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Shane Jericho Is Ready For This

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 12:35:49 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:11/08/2010 1:35 AMCopy HTML

When the scene comes on the air it shows Shane at his house relaxing, and he got this look on his face why his ex girlfriend is even doing here as Brandy walks over to him. They have a stare down, and they get talking.

Brandy Gibson

Why do you always have to give me that look every time I come visit you Shane?

Shane Jericho

Maybe it is cause your my ex girlfriend, and it is bad enough that you are gonna accompany to the ring for my second match in SEF on Extreme facing Maegan Fox, Jennah Hembrook and Ares. I heard what Ares had to say, and I am not about to pay him any attention. As for the other two I am not about to insult them cause it wouldn't be a right for a gentlemen like me, and besides I know I can take it.

Brandy Gibson

Now come on Shane, and they don't know what they are talking about anyway. You need to not let what other people say get to you, and you shouldn't let anything define you either only you can do that. I know we broke up on bad terms, but the truth is that I missed you. I know I made a mistake leaving you like that, and I want to make it right that is why I am here for us to get back together.

Shane Jericho

Alright I will give you another chance, and I missed you as well. Now I need to train for this fatal fourway match, and I will prove all the haters wrong in time as they don't know me or Cody that well anyway. Let them try to bring us down, and we will keep coming back for more. Maegan, Jennah and Ares say whatever you want about me except I am not gonna let you bring me down anymore infact I am not gonna take it anymore. You can run your mouths all you want, but be warned I am not gonna be taking it easy on you three at all during this match. I didn't come here to lose to the three of you either, so this match could go either way.

Shane and Brandy start talking about other stuff, and when the scene comes back on the air that is when Shane will talk more about the match as it goes to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

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