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Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 11:20:23 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:18/07/2010 5:16 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Tarnished20Legacy20Banner.jpg legacy banner picture by kristinbenoit97
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{{{The Legacy are just leaving the gym owned by Justin's uncle, Scott when the SEF camera crew led by Samantha show up.  Taryn starts laughing delighted as she almost skips over to Samantha}}}

Taryn:"You see, Ashlee?  You do not know anything about me.  You think you are the only one who ever drove a Bentley?  Granted, I led a sheltered life growing up in the UK and only learned to drive because I snuck lessons with my big brother, Chris when he taught Maegan and Matt to drive, and didn't get my liscense until I was 19, but you should do your research.  Or at least ask Sterling, who we know researched Ash.  You would know that I'm poor.  {She looks back at her family} Since we're old money we were taught to respect having money because it can always be taken away."

Justin:"It was a lesson that my dad taught my mom and later to my uncle and grandfather.  Just because, what was the word that you like to use? Haters?  They like to call us trust fund babies.  I am half owner to a major sports corporation."

Maegan:"and somewhere along the line my evil grandmother claims she's related to James the 1st or whatever, the only Scottish King, and the Windsors, its not something that any of us cared to look into because its pointless to wrestling.  So why bring it up?  {she turns to Taryn,} Why would we want to bring this up?"

Taryn:"It's as pointless as you cutting a promo about playing beer pong and being paranoid that your stuff was bugged.  Although, {she smirks} if you watched Burn Notice, spies like to hide bugs in remote controls to like the television.  It's an inconspicious item that are in rooms where people like to gather.  {she shrugs} My dad is in computers and a huge spy fan.  I think he owns every book that Tom Clancy has ever written and ever James Bond movie or book every made.  Ashlee, I'm in your head.  I am the rookie in this group.  Even Ash has more time in this business than I do, but I'm already starting to freak you out.  All it takes is for you to get paranoid and screw up one time and {she snaps her fingers} then I got you.  All it takes is three seconds for a pin.  Maybe a little longer if I decided to use Fox Fire or lock on Forever Fox.  You think I'm hiding?  {she laughs} I cut a promo Friday night.  So I spent all day training instead of video taping myself get so drunk that I couldn't think straight.  I think its that edge that might make the difference.  I am clear headed and if I lost?  IF and that's a very big IF, then it will be because of some factor that I haven't considered.  You could be trying reverse psychology.  {she smirks and then winks} "Let the games begin, Ashlee."

{Justin shakes his head}

Justin:"Games.  It seems what a lot of people like to do is play games instead of training hard so that when they win a match that they can feel really good about accomplishing something that they truly deserved and truly work hard to earn.  Now Sterling, on the other hand.  He is not making all kinds of taunts.  After studying his history and talking to Johnny, then I know that Sterling trains all the time.  It is only Ashlee that distracts him.  Tonight is going to be a very hard fought match and even though Geek Boy decided to get involved in Ash's match with Sterling?  It seemed like Sterling was a little surprised by how he chose to get involved.  Maybe last time he wanted to see who was truly better and maybe he's a better strategist than he is letting on.  Either way, losing this title is not an option for me.  Sterling, you'd better knock me out because its the only way that you are going to pry the International title out of my hands."

{Maegan clears her throat and motions for the camera to focus on her}

Maegan:"I may or may not have full standing, Ashlee, but I do have my contract filled out and waiting on activation from SEF.  I do have a backstage pass.  Get involved in my favorite cousin's match?  You or even Geek Boy and it won't be pretty."

{Ash shakes his head}

Ash:"You know Sterling, eventually you and I will meet again.  Maybe down the road at Dog Days in a weapons match, and could be as soon as next week's Extreme.  However, tonight, I have to focus on The Clan O'Bannon, possibly Drew and I have to face more than Riot and Knox.  Perhaps we have to face their psychotic cousins.  Anything could be possible.  SEF is not known to be a conventional wrestling company, far from it.  In fact, its the perfect place where those assholes could really do some major damage.  All we have to do is do what we always do.  Kick O'Bannon ass."

{Drew snickers}

Drew:"Kick O'Bannon arse?  Is that all we are good at?   We are good at fighting anyone, its just when we get out there and do it, is when we really make an impact.  Some of us needed to refocus and that's why we ducked out most of Saturday to put the entire day at the gym.  We needed to strategize and bust our arses. You can train all you want but its how you choose to implement it.  In fact, I would love a siblings vs couples match with Ashlee and Sterling.  Sterling, I have had my fair share of victories where I've taken the easy way out.  In fact, {he chuckles and reaches over to pat Justin on the back} its actually how I've had any victories over Justin.  Review the matches for the Hardcore division.  I love weapons, I love carnage, and I bloomin love to fight, mate.  Fighting Knox, Riot, and Lucas is getting ruddy boring.  In fact, if I wrestle you, one more bloody time, Knox, it will be in a loser leaves match."

Ash:"That's a pretty good idea, I wonder where I've heard that before.  {he winks at Maegan who grins} The Fighting Foxes want to prove themselves and that's what they specialize in.  Why don't we let them have the honor?"

Drew:"Aye, Maegan and Taryn can begin the thinning but I'm sure that the true bloodshed will not start until Grace gets here."

Maegan:"That's right."

Taryn:"We are going to start with Shattered Reality."

{Maegan's black berry beeps.  She reaches down to hold up her Tour Touch.  She taps the screen and smiles}

Maegan:"Gracie just landed.  She borrowed Ana and Johnny's jet stream."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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