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Laughing At Lacey

Started by Jake Voss, October 01, 2023, 09:17:12 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:06/08/2010 12:16 PMCopy HTML

The view opens up and we find Ares sitting on the bank of some small river, his pickup parked on the side of the small gravel road just a few feet away and he has a blue and white cooler next to him, a can of Pabst in his left hand and a snarl smirk on his face. He looks up and opens the cooler as he slams down the rest his open beer. He tosses the empty down and grabs two new ones and shuts the cooler. Ares tosses one to the cameraman causing the view to shake a bit as he catches it. Ares cracks his and guzzles some down, then just looks back at the river water flowing rapidly across the stone and sand bottom, not very deep or wide. The view focuses in on him and Ares just keeps looking at the river, wears blue jeans shorts, sneakers, and a black muscle shirt, takes a drink of beer and says.
So here to begin with the cluster fuck of nonsense that Lacey Daniels just recently spewed out of her cum receptacle of a mouth?!
He laughs and guzzles down the rest of his beer, then tosses the can away and grabs a new one from his cooler cracking it open and takes a drink. He still laughs some and now says.
She can go on and on all day and night making up excuses and lies and trying to turn shit around to say I am the one losing focus and letting shit get to me, but it only makes her look like an even bigger joke. I've never denied how I may come off to someone with my fucking presence, in your face and not caring for what the fuck I do. So what if I get labeled a hick or redneck by you or anyone, not the first time and it won't be the last time, but if ya had half a brain Lacey ya would realize I never cared about being labeled anything in the first place. I put you in your place over stereotyping me as what most people expect from a hick which is not what ya get from me. Like I said, don't judge a book by its cover and being caught in my daily work out was just that and so what? Your obviously too dense to have any real fun, too dumb to get what was going on the night I cut a promo, then went and beta the shit out of a few local boys who were looking for just that, a good fucking time. You obviously cannot fathom what happened, so fuck ya. I train my ass for this business, but I have a good time doing it as well. You can claim ya have me right where ya want me, but come Sunday when I am holding that TV Title as my own you'll realize the error of your ways and realize the only liar, the only one to make a mistake in this battle, in this war was you!
He guzzles down some beer and says.
You seem to be the only one hung up on the past cause you can't let go of what I did to you a week and a half ago to even make this war possible between the two of us. Remember that Lacey, I started this, I drew first blood because I knew exactly what it would get me and I got it, its been booked and if you think for one second that I plan to take care of you and Chris if he shows up on my own, uh uh, think again woman...I'll say that again just to get under your skin as I have proven to been doing so good...woman, if your boy toy shows up I got a fucking surprise and a half for him cause this match is staying one on one and I'm gonna rip you part, tear you to shreds and take some gold for myself. My reasons for wanting this title have not been hidden behind any lame ass excuse, no lies uttered from me at all as I say what is on my fucking mind and obviously you can't handle it or you wouldn't have to make up your own version of the truth which results in showcasing yourself as a liar. To each their own, but just to let ya know, that shit don't matter when it comes down to walking out with the TV Title.
He guzzles down the rest of his beer and grabs a new one cracking it open, takes a drink and stand sup now stepping down the bank a little. He unzips and starts taking a leak as we film his back and Ares says.
By the way, your wrong on all your accounts about me, so learn your history of SEF a lot better or don't even both mentioning it cause your lack of knowledge is making you appear more and more like a true rookie. I never dropped a ball in SEF once, hell, my first World Title reign lasted nearly a year before that big fucker Troy Storms finally beat my ass and then I wrestled some more before taking time off, small, nagging injuries and its good to break once in a while, get regrouped. Your version of the truth is far from the actual truth Lacey, your just another piss poor example of some new kid running around here thinking their the shit and not having a clue about anything. Deny it all ya want as ya have been, keep on making up your own story, your own truth because you can't handle THE truth, go ahead Lacey. I'm just gonna keep my ass kicked back enjoying myself immensely until bell time and then all hell explodes and right in your fucking face!
He's done pissing now and zips up, slams down his beer and tosses the empty down. Ares then backs up the hill and drops down to his ass, grabs a new beer and cracks it open. He takes a drink and says.
The only one of us hanging on to the other is you Lacey. You think you got in my head, then ya claim I'm gonna deny it, wow, ya speak nothing original and then ya try to say I'm the one denying shit after I already punked you out about doing just that. So you let yourself get punked out and continue to lie while I continue to prove you wrong on all your accounts of who I am and what I am doing. Focus more on winning and ya may stand a chance against me, but keep on talking yourself into a ditch of lies, suits me just fine whether ya continues your lies or actually speak the truth. Personally I think you're a little boring Lacey, I mean seriously, what exactly is it you do around here, what weight do you pull for SEF? Fuck, you couldn't step to Shane Mack, you couldn't step up and help SEF when needed, you're a joke. I've done more for this company than you have and I will do even more as I got no intention to go nowhere else except back in contention for that World Title. Sure, I could have gotten a World Title match as I said, but I don't abuse my star power to come in and get a World Title shot like some pieces of shit that think their the real franchise of wrestling. I earn what I get just like I earned this TV Title shot by making an impact and getting your attention. You're the one who turned your ass around in that ring when ya heard the beer crack open and you saw me staring your ass down and then in a second you were staring up at the lights just as you will be this Sunday, then I figure I'll crack open a few beers, maybe give ya a bath with them, toast my new title, and slams the rest down my throat before I walk my ass to the back and get ready for a real celebration. Do whatever you have to do Lacey, I said it before and I am saying it again cause your too dense to realize anything it seems, but say whatever and do whatever ya want, but nothing is gonna change the fact that your going into a losing battle. Go ahead, claim I am really being sexist against you, its your lie, tell it how you want to. Who am I to tell you not to lie?
Ares just grins and guzzles down some beer, then says.
I could give a fuck about anything else except for that TV Title and if you have failed to gather than much from me so far, then it is your demise this Sunday, well at least the demise of your TV Title run cause mark my words, mark it on a calendar, as I said, do whatever Lacey, say whatever, your just denying the inevitable and making up lies to cover your own fear of losing what you can't keep. You're a woman who can wrestle good and has enjoyed a nice reign as champion, hell, you may even one day get to call yourself truly dominant in SEF, but your in way over your head right now. Is there time to realize it before I whip your ass and take your title, well, that's up to you woman.
He laughs and says.
So put up or shut up!
He slams down his beer and tosses the empty, then looks over his shoulder and says.
Now scram or shut that thing off and enjoy a beer or two!
Ares turns back looking at the river and grabs a beer from the cooler as the view drops to the ground and we hear a cracking of his beer, then fade to black.

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