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Cutting to the Chase - Extreme rp 3

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 01, 2023, 08:27:03 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:31/07/2010 1:23 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Cutting to the ChaseTag Match
Battle Royal
World Match
Chris Orton/Dynasty Divas/EveryoneTV Championsorry had no internet for 2 days ... so most likely my last rp ... good luck everyone .. enjoy! :)


The scene opens up on a tight shot of Lacey. She's sitting in a chair dressed in a cut off Dynasty Divas baby tee and a small pair of gym shorts, barefoot. Her hair is damp and it looks like she just got out of the shower. In her hands she holds a sheet of paper. Draped over each arm of the chair is her TV Championship belt and her Tag title respectively. She looks up at the camera and smiles naughtily.

LD: So here we are on the eve of what could be a momentuous Extreme ... one where in theory Shane Mack could give his last ever match.

Lacey looks serious as she nods her head and then her face creases into a smirk.

LD: Yeah right ...

Lacey rolls her eyes.

LD: But anyways ... whatever the situation or outcome it's certainly been an interesting week. In fact I don't think I've ever seen so many people cutting promos for the card this week ... people I didn't even know where in SEF ... hell even the cameraman here has probably cut one!

Lacey laughs.

LD: I've seen most of em and yeah ...

Lacey fakes a yawn as she fans her hand over her mouth.

LD: Same old shit just from new mouths. There are a few standouts, some surprising but most not! The same old faces misunderstanding everyone else, twisting peoples words to suit their own outlook. Ass-kissing to a degree that gives me the shudders, bad-mouthing that makes me smile and a whole heap of bs! See ... same shit, different day!

Lacey sighs and rolls her head from side to side.

LD: So here's the deal ... I thought I would have one final say before I draw a line under this and as someone awesome once told me ... "put up or shut up!". So here goes .... my first match ... the tag match against the pain-in-the-fucking-ass foxes ... or Maegan and Taryn ... firstly quit harping on about how I didn't know who the opponents where last week in the tag match. I knew exactly who Hayden and Jade were facing and in fact if you go back and check my promo through the SEF archives you will see that I don't actually say that Maegan and Taryn were the opponents I just said I couldn't wait to put them in their place! Something me and Dusty will definitely do this week ... so get over it already ... I know I have! And yes, Kat Wylde before you get your panties in a bunch I am fully aware that you and your girlfriend are also in the match .. the reason I didn't mention you is because I don't really give a shit. In fact the only thing I am slighty worried about is if you get too close, you might try to muff dive me, ladies just so you don't suffer too much dissapointment, let me make myself understood. I don't swing that way ... I'm dating the hottest greatest man in SEF as you'll see when he gets back, so keep your sticky fingers to yourself okay?! Get involved, don't get involved .... but know this if you interfere with my plans, step on my toes or get in my way I will beat the living shit out of you both ... clear?

Lacey smiles innocently, the threat blatent.

LD: Oh I know you will ignore what I say but I suggest maybe you pay a little attention because I am more than capable of doing it, doubt me? Check my history honeys. This tag match is about one thing and one thing only ... getting Taryn to scream like a baby and boot her ass into touch and out of SEF! The Fighting Foxes like to brag they got rid of one Dynasty Diva ... well two can play at that game cutie-pies. Stock up on Kleenex Maegan and Gracie girl cos Taryn's gonna need up, but don't get too down cos you'll always get another shot at me and Dusty in the battle royal.

Lacey grins sarcastically.

LD: Yeah like that's gonna help you! I don't really give a shit who's in this battle royal because I intend to cut my way through all of them, yeah even my own stable mates .. hell a world title shot is a world title shot right? But obviously I'm not gunning for them, oh no ... I know that with our tag team win me and Dusty will be painting even bigger bullseyes on our chests but that's just peachy with us. Makes it even easier to eliminate someone who's not focussed ... someone who's driven by rage ... yeah the fugly Foxes ... manky Maegan, good-time-girl Gracie and trash-bag Taryn ... oh wait no Taryn won't be there because I'll have made her tap out and she'll be history ... ooops sorry my bad!

Lacey giggles a little, knowing how much she's winding up the situation.

LD: ... so who else they got helping them out ... cos let's face it they need all the help they can get. Oh wait Ash Silva right ... mmmhmmm ... yeah Maegan's husband right? ... So you won your tag match last week, hope you enjoyed the victory cos this week it ain't gonna happen. Oh you might think you've got a great chance but trust me you won't know whether you're coming or going in this match ... see you and Justin Rodgers might believe you have a numbers advantage but it just ain't gonna play out like that. You know Knox will be coming for you and you think me and Dusty will be all tied up with your three bitches but what happens when we toss their asses like the pieces of garbage they are and team up with Knox? What then Ash ... cos you know Justin's gonna struggle with putting his hands on me ... oh wait, no that came out wrong ...

Lacey laughs.

LD: A few years back Justin had absolutely no problems with that at all ... just a shame he couldn't keep up with me and had to settle for second best but what I mean is Justin always has a hang up about beating up on girls ... it's the inate gentleman in him. Wooah ... did I just pay Justin a compliment ...

Lacey shakes her head.

LD: Must be more tired that I realised ... anyhoo Justin baby ... I know you hate to hurt women so my advice would be ... get out of the ring cos if you don't I will be coming right through you. You think Katana is something in the ring, honey you and I both know deep down that she ain't got nothing on me when I'm in the mood, and if a shot at Shane Mack is on the line then I'm definitely going to be in the mood! Yeah me and Justin ... good times ...

Lacey laughs nastily as she taps her lips and ponders her plans. She looks down at the call sheet in her hand.

LD: So aside from the thorns in our side ... who else we got? ... Cody and Shane Jericho? ... who the fuck? ... are they the brothers that love to fight each other? ... hell I doubt they'll even make it to the arena in time, let alone the ring .. next! ... Oh yeah the dykes ... Kat and Jennah ... well whatever ... I don't mean to be dismissive and I'm sure you'll be aiming at me and Dusty in this match too ... as obviously we'll have beaten you in the tag match but hey ... you're newbies and until you really show me something in the ring ... you know actually put your month where your mouth is ... then i ain't impressed ... ditto Ashlee Madden! Sweet cakes ... you ain't nothing but a trash-talking ex-stripper ... you say you're all that and a bag of chips but I ain't seen nothing from you yet that says you're worth a piss ... so until you prove me wrong, I ain't gonna waste another breath on you! ...

Lacey smirks as she knows that will totally piss Ashley off. Well honey you think you can fuck with people's heads ... hahaha ... watch a real pro do it!

LD: Oh and last but certainly not least ... my last 2 opponents ... Strife and Johnny Camaro. Now I probably shouldn't do this but what the fuck ... Strife is a real contender ... if and only if, he gets his game face on and steps up big time. Our first match he really took me to town, hell he got the win ... but then he disappeared from view and even tho he shows for matches his heads not in the game. I think it's a real shame cos if he gets his shit together then he's something special in the ring ... too bad he's lost his focus.

Lacey shrugs her shoulders in an "oh well" gesture.

LD: And then we have Johnny C ... baby I could say so much about you but you know what ... you paid me some respect in your promo so I guess I educated you a little in our match .. not just in wrestling skills but in life lessons ... never be blinded by a pretty face or a great ass. I expect much better things from you in this battle royal, so I hope you bring your A game.

Lacey smiles and nods her head.

LD: Thing is ... it doesn't really matter a damn who brings what to the battle royal cos come what may ... shit or bust I will be winning the thing and going on to face Shane Mack in the ladder match for his world title. I'm not bragging or bigging myself up but why be modest when you can be honest? ... I know I gave a great account of myself last time I stepped into the ring against Mack and I know I'm better now than I was then. I'm ready for this ... I want this and I'm prepared to do anything and everything to get this shot. Mack wants a challenge ... hell quit looking around and see what's staring you in the face. I never back down and I never step back and that's the gods honest truth.  Yeah I may have skipped a beat a while back but I'm right back on track now and what you have to remember is ... I didn't drop my gold even then because I know what my priorities are and that's becoming the most dominant female in SEF. Yeah there have been females before me who have knocked the ball out of the park ... I see Whitney Marrett's name thrown around here a lot ... me I respect the hell out of what she did but she ain't competing any more and I want to push past her envelope and set new standards. Hell I want to be the name that everyone utters in years to come ... the diva that people set their mark by and if the only way I'm going to do that is by winning 3 straight matches in a row .. then so be it! Bring it on!!

Lacey has a determined look on her face.

LD: Actually everyone's talking about the winners and losers of tonight and what a great opportunity it is ... the winner of the title match could make their career in one night but you want to know what the truth is ... the real winners are the fans of SEF ... because if everyone puts their money where their mouth is like I will ... then tonight's Extreme will be one to remember for a long time. But then again maybe it won't cos I know there are gonna be people who let the side down, whose mouths are writing cheques their ass can't cash to coin a phrase ... plus Shane Mack didn't stay champ just by being a great competitor. Naw he's got a brain too ... see while everyone else is slogging their guts out in one maybe two matches before ... all he's got is his title ladder match. He's a smart mf I'll give him that ... he won't retire until he gets beat for the title and I believe him ... he's more than earned the right to call that shot but you gotta admit it's a smart move ... whoever faces him in the main event will be getting in the ring after a long, hard night of fighting ... as if a straight match with Mack wasn't hard enough ... still if you get that far, you definitely proved you got what it takes and that might just have to be enough ... cos I got this slip right here ...

Lacey holds up a small piece of paper which she fans back and forth.

LD: .. which says that Mack doesn't lose tonight ... and nice though it is to pick up winnings from a bookie ... it will be $500 I'd be happy to lose if I get my hands on that world strap! ... Still I got a feeling in my bones we ain't seen the last of Mack ... nope I think that won't happen for a little while yet ...

Lacey raises her eyebrows at the camera as she winks leaving everyone wondering what the hell she is talking about and what she knows that everyone else doesn't  ....  yet!

Scene fades to black

End of rp 3

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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