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You Will Tap! (Extreme RP#3)

Started by The Sandman, October 02, 2023, 03:46:25 PM

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The Sandman

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:6
  • Posts:6
  • From:USA 
  • Register:13/08/2010 1:50 AM
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Date Posted:20/08/2010 2:36 PMCopy HTML

A camera opens up to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg. His forehead is bandaged up and he looks pissed.

First off, let's get the record straight. I am NO COCKSUCKER! I get MY cock sucked my bitches like yourself. Whether they be man or woman makes no difference to me. Next, you say you'll shove a cheese grater up my ass? Sorry to tell you Ares, but it will neither fit, nor am I into that kind of stuff. When it comes to sex, I'm the giver, unless it's a woman and she's whipping me or banging me in the ass with a strap-on. I don't take from males. Especially little fuck pigs like yourself.

As for me walking out of the company, I did so because A, I was disgruntled with the new direction being taken by the company. And B, after a bullshit call when caused me to to draw with another wrestler, my International Championship was stripped from me and split in half, and I was given what I felt was the lesser of the two belts; the European Championship. So yeah, I think I was perfectly justified in walking out of SEF or as it was then called for a while, EFNW or something like that.

Diamond Dogg pauses to collect his thoughts...

You call me a light weight? I don't drink beer like you do. Beer is a weak and vile drink in my opinion, and for pussy boys like yourself. I only drink Wild Turkey and Everclear. 101 and 190 proof respectively. So don't you dare call me a light weight. I often mix them together too. So no, I am certainly no light weight. I can and will drink you under the table any day of the week.

You keep telling me that you won't tap. You keep saying that nobody has ever or will ever make you tap. But I got news for you my little cream puff. There's a first time for everything. And smart money says I'll make you tap. I'm coming for you. I'm coming for your blood, your championship, your virginity, your sanity and your soul. And you can't stop me. I WILL MAKE YOU TAP! I WILL! Nothing will stop me from taking what I want. I promise you will tap or I will leave this company again. I promise you!

But you are right about one thing. Name calling doesn't win matches. But you acting hard and invincible doesn't win matches either. Arrogantly proclaiming that your unbreakable and can't be tapped out won't win you the match. It's always the smallest dogs who bark the loudest, and so far... you've been barking very loudly. The truth is, you see me for what I am. A predator, pure and simple. And you fear me and what I can and will do to you. I on the other hand am well aware of my faults. But I am certain I will win this coming Extreme. Why? Because as I said, if not, I'll leave. Not only are Hardcore matches my specialty, but I'm also hungry for your blood and championship gold. I simply have more to gain then you do. All you have to gain by winning is keeping that sweet virginal pussy of yours intact and un-stretched.

Diamond Dogg pauses again.

Oh wait, your also right about one other thing. I do try to make people sick and fuck with their minds. I'm great at mind fucks. But what is so scary about me is that what I say and do isn't all just an act. That's what so scary about me. The fact that I take the real me and project it towards others like yourself. It's scary because it seems impossible for people like you to believe that I guy like me could really exist. You really don't have any idea as to the depth of my depravity and savagery. I doubt anyone can ever really understand. But you will get a much larger taste then what you've gotten already; come this week on Extreme.

You say you'll beat me down, you say you'll have me begging for mercy, you say that I'm the real bitch and just a joke. But I promise you, that it is you who shall receive no mercy, and you'll soon find out that the joke is really on you.

End promo!

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