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Better Than All Of You

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 01, 2023, 08:40:38 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:01/08/2010 6:19 AMCopy HTML

The view opens on a podium with a black curtain behind it in a large conference room somewhere. Many fans are gathered with a few reporters and photographers in front and soon we hear music playing, King Of The Hole by Skrew and then from the curtain walks Rick Reynolds sporting a nice expensive suit, no tie and his World Title folded under his right arm. He approaches the podium getting booed with a few cheers and lays the title on the podium, then rests his hands on it and speaks.
Last night I set out to do one thing, accomplish one goal and as all you miserable peons can see I did just that, but now, now I have to defend it tonight on Extreme because of an obligation by SEF for an already booked match, well bullshit!
He garners some boos and just sneers as he continues.
The Ladder match should put off until DOGG DAZE as I only have to defend this title every thirty days and due to my contract with SEF allowing me to only work when I want to, well, your not gonna get the pleasure of seeing me perform like the rest of these parasites, these blind, dumb sheep. I will not break my body for you, I will remain World Champion longer than Shane Mack could ever dream of because unlike him, I will not lower myself to compete with all the nobodies in SEF today!
More boos now and Rick just looks at his title with a smirk, then looks up and says.
There are some decent competitors in this battle royal, but please, all they do is try to prove Mack wrong verbally and can't even do that. Every single one of them from Lacey Daniels to Justin Rodgers to the new chick Kat and every other one of them lies through their teeth to try and get to Mack who brushes them off and owns them physically. But not anymore for I beat Mack, I pinned him...one...two...three. After I hit SIN it was all over for Mack and now its truly all over for you mindless morons inhabiting SEF. The REAL Franchise has proven that moniker to be every bit true and after I own whatever pathetic piece of garbage, of filth is thrown at me tonight I will not be wrestling until DOGG DAZE as I sated before, I don't have to!
He pulls his title up on to his shoulder holding it with his right hand while keeping his left on the podium and says.
This is a new era of SEF for Mack is taking much needed time away to nurse injuries and honestly, I hope he doesn't come back!
And we now hear a reporter ask.
Are you afraid to step back in the ring with him then?
Rick just looks down disgusted and answers with.
Please, grow a brain in that empty head of yours. I hope Mack stays gone for its as Ares said, he needs no more from SEF, but then again, neither do I which is why I am not going to be working anymore than once a month. Now go back to your pathetic, lowly life as this conference is over!
Rick steps back and pats his title with a smirk, then turns and walks back through the curtain as King Of The Hole plays again and the small crowd is booing loudly, then the view slowly fades to black.

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