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Gracie's third extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:51:35 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/08/2010 6:57 PMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
Gracie20Fox20Payne2020Banner.jpg Gracie Payne picture by pegasusfeds10
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{{The view comes into focus with clothes being tossed from the closet to the bed.  Gracie walks from the closet in a white button down that comes to just above her knees.  She glances up and shakes her head}}
Gracie:"Why are you being such a perv?  Just because the door was open didn't mean come in and turn a camera on!  {the camera crosses in front of a mirror, showing that its Rage} "My dad is going to kill you and I'm not so sure that I shouldn't.  {she stops and turns toward him} "I know that you prefer brunettes.  I also know that Dusty sent Justin a package claiming it was from Lacey.  I also know that you spent some alone time with the magazine.  So I figure that you are here because my Daddy believes that I need a bodyguard and would consider Kat or your dad as an intrusion.  I know what you studied in school, do you think I'm stupid?  I don't have time for any of this subterfuge crap that you are trying to fuel.  JC and I have to destroy Knox and Dusty tonight no matter what emotional state they are in.  I am sorry that Mr. Akbar died.  He was a legend in this business that I didn't have much interaction with, but life goes on.  I had to mourn on the road when my aunt and uncle died.  The world doesn't stop when a wrestler dies.  The earth would be at a standstill if it did stop everytime a wrestler died.  At least, in this instance, and that of Mr. Smith, when old man Grizzly died a few weeks ago, that it was old age and cancer that took them.  Sad to say that even though they are legends and in Griz's case, he fathered notorious wrestlers, even if they are not legends themselves, that they will not get the headlines that deaths of younger wrestlers like Garrison Cade garner.  Only the tragic and detrimental to the sport get the major headlines or the major journalists like Nancy Grace, Larry King, and Anderson Cooper paying them any attention.  So tonight, I hope Camaro is ready because I'm not going to stop until either Knox or Dusty are tapping out.  Destroying Dusty has been a life long dream and even if this is not a one on one match that I have always longed for then it will briefly have to do.  IF it is not schedule for a single's match at Dogg Daze I will have to go to Sly and request one.  The war between us will never be over Dusty, but at least a pay per view match full of torture for both of us will end this chapter in our story.  You will never be my sister no matter what the state of Texas or MY mother says.  Tonight I will show you what my mother's daughter is truly capable of."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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