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Justin and Ash

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 06:35:52 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 3:04 PMCopy HTML


The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
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{{{Ash and Justin are in the gym working hard.  Classic rock blaring in the background.  Right now its Ted Nugent's "Stranglehold."  The crew comes in and Ash stops working his lateral delts and kicks Justin's leg who is benching some serious weight.}}

Justin:"Asshole, {he then turns to look and then sits up.}  You could have just told me they were here."

Ash:"You're whining like a bitch."

Justin:"Fuck you, {Ash chuckles.  Justin grabs a couple water bottles and tosses one to Ash} "Heads up."

{Ash catches it and takes a drink}

Ash:"Well Sterling, how interesting that you finally decided to say something."

Justin:"You claim I whine?  Johnathan, you say a win is a win, well you know what?  A loss is also just a loss.  You lost.  So suck it up and move on."

Ash:"You're right.  He whines more than you do and cries more than my son and he's just an infant."

Justin:"The thing I like the most is that he claims that he's going to teach Knox and Riot how to break us down to find our weakness and then also claims he has a short career.  Riot has been wrestling since he was six years old.  Knox is an anal retentive ex-Marine Recon Staff Sargeant.  You really think he's going to let you take control?  Sterling, when you and Knox get together its going to be a battle of egos that we will be able to capitalize on.  You also have the biggest balls or the most serious delusions I've ever seen to think you can discount a man like Strife.  He is a former SEF heavyweight champion and he's has even more title history here than you can ever dream of having.  Then again, Mack is right.  I have grown so content with keeping my title rather than being the best that I can be.  I haven't stepped up to the open challenge that he has offered.  I also understand that being the best in ever company takes time.  I didn't realize that their would be an open contendership match to open a spot in the main event.  I did see the promo that Mack did where he announced it but I have to focus on training because if I don't train then there is no chance of deserving a match of that caliber."

Ash:"A shot at Mack?  It's the dream of anyone who comes to SEF to take on the main star and champion but I didn't even consider doing anything but doing the best I can in whatever match I'm put in so if Mack says that management wants us all in the match then I will give my all.  So many have failed to achiever even a decent showing againist Mack.  I guess I can understand that he's probably bored and in a company that thrives on giving people, even undeserving people a shot at their 15 minutes in the limelight that throwing us all in the ring at one time to see who is really hungry for it, then it will be extremely entertaining for him, and some much needed experience for myself."

Justin:"Tonight is just a mere preview to the contendership match.  I grew content with keeping my title because it is so personal to me.  The International Title was a title that meant the world to my uncle.  Now, that I am the champion I guess I didn't really give much thought to challenging Mack for the heavyweight title.  I did come here to prove that I am not what Sterling is now accusing me of: a person who relies on who I know and who has trained me.  I am not that man.  I rely on the training that I was given and I have sought out other trainers elsewhere.  Having a chance to face Mack in a heavyweight title match in a main event could possibly be the biggest education that I will ever get in this business.  If he is looking for someone to help him carry SEF into greatness, I tried to shoulder the work load but I guess it was an epic failure since the main eventers Lacey and Strife didn't show up for their match and he had to come off of his vacation to host a talk show.  {he shakes his head}  If no one is willing to step up then I will step up. I already showed him that I had SEF's back in an invasion and that I could work outside of my family comfort zone when I teamed with Camaro againist Hayden and Lucas.  Now tonight, with my best friend and Strife I need to put in further effort to prove why I'm here and in doing so proving why I am the International Champion."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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