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A Return and More (Extreme RP#1)

Started by The Sandman, October 02, 2023, 12:53:55 PM

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The Sandman

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:6
  • Posts:6
  • From:USA 
  • Register:13/08/2010 1:50 AM
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Date Posted:18/08/2010 1:05 AMCopy HTML

A camera cuts on to reveal a shadowy figure standing outside the Joe Riley Stadium in South Carolina. The camera zooms in to reveal that the shadowy figure is none other then Diamond Dogg. Diamond Dogg looks at the camera and then begins to speak...

Well, well, well... how things seem to change. I thought I would never again step foot in SEF, and yet now here I am. I threw my last match here in SEF and then walked the fuck out. As it turned out, The Sandman walked out that night as well. Well... that's all in the past now. Now I'm back... and I intend to resume kicking the ever loving crap out of everyone in this company. I won every match during my last go here in SEF save for drawing in two matches and losing my last. This time, I intend to be even more dominating. This time, I WILL BE the SEF World Heavyweight Champion!

Haha, but first I got a little business to take care of with a certain someone. A certain boy named Ares who who just happens to be the SEF Television Champion. A championship that... by the way will soon be mine. I can't wait to add it to my collection. My collection of title's isn't overtly impressive now, but soon it will be. I once held the GWO Xtreme Championship, and I was the first, last and only SEF Iron Man Champion! As for the Iron Man belt, I still consider myself the reigning champion. So I hope you've enjoyed your pathetic reign as TV champion Ares, because your reign will soon come to an end in just a few short weeks.

Ares, you've already gotten a taste of me on Extreme. Your now one of the many to have had the pleasure of experiencing the Beast Choker. Did you like it Ares? Did it make you all hot and bothered? Did being held in my strong arms and getting choked out make you wet in your panties? I know it got me horny. I just can't wait to slap on the Beast Choker again and choke you out. Only this time, it will be in an official match, and I'll be declared the victor.

Diamond Dogg pauses to collect his thoughts.

Ah but it gets better doesn't it? We have a hardcore match next week don't we? So I can bring florescent light tubes and barbed wire into play. Haha... maybe I'll shove a light tube up your ass and another down your throat. Would you like that Ares? Would that make you feel sexy? I know I'd feel sexy doing that to you. Then after the match, I'll find some fat whore to fuck, and then I'll fuck you too. Would you like that Ares? Would you like to be my little bitch? Would you like to suck the shit and slime from some fat whores ass off my cock and then beg for seconds?

Hahaha... I bet you would. But first I must break you Ares. And I must break you in the ring, before I can break in your back door. Just like your theme song says, I'll rock you like a hurricane. I will show you no mercy, in or outside the ring. It's a hardcore match, and I promise to bring my A game. Hardcore matches are my specialty. I look forward to bleeding you out, and maybe even bleeding in turn. I have always loved a good fight. The things I love most in life is a good fight, my girl Becky... what a sweet and sexy horse she is, crack, chewing tobacco, and raping little pigs like yourself. Can you squeal for me Ares? Will you squeal for daddy? We'll find out soon enough won't we?

Diamond Dogg again pauses...

Diamond Dogg looks hard into the camera, and flashes a sicking evil smile.

See you soon sweetie pie... now cut the fucking camera!

As the camera cuts out, we see Diamond Dogg walk off as the camera fades to black...

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