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Ash another Extreme rp

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:29:08 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:31/07/2010 2:52 PMCopy HTML

Ash20Silva20banner.png picture by kristinbenoit97

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Ash another extreme rpread it2x former SEF Hardcore champ/multiple master of martial artsBlank 

"The Phantom"
{We open on Ash wearing nothing but MMA shorts and tape on his hands.  He is standing in a ring}

Ash:"There is a reason that I do not like to watch t.v.  All of the drama and the bullshit that gets played.  The only person who seems to make any sense around here that I'm not aligned with is Lacey and Mack.....and I'll be damned if I didn't start getting a miagraine before I even got to Mack's.  Lacey, I've given you credit before and we aren't officially at odds.  You're problems are with the Foxes and if Justin wants to say something about talking about Katana.  Now as for the other people.  Most of the promos blurred into sounding something like the adults talking in an old Peanuts cartoon.  Wahwahmuhwahwawa.  As for Ashlee Madden, you seem to do nothing but try to liken yourself and John-John to Whit and Mack.  You don't know shit about this business or any of your competitors because you have got your heads so far up each others asses that you just think that you walk in here and win a couple matches and you are the greatest thing going.  You have about as much chance of winning the battle royal and your match with Gracie as my 12 year old daughter does at doing something stupid like smacking someone like Lacey in the face and walking away.  Then again the likelyhood of you doing anything but pissing Mack off if you ever in the slimmest of all slim chances that you got a title match with him.  You'd be so busy shaking your ass thinking how great you are that you would never see Da Shows Over coming.  It would probably be Mack's easiest and quickest win ever.  You know people like you make me sick.  You walk in to a place and think I own the whole fucking world.  Nothing is true unless I say it but no one knows you and honestly very few care.  Now as for cops tasing me?  Why would the cops tase me?  I'm not some drunken idiot like you.  Then again with Justin's dad, grandfather, father in law, god-father, etc being either a cop, a Texas Ranger, Texas FBI, Texas DEA, what the fuck ever.   As for the alcohol soaked brain of your's let me set it straight since you want to put your nose into the Foxes and Dynasty Divas problems, Taryn is Maegan and Gracie's aunt.  She is Justin's mother's half sister.  Maegan is the daughter of Justin's Uncle Chris.  Gracie is Justin's half sister from his mom and since this bullshit actually matters to you, Dusty is his half sister from his father.  Anyway, {he looks off in the direction of the girls he just mentioned.  The camera swings to see Maegan working in another ring with Grace & Taryn} the bullshit going does nothing but make my head ache.  Now Ashlee it was you or that other chick Kat that thinks that just because their are two stables in the match that we are going to eliminate ourselves for our team?  What have you been smoking?  You know Knox and Lacey, they are a lot of things that we disagree on but they said it best.  When it comes to a title shot, everyone is all in.  We won't sacrifice ourselves just so Justin is the guy who wins.  I want to face Mack myself.  Even if I don't win, its the experience.  I have never faced Mack before.  It will be the biggest match I've ever had.  I'm hungry for title gold."
The Phantom

Jason6-1.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Phantom" Ash Silva
Weight 235
Height 6'3
Finishing Move Phantom Fate Submission
Trademark Air Phantom
Managing/Dating Maegan Fox-Silva

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