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universal6 star tag team

Waiting For A Challenge

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 12:50:07 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:14/08/2010 3:40 AMCopy HTML

Its early Saturday morning and we see Rob Rocco walking down a hotel hallway dressed in a black triad shirt tucked into blue jeans and he sports an old grey ball cap. He carries a large duffel bag over his left shoulder  and looks to the side at the doors for his with a card in his right hand when he sees the camera up ahead of him. Rob just glances towards the view and looks at the doors potting his and slides the card in opening it up. He steps in holding the door and motions for the cameraman to come on in. Rob lets the door shut and tosses his bag on the bed, then takes a seat in a chair at the small table near a window and leans back sideways in the chair resting his back against the wall. The view is straight on him now and Rob just shows no real emotion and starts talking.

Well I have been paying attention to the asinine comments made by some here in SEF and before I comment personally on it and my match this Sunday, I have a direct message from Rick Reynolds, so to quote my cousin, my blood, my fucking brother, shut the fuck up and you just might learn something!

Rob gets a little intense now and then relays the message.

The Triad works with only three, myself, Thor, and Rick because if your not one of our blood brothers, your out. Now, we'll work with anyone for a greater cause, but on our terms, not to say were not working with anyone, but none of you pathetic nobodies will ever know if we are until we want you to know!

Rob down to a mini fridge pulling out a bottle of water and unscrews the top, takes a drink and caps it setting it on the table. He leans back and says.

Now then, myself and Dusty O'Bannon who I've been told I may possibly be banging, that the whole Triad may be doing just that and well I wouldn't turn that piece of ass, I ain't interested in getting caught up in some sexual drama, plus I got respect for Knox, somewhat that is!

He smirks and then continues.

Johnny all show and no go Camaro teams with some floozy going by Grace Payne. Camaro, you bitched that I assaulted you and now you got a shot to get revenge on me, but is it by trying to score a win or will you simply be out to beat me down instead? Personally, I don't care as either way it will be you who is left down in the gutter where you belong. You're a worthless no good, never was, piece of shit who isn't worthy enough to carry my jock or lace up either of cousins boots. Your pathetic Johnny, your sickening to watch, your all show sloppy ass moves pale in comparison to the true ruthlessness of the R & R. Your trapped in some make believe world where your oblivious to the reality where your truly the scum of the fucking earth!

He just keeps smirking and says.

Grace, your just in the wrong match for if you think for one second your gonna make me tap, that your gonna take me out of this sport, you're a long ways off from having the first clue as to even how to do that considering you don't know shit about me, just what I know about you, not very much. Tomorrow we'll learn a whole lot stepping in that ring and well it seems your big issue is more with Dusty and Johnny with myself, but tag team affair in SEF, who knows what will happen!

He reaches for his water and stands up saying.

Both of you chumps are just fodder in the way of the only lasting legacy, the true great ones of this business, The Triad! If you think for one second that I will have outside help during my match, well then, you just may be right, but you will never know when it will happen, hell, maybe we'll get together and beat one or both of you down backstage. If Rick wants it to happen, he'll make it happen and with myself and Thor helping to make sure it happens, your all fucked!

He takes a drink of water and sets it down, then puts his hands on his hips and smirks arrogantly saying.

Were here to keep that belt within The Triad, all three of us, so picking up a win may look good for contenderships, I got bigger plans than worrying about winning against some lowlife, pathetic morons like the two of you. Johnny and Grace, I think you would be a perfect pair because your both full of shit and complete nobodies who will never amount to shit, so pack it up and go drop off the face of this world cause neither of you belong and I'll expose that tomorrow night myself if I have to. Though Dusty may have a few things to say about you Grace and who knows what she may do to Camaro as well, like I said, who knows what will happen, but one thing for sure, the only for sure constant that will happen, that you can count on is that The Triad will always be triumph ant in the end, bank on it bitches!

He keeps that smirk and lets his hands drop, then says.

Alright, time to go, I got to get some breakfast, then into a gym and well, who knows from there!

He grins and the camera view swings down and around, the cameraman walking out the door and fade to black.

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