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Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 03:55:12 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:27/08/2010 12:05 AMCopy HTML

The view shows the penthouse suite of some fancy hotel in Washington D.C. and we see Rick Reynolds on the balcony wearing a casual as he usually is. He leans back with his arms out along the rail of the balcony staring straight into camera. His hair tied back and a slick smirk on his face, the bright lights of the nations capitol cast into the night sky and Rick says.
So Justin Rodgers, you believe that I'm in trouble, that you and your cronies have me where you want me, that your some kind of threat to my well being?
He sneers disgustingly and says.
You think I don't know I am dealing with, that this match is set up for you to walk in and win the World Heavyweight Championship, well think again Justin. Hell, the only reason your in this match is because I allowed you to move past that even bigger piece of shit Ash Silva and if he thinks of trying to get revenge on me, well, there will be a cell enclosed around you and I, plus I have my insurance and I made sure to have full coverage going into this match!
He gets a big grin, pauses and moves his arms in front of himself folding them loosely saying.
All that you know is nothing compared to the knowledge I have of this business. Your hero worship to your nobody father is pathetic because he like you is a complete nobody. All you can do is drop names of stars who have made it in this business, none of which you are related to or even know that well. You're a joke Justin, you try to lay claim to other people's star power. Go ahead, try to claim your out on your own, that your establishing your own legacy, but you'll be a liar flat out, just like your whole family. Your in this match because SEF has no better competition for me, I have none at all and as I have said all along, I should not be forced to compete when no one here has what it takes to challenge me, so this Sunday when we are locked in that ring!
He smirks deviously now, gets a sinister smirk forming and says.
I will tear you apart boy! You want namedropping, Shane Mack, as I said before, he trained me and he was beaten by me just a month ago and you, please, you can't lace his boots or shine mine! You think your some great wrestler, you think you know submission wrestling, you think you can go extreme, you have no idea the level of wrestling your about to enter into when you step into the DOGG Fight with me. I'll wrap you up, tie you into a pretzel, make you scream and cry begging for mercy and showing not one bit of it. Your gonna tap out more than once Sunday and when the match is over I will proved why you never deserved to be in there to begin with.
He pauses, his smirk gone as he sneers some and says.
You may try to claim I'll be the one tapping, that I'll give up, but your simply wrong and I can prove that Sunday. You cannot prove me wrong Justin for your inferior to me in every way imaginable. You live in the past, many do here in SEF. You think your some kind of prodigy destined for greatness, but look at you, you're a joke. The International Title which you supposedly fought so valiantly for which in fact you beat a no name never was jack off who barely showed up called Knighthawk, you got lucky in winning that title and then lost to Lacey Daniels. Now I admit, she is better than you and I'll even say she has some talent, but not near enough to last in the ring against a true wrestling specimen such as myself. Your both two peas in a pod when it comes to namedropping and don't even know the names you drop. She's as much of a member of the Hart family as you are the Benoit family, your both wannabes, posers who try to attach yourself to someone else's legacy and ruin any chance you have of creating your own. You want to be somebody, then grow up kid, step out of the shadows, you too Lacey, and many more in SEF, get up or get out!
Rick pauses and looks serious, then says.
I'm far smarter than any of you in SEF, especially you Justin, I have more talent in my little finger than you possess in that entire fake body of yours. I am the ultimate wrestler, the pure package that is untouchable and no doubt about it, I am the greatest World Heavyweight Champion in SEF history. I will be walking out without breaking a sweat Sunday because your not worth it. Why don't you just pack up and move back down to your trailer park, beat your wife daily after she pops out a few kids that are even dumber than you if possible and just rot in hell you pathetic, lowlife, never was, nobody, never gonna amount to shit jobber!
Rick lets his arms down and sneers some as he says.
Your going into a losing battle and you have no idea the pain and punishment awaiting you in that DOGG Fight, you literally don't have a clue. Go do all the research you want Justin, but until you have competed in that match, your fucking clueless son. I know this match far better than you think I do for not only have I competed in it, but like I said I trained under Mack and he invented the fucking match. I am his prize pupil, I surpassed the teacher long ago and stomped him into nothing, now it time to show all you pathetic pieces of shit in SEF that the fun times Shane Mack gave you all are definitely over! He offered opportunity after opportunity, he strived to help you all make it to the World Title where as I am simply going to do everything I can to make sure every single one of you never get to touch my belt. I don't care what it takes, I will do it and I will be sitting on top of SEF for years to come. Your fucked Justin, your done, your gonna lose, but regardless of how many times I make you scream and cry tapping like the bitch you are, your gonna have to suffer through one hour of the worst beating you have ever felt. Any discipline you ever had from your father or anyone training you will pale in comparison to the beating you receive at my hands. I'm not trying to help you Justin, I simply want you hurt, I want to know that when you face me your never gonna know if its your last match or not. I'll make you go home to the trailer park and want to beat your wife from getting beaten so badly from me that you'll never be cleared to step in another wrestling ring again. I want you to realize that your clueless about pretty much everything, ignorant about reality, you just don't get it Justin and you'll never get the World Title, so maybe you should just stop trying to get up and get out!?!
Rick steps forward now and walks by the camera into his room nodding to us and so the view is of the floor before fading to black.

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