dominance, they know greatness, and its not Lacey Daniels or Ashlee Madden."

Maegan:"You girls are what I call a dime a dozen hos and I really like to snatch a bitch up and make her realize she isn't so high mighty.  You like to run your mouths and make a lot of big claims, yet you always fail to take the big step or really show anything important in big matches.  How many of you can even claim something like 'I wrestled Whitney Marrett?"  Hayden, maybe?  Yet as much as I have never really seen eye to eye to my cousin, she doesn't make that huge claim.  It's Lacey.  Lacey, I want to know if you have ever tried to reach for that brass ring?  How many legends have you wrestled?  Granted, I may not have been successful againist Whitney but I can say I didn't cower from having a match with her. I can also say that I got to wrestle my aunt in one of her last matches.  While she hasn't ever wrestled for SEF, legend Cassidy Dawn McPherson would have a lot to say about their one time rivalry.  Then again, that's not me.  That's just one of my main trainers.  What you girls like to do is drop a lot of world reknowned names but you don't respect anything but the attention those names bring you.  You aren't even living up to the training that you did with them, well Lacey for the most part is.  The girls I grew up with, not so much."

Taryn:"Ashlee seems to be just a like.  You know these truth commercials, the ones with the puppets, {Maegan snickers} yes, the ones Gabby and her girls like to make fun of, that reminds me of my Extreme Opponent.  Ashlee, its sad to say but when you graduated high school were you voted the 'Most Likely to Get Date Raped?'  You've said yourself that you party and drink so much that you can't even remember things."

Maegan:"I vaguely remember those days...."

Justin:"I'm surprised Uncle Christopher didn't kill anyone over those Britney and Paris days..."

{Maegan flushes}

Maegan:"Aspen and Jade, should have known not to trust them."

{Taryn nods firmly at Maegan}

Taryn:"Yet another reason why they must be destroyed.  I bet that Lacey doesn't know that one of Jade's favorite cousins went 5150 like Lindsey and Brit....or Micha Barton."

Justin:"Who the hell is Mischa Barton?"

{Maegan rolls her eyes}

Maegan:"The dead girl poisoned by her mom in Sixth Sense and some other stupid show."

{Justin shrugs.}

Justin:"Do whatever you have to, to neutralize Ashlee.  She's not going to like the hell that Sterling and I dish out to each other.  {they turn the camera toward him} "It's hard to say what game plan Sterling is going to play.  He is by far to concerned with letting the world know everything about his personal life."

{Scott snorts and Justin looks at him}

Scott:"You guys don't?"

Justin:"You don't see videos of Katana and I being posted online of us laying in bed together and talking about what heaven is like.  You don't see Drew and Erin or Maegan and Ash..."

Scott:"Thank God...."

{Katana laughs}

Katana:"You who was once known as Dr. Feelgood is worried about people being in bed?"

Scott:"No, I'm not hyped to see my you in bed with my nephew or anyone I consider my family....besides Alyssa and I weren't seen in bed."

{Justin laughs}

Maegan:"No because even though Alyssa couldn't or wouldn't kick your butt, Crystal would and she'd have Barry help!"

Justin:"The best friend always get thrown in.  {shakes his head and smirks at Maegan} Ya, guys talk too, Maeg, since I'm the big bad threat to Ash.  It doesn't matter though.  If something really went wrong with your relationship, Maeg, Matt would be quick to jump his ass before I even had a chance."

Maegan:"That's besides the point.  {she smirks and gets up excited pacing} "This is all coming together just like we planned."

Taryn:"Hopefully, Grace will be here for Extreme.  She'd love to get an up close and personal look at Ashlee."

Maegan:"Trust me Ashlee is on her list, already.  Although, she's much higher on my list for touching my husband than she is on Grace's.  She wants Dusty. She always has."

Taryn:"I get first crack at Ashlee, thanks to some lucky booking.  She thinks that she has my number, that I am only a team cheerleader?  Sure, I am new to the game but it doesn't mean that she should look over me."  {she smiles} "You know, I kind of like having mystery on my side.  She lives her life out in the public eye, nothing is secret.  Me on the other hand, I am the enigma so far.  I really didn't get to show my skills in the six man tag last week.  So when we step in the ring Ashlee, I invite you to bring your little bedazzled cheerleading baton, {she smirks} I look forward to taking it from you and using it on you."

{Ash comes back in and glances down at the handicam}

Ash:"Did anyone see Sterling's promo today?  For someone who claims to speak the truth?  He sure is spitting out a lot of bullshit.  I've been asking for awhile now for a weapon's match with him.  In fact, I started packing my Cestus gloves ever seen the first time he clocked me with his brass knucks.  You know, John-John, you are nothing but a coward and a liar."

{Justin took a deep breath and sat Katana in his chair.  Katana took the camera to focus on the whole group}

Justin:"I am begining to think you're right, Ash.  For someone who claims to be great, he is cheap.  Granted if he'd stole Phantom Fate or Air Phantom and used them on you, that would have been classic and annoying as fuck.  As for being a coward, I'm not so sure.  He just thinks any victory is a good victory.  He is righ though, most record books would just list it as win by pinfall.  They won't show that he clocked you with knucks.  You are just going to have to expect the unexpected as I am.  Camaro has been to busy training to return my phone calls to get any information but from what I understand, Platnium Greatness is nothing more than a joke because they go in make asses out of themselves and rack up a few cheap victories before fading away.  Maybe if they are so 'reconnected' as they claim, then they will dig in and give us a challenge that Lucas and his assholes aren't giving us."

Drew:"Those ruddy bastards are here somewhere, maybe they only come out to be a pain in my arse because they sure haven't messed with Justin."

{Justin snickered}

Justin:"After the beating I gave Riot in our last blood lust match?  No, they wouldn't come for me.  I really do not think they were coming for you anyway, Drew.  They prey on what they percieve as weak.  They wanted Shady and Taryn.  They just didn't realize that just because Mack and I had matches that we wouldn't come out to save our family, cuz that's what Shady is to Mack.  They were just as surprised that Camaro came out too, but this is SEF.  This is our home fed, now."


Justin:"Mack is on vacation right now.  We need to make sure that these bastards like The OBannons and Sterling don't run rough shod and destroy everything that he and Whitney built here.  We need to protect it againist these guys just like we did in Texas and Canada.  We want to prove we belong here?  Let's prove it by letting Mack know that he can put his trust in us to keep the show going if he wants to kick back and do what he does best."

Drew:"Does that mean?"

{Ash starts laughing}

Ash:"Yeah, raise hell and kick a hell of a lot of ass!"
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