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Unexpected Plans

Started by Ashlee Madden, September 30, 2023, 11:24:37 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:21/07/2010 12:36 AMCopy HTML

AshleeMaddenTop.png picture by CPDesigns_74
Music: "Ridin' Solo" Jason Derulo
OOC: Well Im bored and I figured I would type this up out of sheer boredom. You know give Ashlee a reason not to be on the card. Enjoy my boredom.
Extreme had come and went. Ashlee had done exactly what she said she was gonna do. She kicked Taryn's ass. Sterling had been DQ'd from his match due to Geek Boy's involvment. Ashlee hadnt known if this was exactly apart of their plan or not she hadnt asked. But the car had been kinda silent on the way back to the hotel that night. The next morning had been better. Sterling didnt really let much bother him and if something did Ashlee noticed he tended to either get over it fast, move on or push it to the back of his mind for a later date or time. She was the type of person too who didnt really talk about things or bring them up unless someone made it their attention. Now Sky and her had went out to celebrate her win. But Ashlee had wanted to get back to the hotel early enough that she wouldnt feel bad for staying out and well she knew her and Sterling both needed a little stress relieving. It had all worked out and the next morning had been great so far. It was just Her, Sterling, Sky and Geek Boy having breakfast at a diner close to the hotel.  Of course Ashlee and Sky were both hung over. Ashlee had her sunglasses on inside to try and dim the "bright" lights. Sky also was laying with her head on the table and after a couple minutes you could hear light breathing as if she were snoring. Geek Boy just looked from Ashlee then to Sky and shook his head. Ashlee groaned and leaned over resting her head on Sterling's shoulder. he smiled and took a sip of his coffee before wrapping an arm around her.

Ashlee-Why did you let me do that?!

Mr.Sterling-I couldnt tell you no.

Ashlee-Well next time keep me occupied BEFORE I want to leave.

Mr.Sterling-I will try and remember that next time.

Geek Boy just shook his head and poked Sky in the side. She jumped up and looked around and groaned resting her head on her hand and staring off into space like she wasnt even there.

Geek Boy-Sky you ok?

Sky-Chad...Im sitting right here! You dont have to scream at me.

Geek Boy-I didnt. Dont take your hangoverness out on me.

Sky-Whatever. I will be fine as soon as I get back to LA and get a nice relaxing day on the beach and some of my secret hangover remedy.

Geek Boy-Whats that?

Sky-Well if I told you it wouldnt be a secret now would it?!

Ashlee-That sounds so good right now.

Sky nodded and picked at her food. Ashlee hadnt bothered to order anything she knew she wouldnt eat it. She wasnt in the mood to be sick half the day. She just needed a little time to chill and alot of water to let her body detox. She could handle it. So she pretty much just watched everyone else eat. Out of the blue a phone went off and Sky and Ashlee both grabbed their heads. Sky rushed to grab it and answered it wincing as she heard the voice on the other end. She groaned a couple times and kept her answers short and hung up the phone.

Sky-Well I was planning on going home today anyways...But Ash looks like Im taking you with me.

Ashlee-Why the fuck do I have to go?! In case you havent noticed Im a little busy here.

Sky-Doing what exactly?! Boneing Mr. I-Think-Im-The-Shit over here and having only 2 matches?!

Mr.Sterling-You know Ashlee I think Sky stole some of that haterade you had delivered.

Ashlee-Sounds like it. Dont worry it will get out of her system sooner or later. She's not a total lost cause. By the way Sky my career means more to me than what you seem to think.

Sky-Oh you two think your real funny....Ok so you dont have to go but since I never ask you for anything and I do remember you owe me a favor or two for all the shit you used to do. Im collecting.

Ashlee-Now?! REALLY?!

Sky-Yes really.

Ashlee-Why is this turning into the day from hell?

Sky-I dont know because our brother hates us.

Ashlee-Oh no...He hates you...not me. Whatever he wants you to do...He wanted you to do not me. Lemme Guess a big buisness dinner where we have to smile and look pretty and pretend like we actually care what half those people think or what they have to say?


Ashlee-Oh no...

Ashlee shook her head and rubbed her temples. She wasnt in the mood for this...She knew if it had nothing to do with the buisness then it was a family matter either involving their mother or their neices. Now Ashlee liked her mom alright she just didnt want to deal with her drama right now and her neices well a 6 and a 4 year old were a handful and there was a reason why Ashlee didnt have children yet. She then preceeded to lay her head down on the table as if she were trying to hide.

Mr.Sterling-Whats going on?

Sky-Baby sitting. Dont worry I will send her back in a few days.

Mr.Sterling-You cant handle that on your own? You could handle the crazy chaotic career you had just fine but a couple of kids and you freak out.

Sky-Well in case you havent noticed Douchebag I dont have children. Im not that great with kids and quite honestly I dont really know much about the subject. Plus you dont know our neices they are wild and crazy and spoiled. They are like 2 little mini Ashlees running around.

Ashlee-The fuck is that supposed to mean?

Sky-That you tend to be all over the place and I cant keep up with you half the time.Its only a few days I promise please dont leave me to do this by myself. I will lose my mind...I dont ask for much.

Ashlee-True and I do owe you. I suppose I could take a few days off. But no more than a week.

Sky-Deal. If they arent gone by the end of the week I will suffer alone and let you get back to your job and your man. Speaking of which Mr. Arrogant Prick...Wheres that title you were bragging to me about? Oh yeah thats right you dont have it.

Geek Boy froze up a little bit and the table got really quiet. Ashlee rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses and she was wondering what Sterling would have to say. Sky was 10 times more of a bitch when she was hungover. Ashlee decided not to let him get a chance. She got up and grabbed Sky out of the booth.

Ashlee-Oh Sky your such a bitch...Really its adorable. Now Im sure we have some packing to do and Im sure Ry wants us back right away so he and Rach can get on with that buisness trip and get it over with faster.

Sky-You are probably right. Plus Sammy is probably driving mom crazy. Alright I guess we could go. God I cant wait to get home. Bye Chad. Dont be too hard on yourself. I know it cant be easy working for this jackass.

Sky waved at Geek Boy and just gave a fake smile to Sterling which when she walked away. Sky had in fact started to warm up to him before but now she just seemed to completly shut herself off from even giving him a chance. Ashlee held her fingers up in a gun like motion and shot it at the back of Sky's head and then held it to her own head and pretended to shoot it.  She then leaned back into the booth and kissed Jonathon.

Ashlee-Sorry. She's even more a bitch than normal today.

Mr.Sterling-Im pretty much used to it.

Ashlee-Arent we all...Im sorry this is really bad timing for this. I know. But I promise I will be back in a few days.

Mr.Sterling-I say let her handle it on her own. Might do her some good.

Ashlee-She does alot for everyone and doesnt ask for anything back. So when she does I guess I feel bad to say no. Which is odd coming from me. I usually dont have a problem with that. Well except you of course.

Sterling smirked at her and she smiled kissing him again. Geek Boy just went on eating his breakfast ignoring what he pretty much was used to. The kissing went on for a few minutes before Sky came back over and tapped Ashlee on the shoulder.

Sky-Seriously lets go.

Ashlee-Geez cant I say bye.

Sky-You have, now COME ON.

Sky grabbed Ashlee as she just shook her head and smiled before going back to kissing on Sterling. Sky rolled her eyes and grabbed her and yanked her away. Ashlee just waved and held her fingers up like a phone and pretty much let herself get dragged along until they were outside which she then ripped Sky's arm away from her and grumply got into Sky's rental car and headed to the airport. Ashlee wasnt really excited about this. Her and Sky babysitting together didnt sound as fun as what she was busy doing right at this time but she would make the best of it and at least there was a beach nearby so she wouldnt totally lose her sanity.

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