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So some thought I wouldn't show... (W/O code)

Started by Jennah Hembrook, October 01, 2023, 08:39:35 PM

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Jennah Hembrook

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Date Posted:01/08/2010 6:01 AMCopy HTML


OOC: Forgot I couldn't paste from word. This should be easier to read! Sorry folks!

So here I am. In SEF. Most people thought I wouldn't show.. Well here I am. There is no way that I would leave the most gorgeous woman on this planet standing in the ring alone. I walk up and kiss Kathrine.

Kathrine-"And where have you been?"

Jennah-"Around... y'know.."

Kathrine glares at me.

Jennah-"So I decided to make you sweat it awhile.."

Kathrine-"Well, that wasn't very nice."

Jennah-"But am I ever that nice?"

I grab ahold of Kathrine and grab her ass.

Jennah-"How about we go kick some of this..."

I squeeze her ass for emphasis. Jennah turns around and faces the camera.

Jennah-"Now, I hear that some of you were talking shit thinking that I didn't exist. Could my beautiful Kathrine really make up someone this god damn sexy? Yea, I didn't think so.. Keep runnin yo fucking mouths boys.. Because in that ring.. Me and my baby will be un-fuckin-stoppable."

I turn to face Kathrine.

Jennah-"Baby, I know that we're going to work together to take out each and every one of those no-named dickcheeses..But once that is said and done I promise you that I will give you everything I've got and I expect the same from you. But I promise...while your kissing away all my bruises.. I'll be making it up to you as well. I love you" And come our tag match right after... we're going to own it. I promise.. I will give it everything I've got.

Jennah smirks.

Jennah-"I'm not even going to bother shit talking the rest of these people.. What the hell is the point? They aren't worth my time or energy to shit talk them. Plus.. I think my baby right here did a great job of that already"

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