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The B.O.M.B.Katherine Wylde Extreme-solo- and Jennah and Kat Tag

Started by Katherine Wylde, October 01, 2023, 08:22:57 PM

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Katherine Wylde

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Date Posted:31/07/2010 1:44 AMCopy HTML

KWtop.gif picture by BloodPassion
Mack Can't Hear Truth When It's Spoken.
Katherine Wylde is seen wearing her black gym shorts and a black snug fitting tanktop with her hair back in a ponytail at this time. On her feet are some purple amateur wrestling athletic shoes.
Apparently, Katherine thinks to herself. She finds herself trying to respect someone who basically thinks of himself as the baddest thing on the planet in her eyes. She shrugs as a camera comes by and stops to see if she wants to shoot something in response to all of the buzz that is stirring around SEF, again.
Katherine lets out a slight giggle and nods.
"Mack. You seem to like to twist anyone else's words to fit your own situation. You think that you always speak the truth? I never said that it was going through more than you have in your career. I merely stated that it would be more than you were going to do in one night. And this early on in your career were you in three matches in one night? Especially with the third one being for the World Heavyweight Championship on only your second night of performing? Do you in fact know anyone that has? Well, if you'd open your ears...that's what you'd have heard me saying. That while you are waiting for the match to happen, everyone one else will be focusing on having more than one match. And for me, I'm gonna put forth every ounce of what I have to put everyone else on the roster over that top rope. And if I can accomplish that, then, I will have a triple threat tag match after that. And as soon as that is over win or lose....I'd be facing you at the end for the World Championship. So, tell me where you're going through more this Sunday than I will be if it comes down to you and I? Because the only place I saw your name was in the last match. And if I were you, I'd quit worrying about what people think is going to happen and face up with what will happen for a fact. Cause regardless of how you see things going and how much more you see yourself doing than anyone else? People have their sights set on that championship that refuse to back down from anything. And that Shane Mack is nothing, but the truth."
After saying that, Katherine shakes her head as she walks off letting that time stop the camera. She keeps on walking until she reaches her little compact car and gets in.
By The Pool.
Katherine is wearing a purple bikini and sunning back on a lawn chair by a large Olympic pool. She has a bottle of water down next to her on her left side that sits on the ground next to the chair. On her right side is a bottle of sun screen that by the glow coming from her she has obviously already applied. Covering her eyes are some cute sporty black shades.
As the camera catches her laying there, Katherine slips her sunglasses down a little bit on her nose.
"As far as you are concerned, Grace Payne. I wasn't being bitchy towards you personally. I just used you as a main example of the problem that runs through your entire family. I respect anyone that puts themselves into that ring with the intentions of winning matches and putting on a show for all of the fans to see. Especially the women. But I still don't want to hear a history of anyone's family tree that's supposed to somehow enlighten me as to their wrestling ability. Genetics doesn't mean anything in this business as goes to talent. It can mean a lot towards how you look. Maybe your bone structure towards how you move. But that's as far as it goes. And that's not taking anything away from the talents of the people here. But I'm still gonna come out on top. Why? Because I've got two things that are missing so far from any of you. The passion and desire to be the best absolute performer in SEF. Even if I'm not there yet? I'm just learning the ins and outs of this business. But I am going to be the best. And Sunday night, I'm gonna more than prove that I will. You will all have your hands full with me. Because you all think that I'm just talking shit like you're used to hearing. But it's okay. You can all just tune me out, put on your sound dampening gear, or look for ways to twist what I say. But at the end of Extreme you will actually find out from a personal stand point just how good I can be when I put my mind and body into something. When I put it all on the line Sunday, even if I come up short it will be apparent to everyone that Katherine Wylde is a true rising star. Now camera guy...move it on will ya? You're blocking my light."
Katherine lays back and pushes her sunglasses back up on her face. She smiles to herself as the camera crew walks off after stopping the camera.
When Mad Bitches Open Their Mouths.
The scene is shooting a wide open sky. It's blue with scattered white thin looking clouds formed out on a beautiful horizon against the mountainous background. As the cameras swing around, they catch Katherine sitting with her legs hanging over the edge of a rooftop. She's wearing her hair down around her shoulders with a white skirt and a teal shirt that reads 'I Love Intercourse' on the front and on the back it says 'Pennsylvania'. The words are in a light hue of pink that makes it pop. Her focus is on the many people beneath the roof that run around the parking lot. From this distance looking like busy ants. She's barefooted at the moment with her sandals sitting behind her.
Katherine smiles as she clicks a few of her nails on her right hand against the concrete roof. Her eyes lighting up as her thoughts flow through her head.
"Dusty, Dusty, Dusty. Bitch, where do you get off doubting my taste? The first thing that I have for you is a reality check. I never drool over any other chick than Jennah. I said that her stats that Justin rounded off as if he was reading straight from some cue card would make me want to give her a go. That is nothing compared to drooling over someone. You need a serious reality check, Chickie. Which is good cause you'll have one at Extreme in the form of myself first. Then, when you get into trouble with your mouth writing checks that your body won't be in any condition to cash? I'm gonna enjoying overdrafting your account. Cause you're right. I'm not in the same league as any of the women that you're used to being around. I'm that much better than the women that you're used to being around. But as far as fearing you? Why would I?"
Katherine smirks and rolls her eyes as she brushes her hair back to tuck it behind her ear.
"And as for you being one of the best women in SEF, maybe at some point that was a true statement. But ever since I committed myself to this business that's become a lie. You aren't even in the top five from what I've seen. I mean 'please'. You've got me who runs around here telling you all what makes you so boring in your so-called promos and you try to get all catty with me? Then I've seen Lacey carrying around her Television Championship. That's two that are better than you, right there. And you already know that Lacey is better than you can ever hope to be so you cling to her out of fear. As a matter that needs attention the only fear that I've seen flowing out is from you. Everyone else seems to have their houses in order as far as that particular emotion goes. Though some do choose to kiss Mack's ass like that Ares guy. It doesn't matter to me that you want to destroy him or if you want to kiss his ass. I look around here at where the eagles fly up this high and I think that I slightly understand why they choose to do so. Why run around with the cattle, or swim with the fishies, when you can just show them how much above them you really are? You'll learn that very lesson at Extreme specifically. Cause if I don't get to you in the battle royal myself or Jennah doesn't. One or both of us will get our hands on you in that tag match. In other words every word that comes out of your mouth is putting your body in deeper debt. All debts will be completely collected on in just a few measly hours at Extreme."
Katherine looks down at her watch with a smiling expression on her face.
"Tick. Tock. Goes the clock. Where's the mouse gonna run when the Kat comes out to play?"
After saying that, Katherine hoists herself over the edge of the roof. The scene is ended abruptly by the worried camera man who rushes forward to look over the edge. Expecting the worst he has his cell phone in hand but is relieved to see Katherine on the fire escape. She shoots a look up at him with a wink.
Training Grounds.
As the scene finally is set to open, the rules have been laid down to the crew that tapes now.
Katherine stands in her B.O.M.B. ring gear leaning back to back with Jennah who is also in her B.O.M.B. ring gear. The two of them are back to back with their hair flowing down. They stare into the camera each staring with their faces in a serious pose. The crew had to be driven out by Katherine blindfolded in order to go to the training grounds, and will have to be blindfolded again on the way back. They keep the place secret at the request of Katherine's trainer and mentor.
Katherine licks her lips as you can see that both girls trust the other completely leaning against the other and allowing that to be the only thing holding them up.
"Trust. It's what sets a tag team apart from others. It allows you to obtain a victory and rely on your partner without feeling left out. I trust Jennah with my life, my heart, and my career. She is my tag team partner in my career. She is my best friend outside of my career. And she's my lover. In all these ways she has my back. And I have hers. We may be discounted as a tag team because of the in-fighting between the other two teams in our tag match tonight. But at least one of the teams recognizes that mistake. Lacey probably just thinks that she's above us, but that's what I expect from someone who carries a team of divas to make herself feel that way."
Jennah and Katherine both turn to face the camera for a second as Jennah grins.
"B.O.M.B. isn't one diva that carries the other. We are the only REAL tag team here in SEF. The rest of them are all wanna be posers... Yes, WANNA BE POSERS. They aren't good enough to even be called posers. Kat, you and I have something they don't have... and they will never have... we have a connection.. we understand each other..and we won't backstab each other to get to the top. I bet each and every other person here would do it."
Katherine smiles at Jennah. She certainly has her way about things.
"Well, that's why we see eye to eye where most of the others don't. And it's the main reason that we'll be winning that tag team match. We're gonna drop the B.O.M.B. on you girls."
The two smirk at each other before continuing in unison.
"Bisexuals Over Mad Bitches. You can stay mad, but we're over you."
The scene ends there so that the camera crew can be blindfolded and driven back to the SEF arenas.

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KWtop.gif picture by BloodPassion

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