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Extreme Therapy! [extreme 179]

Started by Ashlee Madden, October 01, 2023, 08:18:57 PM

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Ashlee Madden

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Date Posted:30/07/2010 12:10 AMCopy HTML

AshleeMaddenTop.png picture by CPDesigns_74
Music: "Bow Chicka Wow Wow" Mike Pointer
OOC: Alright so here is my first match roleplay please enjoy. By the way just so people know...I meant to type this in my first roleplay nothing Ashlee says is a personal reflection of me myself...If something offends you get over it! I wont apologize for something I put in a roleplay..I figure we are all grown ups so yeah...Just thought I would get that out...Plus the new batman cartoon movie..Awesome! hehehe...Im a dork! By the way I think this is total shit and I  know I can do better...and I will.
So Ashlee had taken a one week vacation from SEF to help her sister out and look how it turned out...A complete disaster. She had been pretty upset upon watching and hearing about what had happened to Mr.Sterling on his exit...Completly classless and she had begun to feel guilty for leaving him at all. Well she was home now...still. She had heard about her boyfriend's break as well and she had every intention of getting back to him once this baby sitting gig was over with. She had talked to him everyday on the phone and it still wasnt enough to her. Well today was the last day of her baby sitting and it was indeed driving her crazy when the SEF cameras hit the scene Ashlee was playing tug of way with her sister's white german shepard "Sammy." He seemed to have a stiletto in his mouth.

Ashlee-God damn it you stupid mutt...GIVE...IT....BACK!

Ashlee finally wrestled the heel from the dog and she glared at the dog and Sammy just barked and wagged his tail. She couldnt stay mad at him...but she knew who she could be mad at. Her two little mischievious nieces by the name of Rebecca and Ruby. Rebecca was the 6 year old and Ruby was the 4 year old. She started yelling their names and they both came into the room giggling. Sky followed after them obviously entertaining them in the other room. Sky looked from the dog, to ashlee, to the two girls and shook her head.

Ashlee-You know...You two are VERY lucky your my neices and I love you so much or I would take this shoe an-

Sky-ASHLEE! They are 6 and 4 remember?!

Ashlee-UGH! Im making sure you little brats get grounded these are PRADA!

Ruby-Whats Prada?

Rebecca-And what does grounded mean?!

Ashlee just threw her hands up in the air and rolled her eyes. The doorbell rang and she looked up to the ceiling and said mouthed 'thank you' as if talking to god. She ran to the door and answered it. Their brother Ryan walked in and the girls went running to him. Ashlee gave up on the torn up shoe and tossed it in the garbage. She looked like she was about to cry even though she had a million other shoes..and about a couple other pair that looked just like those. Still her neices feeding that one to the dog was very upsetting. It was bad enough she had to miss out on being with Jonathon. Now her shoes were destroyed.

Ashlee-Seriously Ry you spoil those two way too much. They seriously drove me crazy and quite honestly I need more than like 3 or 4 days to recover I have 2 quite possibly 3 matches on Monday.

Ryan-I dont do it...There mother does! Besides you agreed to help...You could have said no.

Sky-No she couldnt and seriously they are little hellions.

Ruby-Daddy Aunt Ashlee said we were gonna get grounded! Whats that mean?!

Ryan-Nothing sweetie. You and your sister go out to the car. Mommy is waiting.

The two ran out the door in a hurry. Ashlee just. For the next few minutes Ashlee ranted about her shoe and Sky just stood by and rolled her eyes. Ryan looked at his watch and just smiled. He said he would buy her a new pair of shoes but Ashlee still wasnt happy. She eventually gave up on the rant and Ryan ruffled her hair which he knew made her even more crazy she just punched him in the shoulder. He grabbed it and winced before saying bye and heading out. Ashlee stomped off after fixing her hair in the hallway mirror. She had to catch up on what was going on in SEF. Sky came in the living room and collapsed on the couch next to her. They were both pretty worn out from the two little demons as Ashlee called them. So Ashlee jsut turned on the TV and began skimming through SEF promos. She rolled her eyes at all the haters and all the jealous comments aimed her way and when it was all over she looked at Sky and grinned.

Ashlee-I have a wonderful idea.

Sky-Oh no...I take it you are gonna need my help.

Ashlee-Absolutly! But you will love every minute of it! Go put on one of your skanky buisness suits.

Sky-They arent skanky!


Ashlee got up and began dragging furniture across the room as Sky slowly got up and rolled her eyes and went upstairs to change. She mostly humored Ashlee but she secretly liked it. Ashlee moved a couch over and a chair right next to it. Making it look more like a therapy session than anything else. Sky came down wearing her buisness like outfit. So it wasnt too skanky just had a bit of a shorter skirt for a buisness type suit. Ashlee grabbed a notepad and pencil and handed it to Sky.

Sky-The fuck?!

Ashlee-Be my therapist?!

Sky-You have got to be kidding me...

Ashlee grinned and winked. After a few minutes convincing Sky agreed and Ashlee went and laid on the couch. Sky sat in the chair and Ashlee cleared her throat and began to fake cry. Sky just rolled her eyes and began moving the pencil on the paper. Obviously deciding to go along with this.

Ashlee-Ms. Sky I usually dont do this kind of thing but obviously it seems to be a good idea. So many other people are quick to make "psychological" statements about the kind of person I am.

Sky-And how does that make you feel?

Ashlee-Why...It just makes me feel awful. All these people in SEF just...hate me and I dont know why. So many people are quick to take shots at me and I...I just dont think I can take it anymore!

Sky-Uh huh...Good please continue.

Ashlee shot up on the couch and rubbed the fake tears away from her eyes. Sky pretty much continued to write on the paper letting Ashlee do whatever the hell she please.

Ashlee-Alright Im sorry...I cant do this! Really. I never was the type of person who was all for feelings or lying through my god damn teeth. So scratch this whole idea. You know what really burns my ass Sky?

Sky-A flame up to about your hip?

Ashlee-Well yeah...and punk bitches who think they can just run their mouths about me...The same douchebags who think they know one god damn thing about me. The ones quick to make "psychological" judgments about me when none of them even have a degree to back up their statements.

Sky-Dont the Foxes?

Ashlee-Honestly I couldnt tell you...Each week a different one is in the company claiming to be some sort of doctor or specialist or some kind of shit. Im pretty sure those idiots need all the help they can get in that department. They seriously think that me and Jonathon have "psychological" issues. Im pretty much a hot mess and well apparently he is a "sociopath?"

Sky-Well you are indeed a hot mess and your boyfriend does have traits of a ser-

Ashlee-Your not a real therapist either so you have no right to make those claims either.


Ashlee-Any idiot with a computer can look up what a sociopath is. Hell any idiot can look on the internet and probably find out almost anything they wanted to know about our family. Well I figure I dont really give a damn what they do. Now on Extreme I seem to have at least 2 matches and since Im the best one in the match since Jonathon is taking a break. More than likely 3. What a bitch move. I mean in one match I have Grace Payne...Who indeed is a Pain...A Pain in my ass. Her and her whole god damn family. Really Grace your more of an idiot than Taryn. I think you will be easier to beat too. So you are rich too?! Oh wow! What a coincidence?! Have I ever seen you? Heard about you? Hung out with you? FUCK NO. Just because I was in the "high society" back in the day doesnt mean I gave a fuck. Seriously its sad to say but back when I was young I was a completly different person than what I am today. I didnt give a fuck about Paris, Nicole, or hell even my own god damn sister.

Sky-Very True...Skank.

Ashlee-Bitch...Anyways moving on. What can I say I grew up and grew into the amazing women I am today. Im very arrogant and I love my money and looking as good as I do without a single bit of plastic surgery. I pride myself on that. It took alot to get me to be the women I am today and I will NEVER go back to the way I was before. Which already makes me a better women than you...You know what else makes me a better women than you? I have never once faked being nice to anyone. I have always been myself and never have I walked up to anyone I didnt like and pretend to be their god damn best friend. Oh no. I told that Skank Paris to her face what I thought about her. As for Nicole? Well I didnt really like her either but at least she still is better than Paris. I think thats really why you and everyone else cant stand me and Mr.Sterling. We speak the truth and we dont sugar coat anything. We are completly honest and open about how we feel with all you and the other scum that walk the SEF halls. I know Im better than pretty much 100% of the roster...Yes I even know Im better than your little idol Ms. Whitney Marrett. You know you said call you a kiss ass or whatever...I guess if the shoe fits sweetheart go ahead and wear it. As for me relying on Sex Appeal and my Family name? Well I dont rely on either dumbass. So what if I have been rich since before I could really talk full coherent sentences. So what if your just jealous Im way more sexy than you will ever be. That doesnt mean a god damn thing. Because on Extreme it wont amtter who is the prettiest or has more money...Its who is better in the ring and obviously thats me because doll if your trash talk is anything like your fighting. Well I guess the match will be a pretty quick one because you dont know how to get under a persons skin quite like I do and good thing too because I have a battle royal to win I suppose and then  I have that douchebag Mack to deal with.

Sky-Pfft good luck with winning 3 matches. I could see 2 but not 3.

Ashlee-No one asked you.

Sky-Well you appointed me Ms. make-believe-therapist.

Ashlee rolled her eyes and Sky smiled and shrugged before going back to whatever it was she was doing on the notepad. Ashlee turned back to the camera and checked herself in the reflection of the glass camera lens. Once satisfied she cleared her throat and began speaking again.

Ashlee-As for the battle royal I seem to be facing most of the Extreme roster. So I got the whole Tarnished Legacy to deal with as well as Shattered Reality and the Dynasty Divas. Not to mention on the people riding solo in this match like me. Who some of them dont deserve to be in this match since you know they havent done much. Like Kathrine Wylde and her lover Jennah Hembrook. I honestly dont know where to begin really. Obviously Tarnished Legacy and Shattered Reality are just gonna sacrifice themselves for the sake of the team so basically who ever they decide to leave left I will take out. I really could see it being Knox and Ash which they wont cause too much trouble. Im sure Kathrine and her Jennah will also team up and take people down together. Which leaves a solo girl like me wondering what it is exactly is my strategy. Its ok...I always have one. Im quite the little opportunist for those who havent noticed. I will infact do just that search for opportunities and snatch them up. Im pretty quick and Im a pretty damn good fighter. The sad thing is all half the people in the match do is focus on training and being good but I think Katherine was right it doesnt matter how much you train if your good enough your just good enough to win and quite honestly? Im not gonna wear myself out by pushing myself to a limit thats ridiculous. So all my opponets can go ahead and break their backs with trying hard to train and getting pumped and ready to face Mack and I will just sit back relax and let them all destroy themselves and each other. Then I will take the win and go on and face Mack.

Sky-Careful what you say...Apparently it seems like everybody in the god damn place worships him.

Ashlee-Oh yeah...who cares. Well I care about the two jack weasels from Sacrifice who just decided to cheap shot Jonathon over Mack seriously I dont see whats so god damn special about the man besides hes the champion and some kind of legend around here...All great legends come to an end and I agree firmly with Mr.Sterling in the belief he tries to be like Hogan...living the glory days and fuckin shit up and being generally annoying. You see secretly everyone hates him and wishes he would give up and let some of the young blood come in and show what they got...So how is that not like Hogan? I ask you.

Sky-Leave me out of it...Seriously by you saying that you probably got a beat down coming to you at the hands of Macks personal gang of kiss asses.

Ashlee-Probably but its whatever I dont care...I speak my mind and Im not fake and Honestly when have you ever known me to worship anyone? Let alone kiss somenes ass espically someone like him. Yeah I get it he is the champion and the one to beat and blah blah blah. But Im sure as hell not gonna bow down and kiss his ass like everyone else does. Im way too good for that and I am having serious doubts on being able to beat him anyways. I mean the odds are stacked against whoever goes into that match. Plus its a ladder match those matches are bitches to deal with. I mean I would have already had 2 matches. Probably easy matches for me but still 2 matches. Then I gotta try to take out a very well rested Mack. Quite honestly I dont find it very fair and no wonder he holds onto that title. It seems like everyone has hid very well behind their titles and have gotten too damn comfortable with the idea of having them. So what if I havent been a champion yet or fought one? I have had like 2 or 3 matches I dont pick who I get thrown into the ring with but in case stupid dumbasses havent noticed I have won every single one. I tend to keep that undefeated record alive. Though if I happen to lose to Mack its ok. It wont take long before Im carrying gold around my waist anyways.

Sky-Ok Ashlee I think we are out of time for today. Im quite honestly beat from Rebecca and Ruby and I want these damn cameras out of my god damn house.

Ashlee-You totally dont know how to stay in character...Anyways I think you are right. Even though Im nowhere near finsihed with tearing the whole entire roster a new one...I suppose I can save it for another time.

Sky-Amen. Now please...Get the fuck out of my house.

Sky aimed this comment at the cameras and all but pushed them back into the hallway and out of the house before slamming the door in their faces. Ashlee hadnt been all too satisfied with what she had said...She had plenty more to say. There was alot of things she had failed to mention but she would just get them next time. Instead she felt the wave of exhaustion roll over her from such a long week all she really wanted to do was relax and rest up for her long night on Monday during Extreme.

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