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Last Night....[Extreme 177]

Started by Ashlee Madden, September 30, 2023, 11:19:33 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:18/07/2010 3:30 PMCopy HTML

AshleeMaddenTop.png picture by CPDesigns_74
Music: "Pretty Girl Swag" Ciara
OOC: So I meant to get this up last night and fuck it all if I didnt get bribed with alcohol. lol So this was the only way this roleplay would make sense to me. Hope you like it and Good Luck to my opponet I think I have a great challenge =) No color font changes too lazy.
So Extreme was tonight and Ashlee couldnt help but be pumped. I mean her man was gonna win his first title and she was gonna drop Taryn Fox like a bag of rocks. Yeah she was so pumped she couldnt even feel her hangover that she should be having. Yet Sky did. She had been pretty bitchy and bratty today so far and you wouldnt have known it just by looking at Ashlee that she had drank the night before...She had thrown quite the little "party" but it made no difference. She would show the world that even when she was hungover she could still best any bitch that crossed her....Ashlee sat back and replayed last nights events all in her head...

The Night Before...

Mr.Sterling and Geek Boy were walking down the hallway of the hotel they were staying in. There was music heard coming from down the hallway and Sterling just smiled when they got outside his and Ashlee's room. He stuck the key in and shrugged with a smrik at Geek Boy before opening the door. What they saw when they got in the room was definitly a site. A long table was set up and on each end were cups set up in a triangle like shape. Definitly Beer Pong. There were shot glasses filled with a purple like liquid on the sides of each. Sky sat on the couch reading a magazine. She was singing soflty to herself the Journey song that was blaring in the background. She was sitting on the only coushion that had been left on the couch. The bed had been flipped up and the room looked as if a hurricane had hit it....There was no sign of Ashlee but judging by the noises coming from the bathroom it was pretty clear where she was. Things were clanking and crashing. Sky looked up and seen the two men and smiled.

Mr.Sterling-What the hell happened here?

Sky-Well as you can see Hurricane Ashlee has hit. Maybe you have bonked her head one too many times on the headboard.

Sterling was about to say something when Ashlee came barging out of the bathroom. She seen Sterling and Geek Boy and she smiled and went and grabbed Geek Boy and dragged him over to the phone.

Ashlee-Geeks! Im so glad your here...I need you to check this phone line! Make sure there are no bugs!

Geek Boy-Ash...I dont know what your talkin about. I dont know how to do that.

Ashlee-Well try!!!

Geek Boy-You dont even use this phone! Are you drunk?

Ashlee-No...Not yet anyways.

Ashlee picked up the phone and handed it to Geek Boy. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes and pretended to do what she asked while Ashlee went back to checking under and around things.

Mr.Sterling-Babe, What are you doing?

Ashlee-Well you see...Tarnished Legacy seems to know a little more than they should...seriously I think they have us bugged! Or wired! Im just giving the room a nice quick onceover!

Sky-I dont think "onceover" is the word for it. Now come on...You were the one who wanted to play Beer Pong now lets do the damn thing!

Ashlee-Well I guess Im not gonna find anything...those bastards are good. Oh well. By the way its Purple Nurple Pong...Beer doesnt get me drunk in a good way. Just sick drunk. Oh but those bastards have pissed me off.

Ashlee walked over to the table and downed two shots in a row. Sky bitching at her about wasting the games liquor. Ashlee rolled her eyes and poured two more shots and left them alone. She waited for the alcohol to settle before grabbing one of Geek Boy's cameras and heading out on the balcony.

Sky-What the hell are you doing now?!

Ashlee-I need to give those douchers a piece of my mind. Then I can play.

Sky-Your gonna cut a promo slightly intoxicated?

Ashlee-Yeah why not?! The sad thing is...it will be ten times more amazing than anything they could come up with. Jonathon you wanna play with us when I come back in? Im sure me and you could kick Sky and Geeks ass.

Sky-Pshht whatever...Everytime we play this shit I kick your ass. Plus Mr.Arrogant Prick doesnt strike me as good at this kind of thing.

Mr.Sterling-Im good at everything I do, Sky. But I think I will pass. I wanna try and stay focused for my match. Dont wanna risk a hangover that might throw me off.

Sky-Whatever. You could never beat me...At ANYTHING anyways.

Ashlee-Oh you two...Seriously are amusing.

Geek Boy-The phone is not bugged...Not that I could tell if it were. Ashlee do you think its a good idea for you to drink? I mean you are facing Taryn Fox tomorrow night.

Ashlee-Its all good..I used to get home and pass out at 4 and then get up at 8 and go to work. I will be fine!

Sky-Yet Ryan told me by 1 you were passed out at your desk.

Ashlee-ONE TIME! ONE TIME! Now damn it I got shit to do!

Sky just laughed and shook her head as Ashlee shut the balcony door and messed with the camera holding it up to her face before hitting the record button.

Ashlee-Ladies and Gentlemen, This right here...Is my. Pretty Girl Swag! Ahem just kidding. No but seriously this is where I prove to the world that though slightly intoxicated I can still burn a bitches ass better than any other bitch in the world. Thats right. Now Taryn you came out like a firecracker...but just like a firecracker you died out just as quickly as you came in. Oh well...I guess that happens to amatuers. Do you think I care where you are from? Do you think I care about where you went to school? No I dont. Does the rest of the world care? No they dont. Saying Im like the Dynasty Divas? No chance...Im a very unique individual you'll never find another more amazing, more attractive, or more worthy of the Platinum status that I am. Oh and cracking jokes about how I "slept my way through high school" wow for someone who says Im so high school that statement right there was pretty damn childish. No I didnt sleep my way through high school. Since you seem to wanna share a little bit I guess I could do the same. I wont lie in high school I was wild and crazy and I did alot of things I wasnt proud of and I wish I would have done better and blahty blah blah blah. One thing I didnt do though is sleep around. Espically with no nasty ass old teachers. I will admit I scraped by by the skin of my teeth. Does that really matter now though? Absolutly not. It has nothing to do with who I am now .Im still a very intelligent women and Im smart enough and quick enough that I will one up you and do more amazing shit than you could ever dream about. Im a star bitch and I dont plan on burning out anytime soon.

Ashlee smiled and looked int he camera lens noticing a few loose hairs she fixed them through the camera lens before she readjusted the camera began speaking again.

Ashlee-Now I shouldnt really bash your little "family" or whatever. Because despite people thinking Im this cold hard bitch I do have a family adn in case you havent noticed I happen to be pretty damn close with my older sister. There is nothing wrong with sticking up for your family and being there for each other but sometimes you just gotta stay out of each other's buisness. Sky is here visiting but do you think she really cares about my match or how I do things? Hell no. Do you think I always get involved in her little drama? Hell no. Though you seem determined to try and take me and 'The Greatness' down because everytime we beat one of you another one decides to crawl out of the woodwork and step up to the plate to try and beat us. Newsflash it aint gonna happen. Though I guess it doesnt hurt to try. Like I said I will keep rolling out the welcome mat for all you bitches but dont be too suprised when your faces get slammed into it. Taryn you and your family are just like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Annoying as hell and a pain in the ass until I take a stick and poke at you until you fall off and then I just wash away all the stickyness and Im back to doing me again. I know your just jealous of me Taryn...Afterall I have been driving Bentley's and Mercedes since I was old enough to get a permit. That usually is why people start hating...Or maybe just maybe its the fact that Im with Mr.Sterling. He is the most gorgeous man on the face of the planet. I would be jealous too girl if I looked as ugly as you. Because you know you cant get as good of a man as I got. If you do have a man since I dont seem to research enough nor care too really well I already know he will never be better than Jonathon Sterling. So keep dreaming.

Sky ducked her head out on the balcony and started bitching about hurrying up. Ashlee just flipped her off and shoved her back inside not even looking away from the camera. Sky rolled her eyes and flipped her off back and headed away from the window.

Ashlee-Now the impression I get of you Taryn is the fact that your just a sweet little innocent girl who only gives a damn about doing her families work. Seriously your about as boring as my sister used to be before she really started hanging out with me. Seriously she was pretty bad almost as bad as you. I didnt think it could get any worse. Then of course I saw you and laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. You and your whole "Tarnished Legacy" is a god damn joke.  Oh god you guys have really pissed me off. I mean really you are way too nosey and in mine and Mr.Sterling's business I mean really if you focused half as much on winning matches as you do what we are doing...Hell maybe you could find some way to beat me. As far as me being a whore? Yes I love having sex with my boyfriend! Yes I love dressing in flashy things and looking more amazing than you could ever look. Yes Im totally comfortable with my sexuality Im a very classy swaggalisious woman. Seriouisly I have more swag in my pinky finger than you and your whole god damn family. Ok foregner I guess I could tell you what Swagger is exactly since your probably too foreign and stupid to know what it means. Swagger is just simply one thing. Confidence that just radiates off them with the way a person dresses, talks, walks and acts. and my swag meter is off the damn chart.

Ashlee made a point to hold the camera out to show off her "swag" as she was calling it. She blew a kiss at the camera before taking it back down.

Ashlee-One last thing...Seriously please tell your no good family to stop breeding. Your more a disease and a plague on the world than anything else. Honestly I dont want future generations to have to put up with your offspring. Really do the world a favor and use TONS of birth control. Oh wait I almost forgot...Since you seem on making some shit up about my match and me winning because of the amazing Ashlee Madden pipe shot. Well if you read the rules and were a little bit smarter Taryn you would know that I did nothing illegal in the match. I simply saw an opportunity and took it. Get it fuckin straight. Im not much on cheating...Just more of an opportunist. As far as me interfering in Mr.Sterling's match? Well did you see me do anything other than jump on the apron? I was simply getting a closer look making sure your boy Ash's hold wasnt illegal...Im still not convinced it wasnt...Referees can be idiots some times. You had not right to come out there and smash me with that cheap shot that you did. Like I said before enjoy that little glory moment while you have it because its not gonna happen again.

With that Ashlee turned off the camera. She was satisfied and headed back inside where she headed over to Jonathon and kissed him before Sky grabbed her by her hair and pulled her away to play the damn game they had set up. Ashlee lost the first game and won the second and by the end of it....She was passed out on the floor....

Present Day Again...

Ashlee smiled after thinking about the events and watching her stunning promo that she had done. She was getting ready for the match putting on her skin tight wrestling shorts that seemed to be really really short on her but made her ass look amazing espically with 'The Platinum One' across it. Her top came down and criss crossed and seemed to look as if it tied in with her shorts. She tousled up her hair a little bit and fixed her make up. Yeah she looked damn good and she was definitly ready to kick a bitches ass. Taryn Fox didnt know what was coming to her. Was Ashlee thinking about cheating? Hell no...She didnt cheat..She was just simply an opportunist like she had stated. Some people just got so bent out of shape about it though. Whatever she didnt care what anyone thought. She had a slight headache from the night before but she still was crazy pumped up for the match and she didnt think it would cause her any problems. Taryn didnt seem like much of a threat to Ashlee anyways she knew she would take her out and probaly not break a sweat doing it....Ashlee definitly couldnt wait...

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