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Gracie talks to her mother

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:57:51 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:27/08/2010 5:47 PMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
Gracie20Fox20Payne2020Banner.jpg Gracie Payne picture by pegasusfeds10
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{Gracie walks through the lobby of a huge corporation.  She gets on the elevator and a few minutes later the doors open on a bustling office.  A few people call out to her.  One is her aunt Taryn who is dressed in jeans and a Manchester United soccer jersey.  Another blond is with her and she is wearing an LSU jersey dress.  Gracie frowns and looks down at her own clothes: tailored black Armani business suit, white silk blouse, and black Jimmy Choo Stilletos.  She looks around and even her mom who is being interviewed by someone from the NFL is dressed down.  Her blond hair is pulled back in down loose to her shoulders, she's wearing a white buttoned down shirt that Gracie couldn't even imagine who the designer might be, and a pair of Tommy Jeans. 
The main and probably the only piece of true couture that her mother is wearing is the Christian Leboutin boots with the lift in the soles to make her look taller than her 5'6.  Once the interview is over the blond in the LSU jersey dress brings her a bottle of Kentwood water.  She takes a sip and comes over.  The blond begins to rattle off a to do list.}}

"It can wait or you can get Andrea to take care of it.  {she starts to complain} "Danika, what did I tell you?"
{She grumbles and then turns away}
Gracie:"Thanks Mom.  I really do need to talk to you."
Kristin:"Taryn, issue the statements just like we discussed."
{Grace follows her mom to her expansive office.  Instead of going to sit behind the huge Onyx and Marble desk, she leads Gracie over to a sitting area in a modern style littered with coffee memorabilla and a hodgepodge collage of her kids from child hood to now.  Gracie is to agitated to sit down.  She paces back and forth}
Katie_business_slim.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
Kristin:"So you said you wanted to talk about some guy?"
{Gracie flushed}
Gracie:"Sort of.  See this guy Matlock I think said I did everything but {she cringes} except...."
Kristin:"I know."
{Gracie exhaled relieved that she didn't have to say it.}
Gracie:"SO JC attacked him on my behalf but he doesn't...."
{Kristin raises an eyebrow}
Kristin:"You tried Kayla's way and are afraid to ask Ana, {Gracie nods}  "I think that he just isn't interested in you that way.  He's going to have your back because he respects you and he's friends with Justin."
Gracie:"Are you sure that you are not just trying to advocate Rage's cause?"
Kristin:"No.  If he liked you as much as everyone keeps teasing you that he does, he really is to afraid of your Daddy to really say anything."
{Gracie frowns}
Gracie:"Then he really doesn't like me as much as everyone claims."
Kristin:"I didn't say that.  Being afraid of Johnny Payne is a smart thing for these boys who grew up around him.  Justin still fears him and he's a grown man.  {Gracie grins} If he was smart, getting Justin to stop giving him a hard time would go a long way with his being serious."
Gracie:"I just don't know what to do."
Kristin:"I think that you need to work out with Maegan and Ash.  Get on the same page or..."
{Kristin stops talking...}
Gracie:"I know.  Dusty and her team are pulling every trick in the book to try to beat us."
Kristin:"The miscommunication between you and Camaro was because you were trying to flirt with him before hand and it distracted you both."
{Gracie sighs}
Gracie:"I know you and Kayla hate each other...."
Kristin:"And do you see why?  You pulled a Kayla to try to get Camaro and it backfired.  It also caused problem as a team because he didn't want to train with you because he didn't want to lead you on.  Did your dad ever marry Kayla?"
Kristin:"Who did he marry?"
{Gracie sighed}
Gracie:"The ones who used brains and talent rather than prostituting yourself to him."
Kristin:"Seperately, we both have been married for almost seventeen years to people who understand us.  {Gracie frowns} "No, I'm not advocating marriage to you but you have to figure out where your head is.  Do you want to wrestle or do you want to be someone's arm candy, therby giving your step-sister and brother-in-law something to hold over your head for the rest of your life?"
Gracie:"I want to be the first women's champion."
Kristin:"You face Justin for the world title in a couple of weeks and I gurantee that your entire family will be there."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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