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Stirring the Pot - Stoking the Fire - Extreme rp 2

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 01, 2023, 09:09:40 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:06/08/2010 9:45 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Hell Hath No Furyvs AresChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/AresTV Championthis should be fun! :)


The scene opens up on Lacey Daniels skipping, her hair piled on top of her head messily, wearing a cut off tee and a tiny pair of skin-tight shorts. Her i-pod is strapped to her left arm as she spins the handles and rope around and around with the obvious ease of someone who's been doing this as part of a routine for a very long time. As the camera pans around you can see the building appears to be a school gym or a warehouse decked out similarly. There are skipping ropes and gym mats for stretching and callisthenics and a big ring set up in the centre of the room. The camera closes in on Lacey again as she stops skipping and tosses the rope to the floor as she wanders over to a mat picking up a towel and wiping the sweat off before setting herself on the floor. She bends and flexes her muscles as she stretches before she finally rolls her head on her shoulders and crosses her legs. She picks up her cell and checks for any missed calls or to see how good the reception is and sighs before putting it back down and grabbing her water bottle and taking a healthy gulp. She presses a button on her i-pod and looks into the camera with a grin on her face.
LD: Well, well, well ... who would've believed it. Big man Ares in a gym working out ... heh so I guess my comments hit a sore spot. Oh you can say that my words don't matter a damn to you but still your actions prove you wrong. After all you weren't exactly training hard in your first promo were you? Nope you figured drinking beer and fighting with your hick friends would be enough of a workout to face me, guess you realised that it would be totally inadequate. Good, I would hate for you to use that as some lame-ass excuse when I beat your ass on Extreme! And I will be beating your ass, have no doubt about it!
Lacey smiles before taking another sip of water.
LD: So now you're living in Eygpt huh ... well somewhere very close to de-nile anyways. I don't delude myself that you are going to be an easy man to beat but I know you can be beaten because if you couldn't then hell you wouldn't be back down at the bottom of the pile after your glorious career at the top of SEF right? So where did it all go wrong Ares? One too many beers after matches maybe? ... Oh no that's right you wanted to start at the bottom again because it was so much fun clawing your way to the top the first time round!
Lacey laughs sarcastically.
LD: Nobody willingly steps down in this business honey, everyone always wants to be at the top of the tree you know that, so obviously somewhere along the line you really dropped the ball eh? ... Which brings me to another question? .. Just curious but why are you so fixated on my TV title when hey, you've been at the top of the mountain winning the SEF World title at Wrestle X no less! You say it's because you've never been the TV champion before and that's why you want it so bad ... .you know what I say? Bullshit!! That's what I say! ... You want my TV title because deep down you know you couldn't compete on the level for the World title, it's beyond you so you'd rather take on a woman because you think it's easier. You look at me and you don't see a real competitor, someone who could actually beat you, you see some little defenceless girlie ... and you have the bare-faced cheek to accuse me of stereo-typing you!
Lacey laughs again.
LD: Honey you are a walking-talking stereotype! Take a good long look in the mirror. I'm not making any snap judgements here ... you drink beer all the time, you frequent red-neck bars and you call everyone "son". You couldn't be more hick if you tried ... you know the saying "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck .. chances are " ... hell all I'm doing is saying what I see. Like me calling you a coward ... you and I both know that what you did was a sneaky back-stabbing gutless thing to do and yet you still try to justify it. Let me think what did you say again ... something about opening your beer to get my attention ... what in the middle of a ring during a live broadcast? Yeah I'm gonna hear that no problem ... not like the crowd's rowdy at SEF is it? ... What else? .. Oh yeah .. because I'm a champ I should be ready to defend my title at any given second .. what even when I've just completed a match in which I already defeated a sanctioned challenger? ... Yeah fresh as a daisy I was .. So my bad, you are so right. After hearing the deafening noise your beer can pop made I should have turned around and been totally ready to defend my title .. irrelevant of the fact that you shouldn't have fucking been there ... simple as! Even if what you say is true ... most people with a microscopic amount of manners would have simply submitted a request to management for a shot at the gold, or even called me out and asked for it. Nope you used the cheapest most low-down way of getting some attention because you knew that I wouldn't hesitate in accepting your challenge to get the chance to get some payback on your scumbag ass! Hell Ares, why bother to go through the proper channels when you can leapfrog all that and just beat down on woman eh? ... ooops sorry no .. naturally you would have done exactly the same if I were a man. Doesn't exactly say much for your moral standing does it?
LD: And please if you could clear something up for me? ... Am I trying to prove I'm a bad-ass bitch that hasn't actually accomplished anything or am I a worthy opponent? .. See you say I haven't done anything and I've never even had a match at Wrestle X? True ... and on a complete side note, have you ever seen a hotter cheerleader, come on you know you haven't?
Lacey giggles as she teases, knowing she's just stirring Ares up even more.
LD: See what I can't figure out is why you contradict yourself so much. You say that you treat me like an equal but then in the same breath you talk down to me by using the word "woman" like it's a cuss! You laugh at my lack of experience but yet in my short time here I have come a long way ... I'm already a champion and no doubt when Wrestle X rolls around in 2011 I'll be having one of the prime slots and you ... well no doubt we can get you a tray to sell your hotdogs from. See I am on my way up and yeah I may have a long way to climb but I'm young and driven and focussed on what I am going to achieve ... and you are trying to climb back up the mountain after sliding all the way to the bottom ... different ways of looking through the same glass sweetie. I'm not taking you lightly and I've been very honest about that ... you however ... well how is the weather in Eypgt again?
Lacey takes another sip of her water as her cell beeps with a text message. She picks up her phone and reads the text and smiles, genuinely pleased by the information. She gets up and walks over to the door and pushes it open and stands there as though waiting for someone or something. The breeze blows the hair that's worked loose away from her face and she closes her eyes whilst she enjoys the cool air.
LD: You know Ares, you harp on about you're not interested in me and hey, you know what I don't really care either way. But what is all this showing yourself off for me ... stripping down to your trunks and trying to get me look at your abs? ... Yeah I don't make you horny at all huh?  .. Anyways ... you do got a beer gut and it does nothing for me honey, I like my men lean and mean. And what is this obsession with my private life, or should I say my man, Chris Orton. You keep on bringing him up like a bad prawn salad that won't stay down. What is your hang up with him anyway? If you've already beaten him once why are you sweating it? .. I think it's because you're trying to prepare for the time when he's going to beat the shit out of you.
Lacey smiles as a car pulls into the parking lot and she raises her hand to wave to whoever's driving.  She turns to face the camera.
LD: Let me ask you .. how does it feel to have me crawling around under your skin Ares? .. Scratching around in that head of yours? ... Oh you can deny it all you want but your words and your actions tell the truth ... you're out training, you're sulking and pouting like a baby about my name calling .. you're distracted by whoever may or may not be coming down to ringside ... hell your focus is all over the place ... right now you don't know whether you're coming or going Ares and it's only gonna get more intense as the time ticks on and our match gets even closer. I know you're gonna shoot your mouth off about how my mind games don't affect you and you're ready and able to take my title but honey ... you and I both know that's nothing but a fantasy in your head! I've gotten to you deeper than you'll ever admit ... I've swung you six ways from Sunday and now you're hanging on my every word and you know what ... that's just the way I like it!
Lacey laughs as she walks away from the doorway and as it swings shut you see the car door open and the outline of a man getting out as Lacey walks towards them.
Is it Chris Orton? Is it Knox O'Bannon? Is it Bret Hart? Or is it someone else entirely?

End of rp 2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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