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A Huge Fight Before They Make Their Debut

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, September 30, 2023, 11:25:42 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:21/07/2010 10:21 PMCopy HTML

When the scene comes on the air it shows them at a place that they went to when they were younger, and they are having a huge fight.

Shane Jericho

I still don't know why Chris gave you his blessing, but couldn't me. You know this isn't fair, and he always favored you over me.

Cody Jericho

That is not true Shane, and you know it. You just to had to keep on pushing him until he had enough, and we are brothers our bond is supposed to be stronger then this.

Shane Jericho

You know when I stormed out of the house I screamed I hated him, and now I am regretting ever doing that now I hope I can say sorry to him.

They argue back and forth, and the scene ends.

TBC: No One

End of role play

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