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Putting Them in Their Place - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 12:57:07 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:19/08/2010 10:26 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Putting Them in Their Place!vs Maegan Fox & Matt MatlockChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Maegan Fox & Matt MatlockTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)kicking it all off ... Lacey's in a real bitch-ass mood today! lol ... good luck k and matt :)


Scene opens with Lacey Daniels sitting on her hotel sofa staring out of the window.

Across her lap is her newly won SEF International title which she strokes as she thinks. A knock on the door disturbs her contemplations as she shakes her head and stands up to answer it. A murmured conversation can be heard as Lacey steps back into the room and a non-descript man follows her in. He's carrying a small brown case which he places down on a table and takes a seat. He pops the case open and holds out his hand to her. Lacey looks down at the belt and has a melancholy look in her eyes as she smoothes her hand across the nameplate which you can see still shows as "Justin Rodgers". Her expression hardens as she passes it across to the engraver who takes the belt and goes about removing the plate.

Mike: You know you really should've gotten this done earlier.
Lacey frowns at him and puts her hands on her hips.
LD: Excuse me?!
The man looks at her with a newfound respect in his eyes as he realises that he just talked down to one of the most intimidating divas on the SEF roster, no-one does that to Lacey and gets away with it.
Mike: Oh uh what I meant was ...
Lacey interrupts him.
LD: I could give a flying fuck what you meant sweetcakes ... just get the job done already! You're lucky I let you into my room instead of making you wait until next weeks Extreme!
Mike nods his head quickly agreeing and starts to work a little faster.
Lacey smiles at his increased speed and turns and walks back to the sofa. She flops down and picks up the call sheet for Extreme and smirks to herself.
LD: So a triple threat match against some no-mark called Matt Matlock and my greatest detractor, Maegan Fox! That girl has gotten on my last nerve and after her screwing me out of a shot at Justin again, she's way overdue for a serious ass-kicking! Yeah I know it was to give her lame-ass husband a shot at becoming the No 1 Contender and facing Rick Reynolds for the world title at Dogg Daze but it also screwed over her beloved cousin Justin Rodgers. Maegan best decide exactly where her loyalties lie and do it soon or everyone could turn on her and she'd be left all on her lonesome ... aww poor little Maegan!
Lacey laughs as she thinks about everyone deserting Maegan.
LD: See the thing is me and Maegan go a long way back, further back than I care to mention and back in the day, well we used to be friends at one point. But that all changed because when I could have really done with a good friend Maegan turned her back on me, oh you can deny it Maegan but you did and now you have to live with the consequences and I know that it sticks in your throat ... well I hope you choke on it because that's all you deserve. You're nothing but a hypocrite and a liar. You preach about family values and loyalty ... decency and morals ... doing the right thing and then you go do exactly the exact opposite as long as it serves your purpose! What amazes me is that you accuse me of being a liar and a cheat, someone with no morals, someone who will do anything to achieve her goals and get what she wants and really all you're doing is describing yourself. At least I'm honest about who and what I am ... I'll tell you if I'm going to come after you. If you have something I want I'll hunt you down and hurt you in any way I can to take it off you and I would never say any different. You might not like who I am or the way I go about things but you can never say I lied about it and that's the real truth of the matter.
Lacey smirks as she reaches down to pick up her water bottle and takes a sip.
LD: You can try to show me to be lying about what you're really like but your actions speak for you. Take last week for example ... you just had to come running out during my match against J didn't you? Had to stick your big oar in, even though you were spouting off about how he was more than capable of defeating me all by himself. Yeah you came running down to ringside but unlucky for you cos my girl Dusty was already there and dealt with your sorry ass. And for all your interference it didn't make a damn bit of difference because I still pinned Justin's fine ass for the 1..2..3 and took what I wanted ... the International title! So what did you do in retaliation ... you brought your sad self into the ring and took your bad mood out on me ... oh yeah big girl putting me in the Fighting Fox when I'd just gone a full match against your hard-ass cousin ... yeah take a lot of courage that does!
Lacey snorts as she shakes her head in disgust.
LD: Why don't you grow yourself a pair Maegan and stand up and be counted huh? .. Guess that would be asking too much! And then if that wasn't enough ... you interjected yourself on your husbands behalf later on in the Main Event. Oh yeah you must have been really worried about his chances of winning and so desperate to give him any kind of hope that you had to drag me from the ring. Says a lot about your confidence in his ability I must say ... at least you didn't actually try to help J out in the ring. But your husband well ... different ball game eh hun? What's the matter Maegan just cos you won some meaningless fourway match earlier on you suddenly think you're something special? ... Please sweetie as if!! .. In fact the only even mildly entertaining thing about that match was watching you get Atom Bombed big time by Ares! .. Yeah that was funny as hell but everything else about that match was boring as hell, I'd have had more fun watching paint dry. That's why you don't get over with the fans babe ... because you've got no personality. You're as dull as ditchwater and everyone can see it ... there ain't nothing special about you and deep down you know it. The only thing you got going for you is your name ... is that why you haven't taken your husbands? ...
Lacey puts a finger to her lips as though thinking, a la Dr Evil in Austin Powers and then she breaks out laughing.
LD: You have to stay as part of the group, you daren't break out because you know you'd disappear off every known wrestling radar within 2 seconds flat! .. Oh poor little Maegan ... now I get it ...
Lacey snaps her fingers as she thought realising something.
LD: This feud with me is your way of getting attention! .. Gawd why didn't I see it before? .. Of course if I was as boring as you then I'd try to hitch my wagon to the brightest star around too! ... See this way people will actually notice you ... well okay only for as long as you're actually in the ring with me but still some little bit of attention is better than none right? .. I mean how cut up must you have been when your beloved cousin turned away from you, neglected you, starved you of attention so he could devote all his time to me? ... Yeah I can see why you hold such a grudge against me now ... god I thought it was because of the past and everything to do with what happened with Justin but now I really see it ... you're jealous of me! Oh My God ... how could I have missed it ... I mean, okay so a lot of people are jealous of me but you, naw it goes deeper than that right? ... You're not just jealous of what I have, who I am or all the wonderful things I've achieved in my career, nope that's not enough for you is it? ... The truth Maegan ... the real truth is ...
Lacey leans closer and lowers her voice.
LD: ... you want to be me don't you? ... You want my career, you want my spotlight, you want the talent and ability, you want the backing and believe from a legend ... you wish you were enough to get with someone like Chris Orton instead of settling for someone like Ash Silva ... you want that special place in your cousin's heart and it just eats you up to see that have all that and more ... oh Maegan I thought you deserved some sympathy before but now I know exactly what drives you I feel ... I feel ...
Lacey laughs.
LD: I feel nothing but pity for you! You sad loser!! You wannabe!! You walking, talking tragedy ... you know what ... this week on Extreme I am going to do you the biggest favour anyone ever did you and that is ... put you out of your misery! .. Yeah I'm going to give you the same present I did Taryn ... I'm going to fuck you over so bad you'll never want to show your face in SEF again ... hell you'll probably retire and get knocked up like Justin's sad-ass wife. Hell why don't you do that ... then you can both sit at home and whine to each other about what a complete and utter bitch I am ... whilst I live out the dream that neither of you had the balls or the talent to have!
Lacey takes a swig of water as she laughs.
LD: Yeah Maegan ... do that cos after Extreme you sure as shit ain't gonna be in no fit state to do anything else. No-one ... and I mean no-one fucks with me and gets away with it ... you stuck your nose where it didn't belong little girl and now I'm going to take great pleasure in making you pay for each and every liberty you have taken with me. Have no doubt in your mind that I will make you pay and Matlock ... yeah you ... you little punk-ass no-name, if you get in my way I will take you out too! Make no mistake Lacey Daniels is on her way up and no talentless bimbo wannabe or some worthless second-time-round cos he couldn't get it down first time jabroni is going to stand in my way ... my time is coming and you both are nothing but stepping stones in my path! And you know what I always say ...
Lacey smirks at the camera as she's pauses as Mike holds out her the International strap.  She rolls her eyes in annoyance as she snatches it out of his hands. She opens her mouth to speak again and he holds out his right hand.  She turns her head to look at him and gives him a glare as she looks down at what he's holding.
Mike: Just wanted to know if you wanted done with this?
Lacey looks at the nameplate with "Justin Rodgers" on it and her eyes narrow. She carefully picks it up out of his hand and smiles at him.
LD: Oh I think I'll hang on to this for now ...
Mike smiles back at her and her smile turns to a snarl.
LD: Now get the hell out of here!!
A lacey stand up as Mike gets back to the table, chucks everything into his case, snaps it shut and hurries out of the room and closes the door with slam. Lacey laughs out loud as she swings her belt over her shoulder and tosses the nameplate in the air and walks out of shot.
Fade to black

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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