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Making Myself Clear

Started by Jake Voss, October 01, 2023, 06:46:54 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:27/07/2010 9:23 AMCopy HTML

The view opens up on a hotel room door, room number not shown and a knock on the door from our cameraman, then a few seconds later the door swings open and we see Ares standing there in blue jean shorts and a black muscle shirt. He rubs his bald head and looks at us with a half ass smirk or snarl, not sure which and says.

Well fuck, took ya look enough, I'm about to get my ass to a gym, so come on in son, don't just stand there like a fucking moron and shut the damn door behind ya!

Ares is walking back inside and sits on the bed reaching into a mini fridge grabbing a couple cans of Natural Light. He tosses one at the cameraman and cracks his own taking a drink. We another can open and the camera steadies on Ares who just looks up the same as before and says.

Well alright then, now on to why I called your ass here in the first fucking place and that's to send a clear message to Lacey Daniels letting her know just why I did what I did in case her pea fucking brain doesn't register why I may have done it. Simply put, I'm after than belt and her ass is the one I gotta go through to get it and I don't give a fuck if you're a woman, a man, a fucking midget like that little bastard Mack let run around here for a while. You could be any animal of any species and I'll walk my ass into that ring, whoop your fucking ass and walk out with that TV Title and if ya don't really think I got what it takes, then name a date and place, put up the title and lets fight bitch!

He drinks down some beer and lowers it saying.

I don't really see the need to have to explain myself, but some people just ain't got the brains to figure it out and maybe your not one of them Lacey, but I don't really care. I care about out taking that fucking title off you, so do whatever, give me a show like ya felt the need to do with Johnny Camaro and I'll watch, but it won't do much more for me than flipping through the skankiest of skank porn there is cause that's your little teases resemble. I've seen better quality from a woman standing out on the street corner who's cheaper than a two dollar whore and how do I know, well I've been around, so fucking what?!

He guzzles down his beer now and tosses the empty to the floor where several others are, probably from last night. He pulls on a pair of sneakers over his socks and ties them, then stands up snarls into the camera saying.

Look ya two bit tease, you can either flat out accept a real challenge and meet me in the ring or you can deal with being assaulted week after week and trust me Lacey, well, rather you better not trust me, but believe me when I tell you that it don't matter how big a group your ass belongs to, I will get my hands on you every week until I get my hand son you in an official match for that title and you either shut me up by beating my ass...

He smirks arrogantly now and then says.

Or your waist is gonna go back to looking like the rail on a money bar after I take that gold of yours and that's all I got to fucking say, so son, get the fuck outta here cause your in my way!

Ares picks up a bag and moves that way now, the cameraman backing up and opening the door backing into the hall. Ares just swaggers out locking and shutting the door, then heads down the hall swinging his back up over his shoulder and the view just drops now and fades to black.

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