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maegan on Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:40:52 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11/08/2010 10:05 PMCopy HTML

Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Foxy Megan Fox picture by kristinbenoit97
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Maegan on Extreme
vs Jennah vs Shane vs Ares
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
..x.Maegan is lifting weights watching first the Ares and then the Shane Jericho promos replay. 

050806_12.jpg Maegan picture by kristinbenoit97
{{She stops and shakes her head.  She then walks over to the handicam and you can see the volume bars start to increase.  You can now hear that "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace is playing in the background.  She reaches out of camera range for a remote to turn the stereo down a little bit.  She sighs and looks directly into the camera as if she is trying to lock eyes with her opponents}}

Maegan:"First off, Shane {smirk} Jericho, I have until just now never mentioned you or Cody.  I had no reason too.  I had no reason to say anything be it good or bad about either of you.  Chris Jericho trained my aunt....Justin and Gracie's mother.  He also handed my Daddy his very first loss in Japan.  He is like a brother to them as well so maybe I should call him "Uncle Chris."  Be that as it may....I didn't talk bad about you so acting like I went out and bashed you is a lie.  I didn't call you a liar because I do not know Y2J well enough to say that you are not his brothers biologically, legally, or simply like Debbie Malenko that you were given the name because like her she ate, slept, and bled the Malenko wrestling style so much that out of respect that you were allowed to take the name in order to honor your trainer.  So stop lying and act like the whole world is againist you because until you were booked to face me then I would have considered you nothing more than just someone who worked their way up to earning an SEF contract.  As for Jennah?  I could care less about her or her girlfriend.  They have gotten owned more times than I can even count despite the initial impressive showing either of them had againist my family.  As for Ares, {she shakes her head again, then pops her muscles eerily similar to Benoit and laughs} Sorry, that wasn't for you, it was actually for the Jericho boys.  I did that to prove that if you study people long enough that you can learn to emmulate their moves.  Ares, you mentioned I could be your challenge.  {she laughs} You damn right, i'm going to challenge you!  I could care less about your feelings about women because my dad trained me alongside my twin brother and Justin.  I was trained like a man because women who whimper and cry because they got a piledriver or because they broke a nail do not last long in this business.  Wrestling is in my family's blood.  You can tell it by the animosity that our rivals feel for us just as much as the respect we earn as champions.  You wanna know who I've faced and who I've beaten?  To be honest with you my most profilic match is a devastating loss to Whitney Marrett.  That's who I've faced.  Everyone else fails in comparison.  It doesn't matter whether or not I win a hundred matches againist people like Jennah who do not matter in the scheme of things.  At one time I earned the right to get in the ring with Whitney Marrett.  It's a summit that my arch rival wishes to not only attain but over come.  That's the past.  So far, I have won my fair share of matches, four.  It's not a lot but that's just SEF.  I have been wrestling for nine years but its the matches and victories that matter in SEF.  So trust me Ares, when I saw that the next time you see me on SEF t.v. I will have done my homework on you.  In fact, by the time Dogg Daze rolls around I feel confident that I will have earned several victories that will put me in line for a shot at your television title.  The best way to do that I believe would be to defeat you this Sunday, August 15 on Extreme in this non-title fatal four way.  You wanna see just how I can put the petty differences that I have with my step-family aside to focus on this match?  Just watch.  I'll show you everything you think you know I can do and then some."

Heather.jpg Maegan picture by kristinbenoit97
{a determined look crosses her face as she bends down so that the camera is focused on her face}

Maegan:"It will be my pleasure to take the television title off of you Ares.  {she smirks} "Ares, the God of War, the Greek God of War, interesting.  My family was interested in Greek Mythology.  My dad wrestled as Styxx.  My aunt as The Huntress with the double bow and arrow symbol of Artemis. My grandfather, he was Hades.  Hell, even Lucas tried but the moron mixed up the Pantheons.  He went Norse with his own nickname, "Loki."  Once upon a time my brother, Matthew and I wrestled as the tag team "Gemini," {she leans down to show the gemini twins logo} "It is our Astrological sign.  If it came down to it, I'd call Justin Narcissus and if you really get Gracie fired up, she'd be Athena.  {she smiled} Am I annoying you yet, Ares?  {laughs} You do know that your Celtic counterpart is a woman?  The Morrigan?  You threw gender out there as if your truly the dominant person in this match.  Yet, you've never wrestled me.  I haven't been tested this go around and I have three years more experience then I did when I was so humilated in my biggest defeat ever.  I probably couldn't destroy someone like Whitney, but you Ares, I think I could have your number..x..
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