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You Better Be Ready

Started by Jake Voss, October 01, 2023, 09:26:13 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:08/08/2010 1:10 PMCopy HTML

The brakes squeal a little and the tires screech as they slide on the pavement some and a black pick up comes to a stop as our camera begins to film catching Ares climb from the truck with a bag in hand and makes his way towards us. A guard comes walking from the arena meeting Ares and says.
Uh, sir, you gotta park in the spaces, I'm gon-
Ares cuts off him with a snarl and says.
Look here son, the keys are in it, go park it yourself and bring me the keys afterwards.
He pulls a twenty from his pocket and hands it over, then heads inside with his bag while the guard goes over to park the truck. We follow Ares into the arena and to his room where he plops the bag down on the floor, spots a cooler of beer and has a seat on a metal chair digging in for a cold beer. Ares cracks it and looks up seeing the camera muttering.
Oh christ!
He slams down probably half the beer and lowers it saying.
Yea, yea, I remember now, want a beer son?
The camera nods yea and Ares tosses him on, the view shaky for a few seconds. Ares downs his beer and grabs a new one, takes a drink and says.
Alright, so Lacey Daniels, looks like you decided shutting up was better than putting up, but the only problem it won't allow you to keep your fucking title. I own you now Lacey and once we step in this ring tonight it only means less time you have to be Television Champion. It don't matter what you try and do, get help from your bitch Dusty or your other bitch Chris, nothing can save your title reign, nothing!
He tosses back some more beer and then says.
Your first real threat to that TV Title and look at you, buckling under the pressure, failing to put away the biggest challenge to that belt you have had yet. By the way, I never said or gave any impression I would win over you easily, I simply stated I would win because I'm not humble about what I believe is going to happen, what I will make happen! Whether I win just barely or dominate your or anyone I face doesn't really fucking matter to me, just as long as I win that fucking belt. If you have had any idea that I won't do anything possible to win, then think again cause it don't matter what I have to do, I will do it as long as it means the TV Title is mine, not yours. I'll wrestle you, fight you, I'll even use so called cheap tactics if I really had to, besides, its not like your any better than I am in that field considering you have shown your willing to win by any means. Its where we think a like because I commend anyone willing to get the job done no matter what, its why I respect Mack above all others and why I hold some respect for you Lacey, well, I respect ya both for other reasons, like you being a woman in this business trying to make it, but make no mistake winch, your ass is getting cut down, woman or not. Like I stated before, your stereotyping of myself proved you do not know who your dealing with for I'll say anything to anyone not caring if its fact or fiction, but simply to say it and get a reaction which works as it did on you!
He kinda smirks and sneers, tosses back the rest of his beer and grabs a fresh one cracking it. He takes a drink and says.
You better be training your ass off woman, you best be hitting hard and fast and get focused on taking me out or else its all over for you, that TV Title starts a new reign with me and I'm gonna show you how a real champion represents what they wear.
A knocking on the door which is cracked open is heard and Ares says.
Come on in, its fucking open.
And in walks the guard from earlier who parked the truck. He tosses Ares his keys and says.
Its on the over in the right row when ya walk out about a dozen cars back.
He turns to leave and Ares stops him asking.
Alright, so ya wanna beer?
The guard just shrugs and says.
Why not?!
Ares tosses him on and says.
Thanks son, now get out and you too son.
He turns to the camera and says.
I got nothing more to say about Lacey, I mean fuck, she's the one in a losing battle here, so woman, either stay shut up and get ready to lose or put up and prove you're a champion.
Ares guzzles down his beer and we back out of the room now shutting the door as Ares reaches for a new beer, then fade to black.

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