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The Fighting Foxes Extreme 178

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 12:25:33 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:23/07/2010 11:49 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
laura-vandervoort-from-stuff-magazi.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
|| The Fighting Foxes|| {{Gracie, Taryn, & Maegan}} || The Fighting Foxes||
{The Fighting Foxes: Taryn, Gracie, and Maegan are leaving Planet Fitness, one of a handful of 24 hour gyms in Biloxi, MS.  They pause near the doors to sign autographs and pose with the staff for pix on camera phones.  Taryn gets a text alert on her phone for recent SEF news.  She excuses herself and steps to the side to load the SEF site.  She rolls her eyes and pauses the video feed}

Taryn:"Hey guys, I think you might want to see this."

{{Maegan and Grace walk over to Taryn and watch the video.  Maegan rolls her eyes and reaches in her gym bag to set up a handicam on the gym's receptionist counter.}}

Maegan:"Do they think any of that is going to believe that crap??  I've known Grace her entire life!!  Yeah Dusty and I got close but its not the same.  I still am not the one who stabbed the family in the back, it was Dusty.  She joined Lucas in his crazed rhetoric and has had the majority of the family turn againist her."

Gracie:"She's always been jealous of me.  It's part of why I avoided her.  For someone who's older than me and always complained she was the more mature; she's the one who has always kept to herself and tried to divide the family.  I know I'm not perfect and chosing to ignore her and to take my parents break up out on her is my fault.  That's our personal animosity.  She likes to think people chose sides?  No, Dusty, you and Lucas decided to chose sides.  You were the one who decided to slap everyone in the face when Justin tried to heal all the problems that this huge motley crew of a family has had.  You problably encouraged Lucas in his break from reality and to further instigate the problems instead of trying to fix them.  So Carly thinks that by trying to create animosity and saying Dusty won't be in this match is going to throw us off our game?"

{Maegan laughs}

Maegan:"They've pretty much told us that Hayden and Jade will be our opponents this Sunday.  Lacey may say that she will wrestle more than once but she hasn't.  It makes me think that she knows that those tag titles are completely bogus.  She has done nothing but defend her legit title, the television title."

Gracie:"Which we'll gladly take off of her."

Maegan:"Indeed, did you see the feed earlier?  She' knowns she's on a sinking ship so she's sucking up to Lacey."

Gracie:"She also got scared when she thought she was going to have to face me in the ring this Sunday until her old man saved her butt!  {She smiles} "It will happen eventually, Dusty.  You've been avoiding me as an opponent since the day I was 15 and you were 16.  I out classed you using basic amatuer wrestling techniques.  You tried to pull out a few martial arts moves but you forget, Jennifer is my god-mother too and my ex-step mother Kayla is a world class martial artist who fueded for years with Jennifer both in a wrestling ring and in martial arts competitions.  Wrestling and martial arts were thrust upon me at a young age and I excelled at both, just like Justin.  That really bothers you, doesn't it, Dusty?  Justin and I share the genetics that skipped you over.  I'm not saying your father isn't a top of the line wrestler, but that passed you by either by the grace of God or because you failed to accept what genetics has given you and just simpfly failed to live up to your potential.  Looking at your record of 7/5?  {rolls eyes} Okay, so you want to brag about that?  Oh wait that's right, you won a couple of matches for your uncle.  Hmm, a couple of kids who just come up from juniors.  Yeah, beating up rookies is really going to impress people when no one in SEF probably will never see those matches and even if they did it wouldn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.  Those matches prove nothing to the SEF championship committee.  Now proving things is what I like to do.  So this Sunday, pin or submission, Hayden or Jade will leave the SEF forever."

Maegan:"It would be awesome if it was Hayden.  Crybaby losers have no place in SEF!  She's not even in Mississippi, {shakes her head laughing} her team doesn't even know where she is.  Gracie and I are in almost constant communication via the electronic age.  {She smiles and ticks off on her fingers}  We have cell phones with social networking and mobile to mobile texts, laptops with a plethora of instant messages, and we train together.  This is what we learned at a young age makes a team.  We have to communicate and we need to train so that we known what moves to expect in the ring whether it is defensive or offensive.  We have to know where the other is going to be at all times to formulate how we are going to work in the ring.  You guys don't know where Hayden is, is going to be a problem for you.  It's actually kind of pathetic after all of their bluster and gusto since they came in.  Now we show up and suddenly they aren't so confident.  Grace and I haven't even wrestled here yet."

Grace:"Doen't matter Knox said it best.  They claim to know us better than anyone and have yet to prove it.  So they prove it by running.  It's actually kind of flattering.  They are all older than me and they are afraid of me."

{They turn to Taryn}

Maegan:"How you feeling about your match?"

{Taryn sighs}

Taryn:"Katherine is training hard and my defeat at the hand of Ashlee Madden is actually kind of heartbreaking even though it was a pretty decent match for the most part.  It's not like she used the lead pipe againist me or anything.  I still thought I could have done better but that's why I asked you guys if we could start doubling our training time so I could try to play catch up to what you guys have been doing forever.  I don't want to be the weak link in the team and I feel that Carly will probably start claiming that if I lose another match.  So I'm not just training with you guys.  Earlier this week I hit up OSWE in New Orleans and put it sometime with their training school.  {she winces} Having Jazz beat on me for awhile and then having Minotaur throw me off the top rope and then getting T-Wolf laying in some massive Tomahawk knife edge chops....{she holds her chest and winces} That man has a hand like a brick.  I thought my lungs were going to explode!  So come this Sunday, I am pretty sure that I'm going to defeat Katherine and start a winning streak."

Maegan:"A win will really increase your self confidence and knowing more about your opponent will also help how you prepare."

{Taryn nods}

Taryn:"Going into a match blind and trying to train for every possible thing that can be thrown at you is pretty exhausting and nerve racking.  Hopefully Katherine will introduce herself and give more of an insight into her approach to matches so I can tighten up my own regimen to prepare for her.  At least when it comes to Katherine I know that my hair isn't going to be pulled out and my contacts aren't going to rip and give me a killer headache the next day.  {the girls laugh} "I'm training and I'm building my confidence so Katherine, this Sunday, we dance.  I hope to see you before our match this Sunday."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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