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Still The Only One Who Dares To Speak The Truth

Started by NBD, October 01, 2023, 12:34:15 AM

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 11:36 AMCopy HTML

So here we be out in the countryside somewhere, out in some big field of untamed grass and Shane Mack stands out there in his blue jeans and green t-shirt with a peace sign and some crazy wings coming off it, plus his usual bandana and a smile on his face. His World Title lays on his left shoulder and all casual and calm he says.
Tonight is the night that I once again headline Extreme without even competing in a match, I made everyone take more notice of my so called, little talk show, though Whitney Marret as my guest helped me out this week. And what to expect when she is out in the ring, who the fuck knows, maybe she is finally gonna reveal the truth of her status in SEF and maybe, just maybe she'll be back in the ring kicking ass!
He grins big and says.
Though its not like she needs to because she like I has earned the right to walk way at a moments notice and still be a bigger name than anyone of these jack offs running around SEF today who all think their great, but haven't proven one ounce of greatness, not a single one of them have earned anything close to that and you can argue it all day, anyone can argue anything, but what I said is one hundred percent truth, so any argument opposing it is gonna be a lie, so learn to accept it and change it by busting your ass.
He keeps his casual smirk and says.
Something Sterling seems to not want to do around here, yet he is one of the biggest liars of all, he claims greatness all day and everyday, he claims that pay is low around here, that moral is low, that company is in danger of going under, that I am anything like Hogan and my segment isn't needed when in fact it is and I proved that last week when no one else had what it took to step up and main event Extreme. Sterling never once stood out or even went to management, he has done nothing special and that is the only reason he ain't a champion right now. He can make up all the excuses and lies he wants and try to pass it off as the truth, but the hater nation he calls the fans see through his lies and that is why he is booed every night. He's a food good wrestler and in time he could be better and one day a champion, but he needs to do his research about SEF, he needs to get the facts right before he pops off at the mouth about shit he don't have a clue about. SEF was in danger of closing last fall when under the ownership of Ric E Dangerously, but thanks to a few of us, he is gone and SEF is doing just fine. Competition is not that high and Sterling is one of those who is not that great of a challenge and that is a fact. Some kids just don't get it and have to live in their own little world thinking no one has seen anyone do the shit they do before, but SEF has seen people like Sterling come in here time after time, so get a clue Sterling, get a clue and truly stand out if you expect to get anywhere, especially headlining shows like myself.
He pauses and a dove now lands on his right shoulder, Mack just continues on now calmly and says.
The reason we got more people in SEF now, a second show is to create more competition since you and Justin and his crew and the O'Bannon's and Johnny, and Strife refuse to step up. Hell, Lacey is the only one showing any balls besides myself and she is just now starting to do so, but at least she is, so take a lesson from her, man, I don't know, grow up and fly right son cause your just a fucking joke. Ya try to act like ya know it is around here, ya think ya seen this shit before, but your getting it all wrong, you don't have a clue who I am yet you could very easily, the resources are at your fingertips for knowledge on myself, I ain't a closed book, but I ain't gonna spew my life story like so many do and some aren't even honest like Jade or Hayden or these wannabe Jericho's who came in here, hell, even Chris Orton had to use a made name, though he put in his time here, four years and hopefully he gets back soon cause I need competition and so far, not a single one of you present any. Sacrifice has better competition than anyone on Extreme and that's something you Sterling have a problem telling, the truth!
Mack smirks and reaches his left hand up to the dove ever so calmly extending his index finger and the dove just looks at it curiously and cautiously, then pecks it at softly. Mack stays stable and opens his palm touching his shoulder. The dove just steps on to his hand and Mack slowly moves it in front of himself, the dove looking all around and Mack just smirks, then lifts his hand up pushing up slightly and the dove flies away. He pats his title now and smirks saying.
Discipline, extreme discipline and determination, focus, and great wrestling talent makes me the best, the only true greatness, it is what makes being me good to be. I have outperformed them all in SEF, no one is near my level when it comes to shooting, when it comes to technical wrestling, when it comes to showboating and performing at a level I apparently set to high for anyone else to reach. So come one, come all, come on and step the fuck up cause next week on Extreme is everyone's chance to do so. A battle royal and everyone on the roster is involved, so if anyone truly believes their great, now is the time to prove it, but really, why would anyone listen, why should anyone listen? Its obvious most don't care and while Sterling said that, he forgot to include his own name because that is the truth, he doesn't care. If he did, he'd prove it. Fact is, he won't make any more money working anywhere else unless he goes to work for the big time in WWE and that's the truth once again, eh. Thing is for me, money is trivial, sure, I got a ton of it cause I made a lot over the years, I made myself and I got the dough to show for it, but I am in SEF, I am a pro wrestler because I love what I do. I have worked for free just to show several people that I am willing to do it for the love, not the money. I ain't an idiot though, I make the money because it takes money to go from here and to there, although SEF will help anyone travel, SEF is down to earth and that is what the company as always done, help its wrestlers make it to the shows, so no one ever has an excuse for not being here, no one can lay claim to being underpaid, its all trivial bullshit and its bad for ya, so grow up kids and this coming from a guy still in his prime, not even thirty, but I've seen ten years or more than my physical age. I'm so far ahead of all you, maybe its time to truly utilize my prime and go where I can get challenged, of course, I always got Sacrifice for that!
Mack pulls his title down and gets a serious look now.
If only...ah fuck it, your all pathetic, fuck you!
Mack turns his back on us now and walks across the field. He slings his title on to his shoulder and just keeps walking away and so the view now fades to black.

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