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Jade to Sly (non extreme)

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 06:39:16 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 4:21 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings
JadeHartBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{Jade is dressed in black leather bootie shorts, fishnet stockings, boots, and a Dynasty Divas Beautiful Bitches shirt.  She is annoyed that Knox and Dusty has taken over only because Knox was treated her like she didn't work hard.  Lacey was a far better leader and it was only because of her decision was she even keeping her mouth shut.  She knocked on Sly's door.  She lets herself in.}}

Jade:"Riot and I would like sometime off after tonight's Extreme to have a proper honey moon.  {she pauses as someone knocks on the partially open door.  She gestures a guy in, wearing a suit, and carrying a file folder}  My attorney has the paper work."

Mike Greene Jr:"I believe that all of the paper work is in order to give Riot and Jade a leave of absence.  The request is two weeks, although, it is my understanding that the company is the one who determines the actual time frame over a day or two." 
©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and one instead of claiming it as your own...

Daddy Mack

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Re:Jade to Sly (non extreme)
Date Posted:25/07/2010 6:46 PMCopy HTML

Sly just stands off from his leather sofa and smirks, well, slyly, then takes the paperwork, flips through it and laughs, tears it in half and fling sit at the lawyer. Jade just crosses her arms and drops her jaw as the lawyer fumbles to catch the paper and Sly says.

Paperwork in SEF besides a match contract or a contract in general to work for SEF, please. it's a load of bullshit just like what he spews everyday of his life and that is why he and all the other lawyers of any wrestler in SEF has absolutely no say or pull with any of us in management.

Sly looks at Jade now and says.

Now, you want two weeks off then?!

Jade just nods yea and Sly says.

Fine, take two off and give me a shout when you and Riot finish groping each other wherever it is your going and take the sleazebag with ya or I'll get a few SEF wrestlers in here, even go to Sacrifice if I have to and let them have fun with this guy!

Sly just smirks and the lawyers backs off out of the room waving his hands no. Jade just smiles and laughs, then says.

Well thank you and we'll be back to kick some ass soon!

Sly just sits down pulling his cell phone out dialing a number as jade walks out shutting his door, the camera in the hall and there ya go.

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